At this time, a clear cry sounded from the distance.

Seeing that Zhao Yuan had completely given up his defense and was fighting desperately, Lu Xuan thought to himself, "If I fight desperately, even if I kill the other side in the end, both sides will suffer. That Zhuo Lin is not a hood guy. His strength is far above mine. If I kill these two people, won't it he bad for him to turn around and deal with me?"

Therefore, Lu Xuan used the Wind Chasing Steps to dodge. He didn't face the attack head-on. Only when the opponent performed the swordsmanship without Primordial Qi fluctuation could he fight back.

After 15 minutes, Zhao Lin finally knocked his opponent to the ground. Then he rushed over like a leopard and attacked Zhan Yuan from the back.

Zhan Yuan left Lu Xuan behind in panic and turned around to fight the enemy. He took the opportunity to retreat to the side and rushed to Zhan Yuan's seriously injured companion. He killed him in pain and took out his cultivation and Life-Soul to refine it.

"Damn you brat, I will tear you into pieces later," Zhuo Lin was extremely angry when he saw that Lu Xuan had killed his captive and had even taken away all the good things. His attacks were even more vicious.

"Zhulin, I will die with you!" Zhan Caohul's companion was dead, but Zhuo Lin was ruthless. He knew that the other party was going to kill him, so he released all the vital force in his Aperture acupoints.

With a loud roar, his whole body was like a burning fireball, and he quickly rushed to Zhuo Lin.

" Hehe, you want to die with me? Do you have the ability to do that?" Zhuo Lin sneered disdainfully. He took out a bowl shaped Taoist instrument and threw it at Zhan Yuan.

The Taoist instrument was rapidly enlarged in mid-air, about five or six feet in size, and fell upside down. This was a Rank 7 Taoist instrument, which was very powerful. If it was sealed inside, even if Zhan Yuan exploded himself, he could not hurt it at all let alone hurt Zhuo Lin.

At this moment, a figure rushed over like lightning and hit the bowl-shaped Taoist instrument with hie palk, sending it flying.

" Damn you little bastard, how dare you!" Zhuo Lin's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. Blue veins stood out on his forehead as he roared. He wished he could tear Lu Xuan to shreds.

But fore he had time to grab the returned device, Zhan Yuan had already rushed to him, which scared him out of his wits. He hurriedly rolled to the side.

With a bang, Zhan Yuan's whole body exploded into countless pieces of foam. Although Zhuo Lin was not in danger, he was blown away by the terrible aftermath and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. He was seriously injured.

" Well, you dare to scheme against me. This time, even if the Mikado comes, he can't save you. I'm going to grind your bones into ashes. "

Zhuo Lin, covered in blood, stared at Lu Xuan and said in a gloomy voice.

He had always been treated like a heaven warping child and was incomparably arrogant. He had never been in such a sorry state before, yet now, he was being schemed against by a fourth level precious body, almost losing his life, his lungs about to explode from anger.

" Hey hey, why don't I dare to plot against you? Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. If I don't take action first, I will die in the end. "

" Do you mean that my millions will die now?" Zhao Lin laughed in extreme anger. " He is just a good-for-nothing in the Fourth-fold Heaven. How dare he try to kill me?"

"Do you think you're still my match?"

"Even if I'm injured, I can still squeeze you to death like an ant."

Zhuo Lin no longer talked nonsense. He suddenly pounced on Lu Xuan like a mad tiger, roaring and attacking. The palm shadow was like a knife, instantly drowning Lu Xuan.

"Illusory Devil Life-taking Sword!" Lu Xuan kept retreating and spat out a few words that were barely audible.

Then, he disappeared into thin air.

Zhuo Lin felt that his palm was scattered by something. The next moment, there was an itch between his eyebrows, as if warm drops of water were dripping down.

" You..."His eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his looked straight at Lu Xuan. He couldn't believe that he was killed in one move by the trash he looked down on.

Before his consciousness completely peeled off, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, which was pierced through by a blunt object. Looking down, he saw that Lu Xuan's hand was inserted into his body, and all his yuan qi was madly extracted.

After refining the wig, Zhuo Lin, and another sixth level treasure body expert, Lu Xuan's cultivation had nearly doubled. There was a faint sign that he was about to break through again.

However, he deliberately suppressed it, so he had to consolidate his current realms first. Otherwise, if he continued to break through like this, he would immediately be possessed by the devil.

There was a lot of good things in Zhuo Lin's storage bag. There were more than a dozen spiritual herbs of more than a hundred years, such as blood ginseng, purple Ganoderma, blood-burning lantern, soul-gathering grass, and so on. There were also a few spirit pills for healing, as well as the jade bowl for the eighth-level Taoist instrument, which was very profitable.

" Hehe, now I'm also a man with a small family. I'm no longer poor." Lu Xuan grinned happily. These days, he had collected a lot of good things. He took them all to pawn. It was definitely a big fortune.

" Just now, your Phantom Devil Killing Sword was performed for the first time. Its power was not bad, but there were many aspects that needed to be improved. " Elder Long pointed out the flaws of Lu Xuan's previous move. " If the other party was not injured, you would not be able to kill him in one shot."

Lu Xuan nodded. " I will strengthen the cultivation of this killer move in the future. "

Along the way, he did not encounter any more obstacles. The whole cave was winding and winding, as if there was no end. He felt that this cave seemed to lead to the bottom of the earth. He did not know how long he had walked to the end.

This was a huge cave with a radius of half kilometer. There were many decorations, stone tables and stone stools, as well as a lotus pond. There was a house beside the pond, but it was covered with dust everywhere. It did not seem like there was anyone living here.

" Hey, these footprints?" Lu Xuan followed the footprints on the ground and turned around the house. He saw a human-shaped long and narrow entrance on the back of the mountain wall, which was covered by smoke.

" Let's go in and take a look." The ancient demonic soul urged. " I feel that there is a huge demonic aura inside. Maybe the demonic soul is inside. "

Lu Xuan carefully passed through the smoke curtain. The next moment, the scene in front of him changed greatly. He actually appeared in a vast and strange space.

No one knew how large this space was. Mountains rose and fell, and trees reached into the sky. From time to time, smoke and dust could be seen rolling up in the forest, and huge demonic beast were running after them.

" Hahahahaha, this is a paradise, Lu Xuan. Do you know that many immortals can't cultivate their own Heavens? It can be seen that the owner of this place was definitely a demonic hero with great magic power when he was alive, and he wouldn't be weaker than me when u was in my prime. If he died, you could find his fate soul to merge with. In the future, he would become extraordinary, and he would definitely be an overlord of a region."

Lu Xuan was also extremely excited. The Grotto-heaven was a figure with great magic power that could be cultivated. As far as the eyes could see, there was no end to this Heaven. It could be imagined how terrifying the person with such a Grotto-heaven was when he was alive.

Even if he wasn't an Immortal King, there wasn't much difference. Only such a peerless Demon Kings Life-Soul was worthy of being fused with him!

" Senior, do you have any method to quickly find the location of his fare souls?" Lu Xuan asked the Ancient Demonic Soul.

He knew that there were already many people who entered this place before him. His chances of success were very slim.

"You can try the method I taught you before, but don't hold too much hope. After all, the person who has this heavenly passage has a Life Soul that is definitely not simple. It is very difficult to track him down."

Lu Xuan used the search method of the Ancient Demonic Soul Sect to search the surroundings, but found nothing. At this time, a clear cry sounded from the distance. It seemed weak, but it came from far and far away, lasting for a long time.

" On the snow mountain in the north!" Lu Xuan had a wonderful premonition. He immediately performed the Sky-splitting Roc and ran toward the mountain in the north like lightning.