A terrible knife power gushed out like a dragon dancing and a snake dancing, it cut several people into two pieces.

There were more than 30 young men and women in the valley. They wore the same clothes, and their cultivations were different. The strongest ones were at the first level of the Divine Palace, and the weakest were at the fifth or sixth level of the Spiritual Meridian.

After they returned to the canyon, the leader of the men shouted, "How's it going?"

"Senior Brother Xiao, that guy promised to fight after we gather all our men."

"Hahaha, there is such a fool in the world, Humph, let him wait slowly.

Let's find a place to hide first. When the passage of the secret region is opened, he will die when he returns to the human world."

"All of you should remember, Return to the Black Rock Sect and tell them that Mo Xun and Zhao Fan have been killed by the Little Demon King. We will not allow the enemy to retreat. At that time, the sect leader will be furious and will definitely dispatch a large number of strong people to kill the other party's entire clan. Hee hee."

"Senior Brother Xiao is really brilliant. The Little Demon King even killed Zhao Fan. I heard that there are two strong people around him. All of us together are no match for him. If we accept the challenge, we are looking for death. However, no matter how powerful he is, he can't compete with our Black Rock Sect. Once we get out of the Secret region, the Sect Master will deal with him!"

Everyone began to flatter Xiao Yan.

They praised him so much that they thought he was smart.

"So that's how it is. They knew that they were no match for them, so they used a delaying tactic to stall for time so that they could find a place to hide in the secret realm and open it. The Black Rock Sect's influence is much greater than our Thunder Tribulation Sect's. If they manage to escape, the entire Lu Family will not be able to escape death. " Qin Hao glanced at Lu Xuan and discovered that his expression was gloomy.

"What should we do now, Brother Xuan?" Xiao Bing asked.

"Kill him. Leave no one alive." Lu Xuan said to the three people, "Bingyu, guard the exit of the canyon and don't let anyone escape. Don't be soft-hearted. Of one of them escaped, the Lu and Xiao families will be exterminated. Do you understand? Qian Yue and Qin Hao will kill him with me!"

In the face of Lu Xuan's solemn warning, Xiao Bingyu clenched her small fist and nodded her head firmly. Although she did not want to kill more people, she also knew that this matter was related to the lives of all the members of the two clans. She could not be merciful.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yan and the others saw three young men suddenly enter the valley. The other party's enter the valley. The other party's aura was strong, and one could tell at a glance that he was an expert. They immediately became alert.

"Senior Brother Xiao, that person is the Little Demon King!" Some people who knew Lu Xuan were so scared that their faces turned pale and their faces turned pale and their legs trembled. They pointed at Lu Xuan and said to Xiao Yan in a trembling voice.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan trembled and almost knelt on the ground. His face was pale, and he swallowed hard. He slowly stepped back and said to Lu Xuan with a flattering smile, "It's you, Young Master Lu. I'm so sorry! Young Master Lu, what can I do for you?"

"Take your worthless life, " Lu Xuan said slowly. He pulled out his magic sword and pointed it at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan saw that magic sword was extraordinary. Lu Xuan's knife was aimed at him, which made his heart beat faster. He was so scared that his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He begged with a bitter face, "Young Master Lu, it is Mo Xun who was offended you. It has nothing to do with me. Please let me go!"

"Didn't you just say that after going out and returning to the mortal world, it would be my time of death? You said that there would be the Black Rock Sect to deal with me after going out?" The corner of Lu Xuan's month curled into a mocking smile.

"I have always been at odds with that b*tch, Mo Xun. I still want to thank you for dying in your hands.

Besides, Young Master Lu is so powerful that I have always admired him. How can I go against you? There are many of these people who are Mo Xun's trusted subordinates. What I just said is just to coax them.

Xiao Yanyan didn't defend himself sincerely and said lies that even the didn't believe.

"Oh , as you said, prove it to me.

Maybe I will consider letting you live. " Lu Xuan through of something fun, raised his eyebrows, and said meaningful.

Xiao Yan thought that Lu Xuan would really let him go. He was ecstatic and showed his loyalty. He asked, "How do you want me to prove it, Young Master Lu?"

"This is very simple. What you said just now was to coax those trusted subordinates of Mo Xun. Why don't you kill all of her trusted subordinates in front of me now? In this way, no one will report to the Black Rock Sect. I will naturally let you off."

"This..." Xiao Yan hesitated after hearing this. He was not stupid. If he really attacked the disciples of his sect, what awaited him when he returned to the Black Sect would be an incomparably cruel punishment.

Lu Xuan saw through his worries at a glance and sneered, "You can do as I say. But I promise you won't see the moon tonight. What's more, if they all die here and return to the Black Rock Sect, they will say what they want to say. Who will doubt it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will listen to you."

Just like Lu Xuan said, if he didn't do what the other party said, he would die immediately. If he killed all the people present according to his words, who could prove what he said after returning to the Black Rock Sect? By then, he would push all the blame to Lu Xuan. Hehe, he would take revenge.

"Senior Brother Xiao, you!"

Xiao Yan unexpectedly rushed to a fellow disciples and stabbed him to death.

"Xiao Yan betrayed our sect. Let's kill this traitor together!" Seeing this, the rest of the people were so angry that their eyes turned red.

They drew their swords and rushed to kill Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's heart beat fast. With so many people rushing up, no matter how high his cultivation was, he couldn't resist them. But he didn't retreat. Instead, he rushed up and fought with many if his fellow disciples.

It was not that Xiao Yan was not afraid of death, but he knew that what waw waiting for him was Lu Xuan's terrible means. He gritted his teeth and killed several people within 15 minutes. He also suffered several sword wounds. Then he pretended to be no match for Lu Xuan and ran to his back.

"Young Master Lu, they have so many people. I'm no match for them! You must save me."

Lu Xuan gave him a cold look and gave Qin Hao and Qian Yue a look.

The two of them went up to the enemies of the Black Rock Sect and began to fight. The two of them had profound strength and were unable to hold up against the large number of people. They were quickly forced to retreat.

Lu Xuan rushed up and waved his magic sword. A terrible knife power gushed out, like a dragon dancing and a snake dancing. It cut several people into two pieces.

A person's name was the shadow of a tree.

The news that Lu Xuan had killed several people in the Divine Palace Realm had already spread widely.

At the people present had heard of his fierce name and were afraid of him. Seeing that he had just killed several people in a row with cruel means, they were so scared that they scattered. They were blocked by the three masters and chased after him all over the valley.

Xiao Yan grinned and rushed to the entrance of the valley while the three of them couldn't care about him.

He had known that Lu Xuan would not let him go so easily. All this was just to numb the other party so that he could fight for a chance to escape.

Xiao Yan fled to the valley in panic and saw a beautiful girl in white standing there. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She was like a fairly in the moon palace. He was fascinated by her and stood there in a daze.

"You are a disciple of the Black Rock Sect?" The beautiful fairy girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and her face was as cold as ice as she glanced at Xiao Yan. Her voice was like a clear spring flowing through his heart. It was clear and transparent, without and impurities. It was more pleasant to the ear than the fairy's voice, but it made people feel a chill that seeped through the five viscera and six bowels.

Xiao Yan was suddenly brought back to reality. He greedily looked at this beautiful girl, who was as beautiful as a fairy. He thought lustily, "Although this girl is young, she is already extremely beautiful.

In a few years, her appearance will definitely be outstanding in a walks in life Tut-tut if I can capture her, it will be worth it even if I die." .