A terrible knife power gushed out like a dragon dancing and a snake dancing, it cut several people into two pieces. (2)

Xiao Yan approached her quietly, with a hypocritical smile on his face. " Miss, are you with Young Master Lu? They are besieged by the Black Rock Sect and are outnumbered. They sent. me to rescue them.

Hurry up and save them. It's too late."

Xiao Bingyu's small face wrinkled. As expected, she was extremely worried after hearing all his words.

She said gratefully to Xiao Yan, "Thank so much for your secret message. I promise, When I rescue Brother Xuan and the others, I will definitely thank you very much."

Xiao Bingyu rushed to the valley. When she passed by Xiao Yan, he suddenly hit her back and wanted to defeat her.

"Clang! Clang!"

Unexpectedly, before his hand could get close, Xiao Bingyu turned around and kicked him away.

Before he could get up, she stepped on his chest.

Xiao Bingyu sneered, "Do your really think I'm so stupid that I will be fooled by you?"

Xiao Bingyu had even very smart since she was a child. When she saw Xiao Yan escape from the valley covered in blood, she knew that he must be a disciple of the Black Rock Sect. She had been on guard for a long time. She was deliberately fooled in order to ease his vigilance.

Otherwise, with Xiao Yan's cultivation, it would not be so easy for her to defeat him.

"B*tch, how dare you lie to me!"

Xiao Yan was exasperated and said dirty words, but his tongue was cut by Xiao Bingyu's sword. He was in so much pain that he could not speak.

Since Xiao Bingyu had been able to survive alone in the desolate lands for so long. It was impossible for her hands not to be stained with blood. She had only become gentle and lovely when facing Lu Xuan. She was usually as cold and arrogant as ice and would not shoe mercy to her enemies.

She just pointed out the other party's tongue, so that he couldn't say dirty words and didn't cut it off cruelly.

Screams came from the valley.

After nearly four hours, Lu Xuan came out with a blood-stained magic sword. Qin Hao and Lu Xuan followed him around.

Lu Xuan killed Xiao Yan and Mo Xun at the same time and plundered the power. After refining them, his power greatly increased. When he was about to break through to the second level of the Holy Palace, he suppressed his power and did not allow his realm to break through again.

"Lu Xuan, you did a good job. You didn't lose your mind because of your strong strength. "Elder Long couldn't help praising Lu Xuan when he saw that Lu Xuan had obviously reached the breakthrough point, but he had suppressed his realm.

Breaking through a realm meant that ones strength would increase by three or five times. Some of them were peerlessly powerful, such as Lu Xuan, or even a dozen times.

On the road of cultivation, the further one went, the harder it was to break cultivating hard for hundreds of years, but they might not be able to break through to the next realm.

Therefore, once there were signs of breaking through, most people would desperately try to break through, and they would not be able to resist the temptation of rising strength.

In this way, his potential would be quickly used up, and he would end his way to a higher realm.

Lu Xuan was blessed by nature and had transformed into a Hell Condor. He was also supported by the most overwhelming emperor vein of the Devil Clan. However, he had broken through so many realms in a year, so his cultivation was inevitably superficial.

If he was still blindly pursuing the breakthrough and did not know how to restrain himself, then after entering the heaven vein realm, all kinds of obstacle would begin to appear. The more he went, the harder it would be to breakthrough again.

Lu Xuan smiled and said, "This is the firewood cutting skill." Anyway, with his incredible luck, it was only a matter of time before he made a breakthrough. He was not in a hurry.

The matter of Lu Xuan killing the Black Rock Sect had stirred quite a bit of commotion. Due to the fact that he'd done a good job, no one knew that he'd done it. Otherwise, it would've brought about a huge disaster.

"There is still about a month before you can leave. Brother Xuan, what are your plans after returning to the Lu Family?" Xiao Bingyu came to Lu Xuan's side and asked softly.

"I still don't know." Lu Xuan let out a long sigh of relief, and his heart was full if mixed feelings. Before he entered the secret region, he was known as the most useless person in Hidden Dragon City. He was despised everywhere, and even his family members stepped on him from time to time. They wished they could trample him into the mud and never turn over.

Who would have thought that this 'cripple' of his would encounter heaven defying opportunity in this secret realm, that he would soar into the night.

Not to mention the younger generation, even in the entire Hidden Dragon City, no one could match him. He really looked forward to what kind of expression those who looked down on him would have when they saw him again.

Especially those uncles who had put the responsibility of the decline of the Lu Family on him and condemned him and his son. Lu Xuan released the four Blood Soul Beasts. Like wild horses, they ran around in the forest, and finally some weaker demonic beasts.

"This is the Blood Soul Beast that I raised. I don't know what kind of demonic beasts they are ."

"You actually raised for Blood Soul Beast in one go?" Qin Hao and the others looked at Lu Xuan in shock. Generally speaking, cultivators would only raise one demonic beast as their own Blood Soul Beast .

Secondly, in the process of communicating with the Blood Soul Beast, there would be a lot of spiritual thoughts entangled with the owner. When the head of the Blood Soul Beast was separated, the spiritual thought would easily mess up with each owner. When the head of the Blood Soul Beast was separated, the spiritual thoughts would easily mess up with each other and be very dangerous. Some beasts might go crazy at the same time and kill each other.

Therefore, when they heard that Lu Xuan was going to feed the four Blood Soul Beasts, they were all shocked.

"Is this strange?" Seeing their reaction, Lu Xuan was a little confused and ask.

The disciples who were sent out generally knew these common sense, and even some people who didn't cultivate knew a little about it. How could Lu Xuan not know?

Hearing Qin Hao's explanation, Lu Xuan was also a little worried. He secretly transmitted a voice message to Elder Long.

Elder Long snorted disdainfully and said, "Don't worry about them.

Ordinary cultivators spiritual strength is too weak, so they have what they said. But you are different. You have the Tear of the Water God, the Hell Condors incarnation, and the Imperial Bloodline of the Devil Clan. Your spiritual strength is so powerful that its impossible for that to happen. "

Hearing this, Lu Xuan felt a little relieved.

At this moment, the roars of the four little beasts came from a distance, as if they were in big trouble.

"Oh no, I must have met a powerful demonic beast, " Lu Xuan rushed to the roar. When the four little beasts joined hands, few demonic beasts were their opponents, but now they found out that they had encountered a very terrible thing.

When they reached the depths of the desolate forest, they discovered that many of the trees here had been destroyed. There was a blood colored giant beast that was more than ten zhang tall. Its mount was full of sharp teeth, and it was full of sharp teeth, and it was covered in thick scales. It was currently fighting against the four little beasts. It's demonic aura surged into the heavens. It was incomparably vicious as it spat out a terrifying demonic flame. Anything that encountered the demonic flame would instantly be burned into ashes. It was incomparably terrifying.

"No good, this is a sixth level divine palace demonic beast!" After seeing this enormous beast, Qin Hao cried out in alarm. Everyone couldn't help but gasp. The four little beasts actually provoked such a terrifying demonic beast.

This sixth level divine palace demonic beast's strength was terrifying. It was like a small mountain of flesh as it smashed down, crushing countless trees.

With a shua sound, it fell down, sending smoke and dust flying everywhere. At the same time, the demonic flame that was spat out from its mouth was extremely terrifying, burning in flames. In just a moment, it turned this forest into a sea of flames.