Fresh Breeze City.

On the way out of the country and back to his residence, Lu Xuan was stopped by Lu Yuanqing.

"Fifth Uncle. "

"Do you still have an Uncle like me in your eyes?" Lu Yuanqing's face was full of anger. He stared at Lu Xuan and said. When he heard that his wife was beaten by Lu Xuan's nephew and even kicked down the lotus pond, he was so angry that he immediately ran to him to get even with him.

Of course, Lu Xuan knew why he came. He stared at the other party and did not say a word. He wanted to see what Lu Yuanqing was up to.

"Lu Xuan, you are really amazing now. After returning from the Great Wilderness, you don't even care about your elders. You even dare to push your aunt into the lotus pond.

If you don't like me someday, do you want to take my old life?"

Lu Xuan glanced at him coldly and said with a sneer, "Elder? I finally remember that you are my elders.

When I was bullied and ridiculed, did you remember? My nephew suffered injustice. Not only did he not stand up to protect me, but he also kicked me when I was down.

Now he is teaching me a lesson like an elder. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Lu Yuanqing was so angry that he could not speak. He trembled with anger. After a long time, he said angrily, "If it weren't for you, my father wouldn't be so sad that he was injured and disabled in the competition with Mr. Hu. It's your responsibility to drag down the whole Lu family. You don't regret it. You have no respect for your elders. There are also Lu Dongfeng family who gave birth to such an ill-bred b*stard!"

"Lu Yuanying, you're courting death!"

With a roar, he dasher to the other side, and the Black Demon Mountain moving fist smashed out.

The terrible fist force sent Lu Yuanying flying, and he fell dozens of feet away.

Without waiting for him to get up, Lu Xuan rushed up and stepped on his chest. He said coldly, "I have tolerated you for a long time, Lu Yuanqing! Without my father's words, the Lu family had long been exterminated. How can you still live until now? You ungrateful thing, if you hear another word that humiliates my parents, I will kill you."

After that, Lu Xuan pulled up one of his arms and put his palm against his palm, madly pouring the violent True Energy into the opponent's body.

"Ah! Lu Xuan, let me go!" Lu Yuanqing screamed in pain. His forehead was sweating, and his facial features were distorted. He struggled madly. A terrible force poured into his body, breaking his meridians. It seemed that someone was twisting his body with a knife.

The pain was more terrible than death.

After breaking his meridians, Lu Xuan said coldly, "Remember, I am no longer the old Lu Xuan. Don't provoke me. Otherwise, even if you are my uncle, you won't have a good ending. "

The news of Lu Yuanqing being crippled instantly spread throughout the entire Lu family.

Soon after, everyone in Hidden Dragon City knew about it, causing quite a stir. The entire city was filled with endless discussions.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Lu family, wanting to see how Lu Yuanba and the others would deal with Lu Xuan.

"Hey, have you heard that something big happened in the Lu family this morning?"

"What's the big deal?"

As a table in a wine shop, several people whispered to each other about what had happened this morning.

"I heard a servant of the Lu's Mansion say that Yuanqing broke his meridians and became a cripple because of his nephew, Lu Xuan's, this morning!"

"That's impossible. After all, Lu Yuanqing's is a famous expert in Hidden Dragon City. How could hid meridians be shattered by that useless nephew? Who are you lying to?" Someone shook his head in disbelief.

Everyone knew that Lu Xuan was boring with no cultivation. He was famous for being a good-for-nothing. He struggled hard in the first level of the Spiritual Meridian.

How could he be a match for the strong man with a treasured body, Lu Yuanying?

"That's something you don't know.

A year ago, when Lu Xuan entered the desolate lands, everyone thought that he would die without a doubt. More than three hundred elites of the ten cities died in the desolate lands, yet he still managed to come out alive. He must have obtained quite a bit of luck. It's reasonable for him to raise in strength."

Another person nodded and said with a smile, "I heard that Lu Xuan was forced to jump into an unstable channel by Lu Yuanqing and others.

Everyone thought thar he was dead, so they hid it from the Old Master of the Lu family. This time, when Lu Xuan comes back, he will definitely settle the old and new grudges together. Since he can destroy Lu Yuanqing, his strength must be much stronger than before. The Lu family will have a good show. "

In the hall of the Hu family, the leader of the Hu family heard about what had happened to the Lu famlily and looked at the letter from the master of the Mo family in Fresh Breeze City. With a gloomy face, he said, "What Old Demon Mo said is ture. The disciples of the Hu family must have been killed by Lu and died in the wilderness! The Lu family, I will not let you off!"

Later, he ordered his disciples to invite the master of the other two families to come over and discuss how to deal with the Lu family.

Not long ago, he received a later from Old Devil Mo, which said that Lu Xuan was the murderer who killed the elite of the ten cities. In order to silence him, the other party even assassinated the head of the Qian Family.

At first, he didn't believe that Lu Xuan, a good-for-nothing famous in various cities, had the strength to kill the elites of ten cities and the masters of the Qian Family. But when he heard that Lu Yuanqing had been disabled by Lu Xuan, he began to believe it.

Lu Yuanqing was also at the ninth level of the Treasured Body. Except for the older generation and only a few people in Hidden Dragon City who could suppress him, there were a few other opponent's. Lu Xuan easily disabled him, which showed that his strength was definitely above the Divine Palace Realm.

The Lu family was in an uproar now. When the elders heard that Lu Yuanqing had been disabled, they were furious and called the emergency meeting to punish Lu Xuan.

Lu Yanba and Lu Yuanjiao gritted their teeth in hatred. They couldn't wait to kill Lu Xuan and avenge their brother.

"Where is that little bastard?

Immediately tell him to come and see me!" Lu Yuanba's face was ashen as he shouted angrily. He ordered someone to send Lu Xuan to the hall for interrogation.

Lu Yuanzhi was also trembling with anger. She scolded, "At that time, I really should let this little bastard go with his parents. He should not have raised a tiger and made fifth brother a useless person. Men, immediately ask all the elders of the clan to come to the hall to discuss this matter. Today, the lawless little bastard will be punished! Also, we must not let the old master know about this."

Lu Xiaoyu's expression changed slightly. She said to her father, "Father, Lu Xuan was too impulsive.

He definitely didn't mean it. There's no need to gather all the elders to hear the case. It's too much trouble.

Moreover, if grandpa finds out about this, he will be very angry. "

"Little Yu, have you been bewitched by him?

Why did you always speak up for him after returning from the great wasteland? It was your uncle who had his meridians broken by the beast! If you don't execute Lu Xuan, it will be hard for me to calm down the anger in my heart." Lu Yuanba shouted at his daughter unhappily.

Lu Xiaoyu opened her mouth and wanted to say something. She was just worried about her father's safety. She had seen Lu Xuan's means in the wild. If her father irritated him, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lu Jin also knew that the situation was serious, so she tried to persuade him. "Xiaoyu is right. The meridians of Fifth Uncle have just been broken. As long as the treatment is timely, there is still hope to connect them. Why brother the elders to hear the trial? Lu Xuan has made a mistake. Just let grandpa teach him a lesson."

"Are you all crazy?" Lu Yuanjiao scolded angrily, "Didn't you look down on that little bastard in the past? Now that he has injured your uncle, why are you all protecting him? Look at what he had done.

First, he pushed Fifth Sister-in- law into the pond and drowned her to death. Fifth brother went to argue with him, but his meridians were destroyed by him and his cultivation was destroyed.

It's better to die than to live. Is this just a mistake?

Every sentence is a capital crime!"

"That's right. If this little bastard doesn't die, the Lu family will be furious. How am I going to manage the family in the future? I will immediately gather all the elders of the clan and sentence him to death.

All of you, step back. If you say an more words, I will punish you as well." Lu Yuanba did not allow anyone to mock him.