Fresh Breeze City. (path 2)

Lu Jin and her brother were extremely anxious. They were not pleading on Lu Xuan's behalf. They were obviously worried about the safety of Lu Yuanba and the others.

How could they not think that Lu Xuan could easily destroy their fifth uncle? His strength was no longer the same as before.

Lu Jin wanted to tell him what had happened in the wasteland, but she didn't dare to say anything when she thought that it would make Lu Xuan angrier. Lu Xiaoyu glanced at him and said in a low voice, "Let's go. Ask Grandpa to help us!"

Soon, all the elders gathered in the meeting hall, their faces full of anger.

As a member of the Lu family, Lu Yuanqing's cultivation was ruined, which weakened the Lu family's power, which was already on the verge of collapse. However, the chief culprit was a disciple of the Lu family. How could they not be angry?

"Can elders, Yuanba doesn't want to disturb you, but I'm sure you've heard of what happened in the mansion this morning. Lu Xuan, you little bastard, is too presumptions. I hope you can uphold justice for my fifth brother!"

Lu Yuanba sat at the head of the table and cupped his hands in front of his chest as he explained to the elders. His expression was one of grief.

The third elders of the Lu family suddenly stood up and said angrily,

"The Lu Group is on the verge of collapse, and it is in danger of being swallowed up by the other three families at any time. Yuan Qing is indispensable to the family. Now that his cultivation has been destroyed by that little beast, the family's power has been greatly reduced. I am afraid that it will be difficult to resist the momentum of the other three families. We must punish him severely, and I will sentence him to death!"

His remarks got the approval of all the elders in the field, and they nodded one after another.

Lu Yuanba and Lu Yuanjiao were extremely satisfied. As long as these elders unanimously agreed to sentence Lu Xuan to death, even if Old Master Lu personally appeared, he would not be able to save his life.

Soon, Lu Xuan was taken to the hall. He looked around the hall and found that everyone was glaring at him, especially Lu Yunba and Lu Yuanjiao, who qwre eager to teat him apart. Their eyes were as fierce as a wolf's.

He was not frightened. Instead, he calmly asked with a smile, "May i know who you have asked me to come here?"

"Lu Xuan, how dare you! Which one of you here is not your elder? Hurry up and kneel down. How dare you be so arrogant!" Lu Yuanjiao was irritated by his attitude and shouted in a delicate voice.

I didn't do anything wrong. Who do I have to kneel?" Lu Xuan laughed.

He raised his head slightly and looked at her, questioning her instead.

"How dare you, Lu Xuan. What you did this morning has spread throughout the mansion. How dare you try to make excuses? Kneel down and confess your guilt.

Otherwise, you will suffer." Lu Yuanba slammed the table and stood up. He pointed at him and scolded him in pain.

"May I ask what crime I, Lu Xuan, have committed? What have I done so that all the elders of the clan were alerted and gathered together to convict a junior?" Facing Lu Yuanba, Lu Xuan did not show ant sign of weakness as he lashed out at him.

The Third Elder stood up with a gloomy face. "You injured Yuan Qing this morning and destroyed his cultivation. Is that true? If there is, you will be sentenced to death!"

Lu Xuan smiled coldly and turned his head to approach the Third Elder. He asked, "Do you dare to ask if Lu Yuanqing is dead, Third Elder?"

The Third Elder was slightly stunned. He was extremely angry with Lu Xuan's disrespectful attitude, but he still held back his temper and said, "I'm not dead."

"I have only heard of killing people to pay for their lives. Since Lu Yuanqing is not dead, why should I be charged with the death penalty?"

Lu Xuan preceded on step by step.

"Son of a b*tch! The Lu family has always been strict with the law. Its forbidden for the same kind of people to kill each other. You're so cruel that you beat your uncle to a pulp. Isn't this a capital crime?" The Third Elder questioned angrily.

Lu Xuan grinned and asked loudly.

"I dare to ask all the elders present.

Is everyone in the Lu Family restricted, or is it only directed at me, Lu Xuan?"

"Nonsense, everyone is equal under the law of the family. Even if the family master breaks the law, he has to be punished according to the family rules. How can it be an exception?" The First Elder, who had been silent all the time, slowly opened his mouth at this time.

There was a flash of light in his turbid eyes, and he stared at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan looked at the Third Elder and asked, "Do you agree with what the First said, Third Elder?"

The Third Elder didn't know what he was up to, but he still nodded.

Lu Xuan's face turned cold. He pointed to the young people of the Lu Family and shouted, "The killing of the sane clan is a capital crime.

Everyone is equal to the law. Why can't you only see me? Why can't you see what they have done?"

"Speaking of the killing of the same clan members, they are more worthy of this crime that I am, aren't they? If you want to convict me, please execute them first."

The young people standing behind the elders were shocked. One of them scolded Lu Xuan angrily,

"What are you talking about? You are talking nonsense. When have we ever fought against each other?"

This person was the eldest grandson of the Third Elder, Lu Hong. In the past, he had bullied Lu Xuan a lot. There was a conflict and he beat Lu Xuan half-dead and lay on the bed for half a month.

The people standing behind the elders of the clan were also their descendants. They were used to being spoiled and always played tricks on him.

Of course, the elders of the clan knew that Lu Xuan had been bullied by people of the same clan, but no one paid attention to him.

They had just said that it was a crime of the same tribe to kill each other. They were all equal in front of the law of the family. They were immediately slapped in the face by Lu Xuan.

They were ashamed and embarrassed, and their faces were red.

The Third Elder was still stubborn.

"This is two different things. Yuan Qing is your uncle. If you hurt him, it will be an offense. Lu Hong and the others are just playing with each other of the same age as you. "

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Lu Xuan's face was cold. He quickly rushed to the people behind the Third Elder and stretched out his big hand like a claw.

"How dare you!" Seeing that Lu Xuan dared to make a move in front of all the elders in the hall, the Third Elder did not take him seriously. He roared and slammed his palm toward him.

"Get lost, you old thing. " Lu Xuan grinned and skillfully pushed him away. Like a tiger down the mountain, he rushed to the front of Lu Hong, grabbed his shoulder with the big hand, and threw him heavily to the back with his shoulder.

"Ah!" Lu Hong screamed. A few of his ribs were crushed by Lu Xuan, and he was in so much pain that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hong'er!" The Third Elders eyes widened in anger as he threw himself at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan unceremoniously threw a punch, and the Black Demon Mountain Shattering Fist burst put amazing Devil Qi. The power of the punch even shook the void, and the strong wind even smashed the tables and chairs on the side.

The third elder was only at the ninth level of the ninth level of the Treasured Body, so he couldn't block his punch at all. He was knocked back more than a dozen steps. His face pale and his mouth was bleeding. His eyes were full of shock.

"How could it be? Lu Xuan actually injured the Third Elder with one punch!" The people present were shocked speechless. They stared at Lu Xuan, as if they didn't know him.

"Why is it like this? Isn't Lu Xuan trash who can't cultivate? Why is he suddenly so terrifying?" A few elders looked at each other in dismay.

Lu Yuanba and Lu Yuanjiao's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

Their hands and feet were cold. They never thought that their nephew, whom they looked down upon, would give them such a big surprise today.