Finding an excuse to take action.

"Lu Xuan, you are too presumptions. You provoked the authority of the elders again and again and killed our disciples in public. You are guilty!" After a long time, the Third Elder came to his senses and trembled with anger.

He pointed at Lu Xuan and accused him.

He knew that he was no match for this young man now. He wanted to incite the elders present to punish Lu Xuan together.

"Third Elder, this is just a joke between peers of the same age. Why would I say that I am harming my own clans disciples? Back then, I was even more severely injured by Lu Hong. Why didn't you see the generous Third Elder declare his death?" The corners of Lu Xuan's mouth curled up slightly as he mocked.

The Third Elder's face changed from green to white, and he was speechless by the retort.

At this time, Lu Yuanba shouted, "It's a serious crime to attack the elders of the clan. It's a serious crime to push uncle and aunt into the pond. It's a serious crime to destroy uncle's meridians. It's a minor crime! If we don't punish them severely, what will others think of the Lu family?"

"Who dares to punish my good grandson!" At this time, Old Master Lu, supported by Lu Xiaoyu and her sister, staggered in. After taking the spiritual spring, there was finally a trace of True Energy flowing through his whole body, rushing through some meridians and barely getting out of bed.

Seeing that he could get out of bed, Lu Yuanba and the others were extremely surprised and hurried to greet him.

"Father, you can finally get out of bed!"

"That's great. If the Patriarch recovers, there will be hope for the Lu family's revival." A few elders were also overjoyed and wept with joy. Old Master Lu was the only divine palace expert in the family.

With him in charge, the other three families would not dare to easily bully him.

"Bastard, how could I give birth to such evil beasts like you? You didn't even let go of your dead siblings, or are you not a human being? I think Lu Family is under your control.

Don't expect it to flourish. So today I announce that I will officially pass the position of the head of the family to Lu Xuan, and he will have the final say in this family in the future!"

Old Master Lu pointed at Yuanba, Yuanjiao, and the other children and criticised them for passing on the throne.

Lu Yuanba's expression changed drastically. He said anxiously,

"Father, you're foolish. How can you pass the throne to him? Lu Xuan is lawless and has destroyed Yuan Qing's meridians. Furthermore, he attacked the elders of the clan earlier. How can such an unfilial son take charge of the family's power? Can he convince the public?"

"He can't convince the public, but you can? Humph, what you did almost drove him to death a year ago. He didn't take your lives, but just destroyed your Yuan Qing meridians. It's not a big deal. Have you forgotten? If it weren't for his father would have been destroyed long ago. How could you still stand here today, repay your kindness and revenge, and judge his son's death? If he knew it in the netherworld, how cold-hearted would he be? How regretful would he be to save all the lives of his clansman?"

Under Old Master Lu's reprimand, everyone in the hall felt ashamed and ashamed.

"Father, we can force Lu Xuan to die. But he has no respect for his elders First, he pushed his aunt into the water, beat the disabled uncle, and then attacked the Third Elder in public. Moreover, he seriously injured Lu Hong. We can't let him go like this, can we? I suggest that we expel Lu Xuan from the family!"

Lu Yuanba had been coveting the position of the head of the family for a long time. Originally, no one could compete with him for the position of the head of the family after his death. As an acting head of the family, he would have the right to take over the position of the head of the family once the old man was officially removed from office.

Suddenly, his father said that he would pass the throne to Lu Xuan and break his dream. How could he be willing?

He knew that with Old Master Lu around, it was impossible to punish Lu Xuan for his death. He could only find a way to expel him from the family, and then Lu Xuan would not have the qualification to fight for the position of the head of the family.

Lu Yuanzhi, the Third Elder, and the others nodded in agreement.

Especially the Third Elder, he said loudly, "This boy is too rebellious.

Not only does the patriarch not punish him, but he also wants to pass on the throne to him. He is so partial that I can't accept it! I don't support such a master who has lost his virtue. I boldly advice the elders of the clan to find a new master."

The Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder, who had a deep relationship with the Third Elder, also responded, "Yes, it's for the Lu Family to support a new patriarch. I think Yuanba is a good candidate."

More than half of the people in the hall agreed to appoint Lu Yuanba as the head of the family. Even if the rest of the people did not declare that they would make a new owner, they still said that they would expel Lu Xuan from the Lu family.

The only ones who didn't express their opinion were the first elder, the second elder, and the fourth elder. They quietly watched the development of the situation and didn't say a word.

"Good, good! Beast, it seems that your wings are too big. You are going to rebel, aren't you?" Old Master Lu was so angry that his hands and feet were trembling and he kept coughing.

Lu Xuan hurried forward to comfort him, "Grandpa, you don't have to be angry with them. Today I have seen the faced of these people clearly. I am ashamed that they are in the same team. If you want to chase them, just drive them away."

"Xuan'er, let's go. Grandpa will go with and leave the Lu family!"

Old Master Lu said with anger. He took his hand and was about to leave.

"Bad news. The members of the three great clans, Hu, Ruan, and Feng, have come knocking on our doors." Just then, a few disciples hurried over to report.

"What? What's going on?" When the elders in the hall heard this, they were all shocked.

"Just now, the three House Master's broke into the Lu Mansion with a large number of people and injured many people. At this moment, they were shouting outside the mansion.

They said that the disciples who entered the wilderness were killed by Young Master Jin, Miss Yu, and Lu Xuan. If they don't hand hand over the three young masters and young ladies within 15 minutes, they will immediately rush into the mansion!"

"How many people have they sent?" Lu Yuanba asked nervously. When he heard that the three Patriarchs had personally come out, he was so scared that his forehead was covered with sweat.

Now, the power of each family far exceeded that of the Lu Family. The three major families had joined forces this time, and the patriarch had personally taken action. He was going to destroy the Lu Family!

Not to mention him, the first elder and the fourth elder, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly lost their cool. They suddenly stood up and looked at each other with anxiety.

"There are too many people on the other side, and they have surrounded Lu's Mansion.

Patriarch, what should we do?"

"Father, what do you think we should do?" Lu Yuanba was at a loss of what to do. He hurriedly though of his father and asked for help.

Old Master Lu snorted with anger and scolded, "Are you thinking of your father at this time? Where did the momentum just now go? Aren't you going to be the family master?

It's the family masters responsibility to save the family.

Ask me what I'm going to do."

Lu Yunba's face flushed red from the scolding. He stood there anxiously and awkwardly, looking at the First Elder for help.

The First Elder sighed and said slowly, "Now is not the time for Dou Qi. At the moment of the survival of the family, everyone should work together. Patriarch and elders, what do you think about the matter?"

The Third Elder snorted and said, "Whoever started the fight will be responsible for it."

"What do you mean?"

The Third Elder said, "Since the three families suspected that it was Lu Xuan and the other two who killed their own disciples, they came here with great efforts. We might as well hand over the three of them, and naturally, we'll end it all."

"Third Elder, what are you talking about!" Lu Yuan was so domineering that his face was ashen. He pointed at the Third Elder and trembled with anger. He never thought that the Third Elder, who had always supported him, would push his children out to die at a critical moment.

The Fourth Elder slowly said. "The three great clans have always viewed us a thorn in their said.

They want to get rid of us. This time. they are merely finding an excuse to take action."

The Third Elder sneered and said,

"Do you think I don't know? Since they have threatened to hand over the three of them, what excuse do they have after we hand them over? Do they want everyone in the Lu family to die with them in order to protect the three of them?" .