
Opening his eyes and letting out the breath that he was holding, he turned to look into Iris's emerald green eyes his eyes holding a mix of torment and desire.

" Iris ...don't make things harder for me" Ian voice was almost a wisper

" Why wait " she replied with a small smile

" You are playing with fire, Iris " he deadpanned

" Hmmm...Am I now? Maybe I like playing with fire!?" she replied with a naughty glint in her eyes in a playful voice.

Her index finger tracing the line of his jaw in a feather like touch.

Ian cursed under his breath and grabbed her wrist and in a swift motion pulled Iris onto his lap.

" Tell me Iris what do you think it will happen?" he asked his lips curling up in wicked smile

Iris frowned at his question, opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

Ian was patiently waiting for her to tell him what she wanted from him, he kept a keen eye on her expressions as if trying to read her thoughts.He had all the time in the world, although he was struggling to keep his hands to himself, he didn't want to pounce on her, not yet!

Seeing that she was keeping quiet.

He let go of her hand and placed one hand on her thigh and the other one cradling the back of her head, gently pulling her close enough to feel each others breath on their lips.

" Since you didn't answer my question, I'll tell you what I want to do to you" he spoke in the same seductive tone against her lips.

Without giving her a chance to reply he spoke again, while his hand was gently carresing her thigh as if to sooth a scared animal.

" I want to lick and taste every inch of your body, I want to suck on your breasts and squeeze them until you're out of breath, I want to eat you until you beg me to take you and make you mine and scream my name until you can't scream no more" he teased Iris while himself was having a hard time holding back from ripping her tunic and do all the things that he just said.

Iris was panting hard at his words, her cheeks bright red, feeling the heat building up in her body, acking for his touch and for him to do all those things to her. She could feel his throbbing member poking at her bottom. Seeing the shift Ian's demeanour from calm and collected to a predator ready to pounce on his pray, her words failed her and her mind was utterly refusing to function. All she could is let her actions speak for her and in the heat the moment she decided to let her instincts take over and see where it would take her. She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, every fibre of her being was acking for him.

Placing a gentle kiss on her lips and pulling away just enough for him to speak again .

" I want you to kiss me like I'm the most delicious dessert that ever touched your lips and you can't have enough of, I want your soft and plump lips to touch every part of my body, I want you to suck me and taste me, I want you give me all of you and do not hold back" . he finished his thoughts in rugged voice panting

All this while Iris kept quiet and listened to Ian , her eyes closed, panting harder than Ian, felling slightly dizzy.All she could think of were his words that were ringing in her ears, feeling her body going ablaze and her nether region was drenched and acking for attention.

She opened her eyes and looked at Ian, her eyes full of lust and want.She slammed her lips against his, her hands wrapped around his neck like a vice, nibbling at his lips and sucking like he was the most exquisite dessert that had ever touched her lips, their tongues intertwined and played with each, the kiss was full of hunger and moans from each other started filling up the room. Ian hands moved up from thighs to her voluptuous breasts and started massaging them and kneeding them , twisting her nubs between his fingers .

Iris felt like she was going to combust with the way Ian was touching her but she wanted more. Breaking their heated kiss, Iris pulled back and got up from his lap, without saying a word and made her way to the bed in the hut, stopping next to it.She felt Ian's chest pressed against her back, while his hand pushed her hair to one side, he started trailing kisses on her bare shoulder and then on her neck while his hands went back to kneading her breasts and played with her nubs that were hard and acking for more.

His hands slowly made their way to her waist and then to her hips tracing the curves of her body, fisting the tunic, he gently pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor. While his other hand went to her breast cupping and kneading , while the other hand slowly trailled back on her curves from her waist to her hips making his way in between her legs , sliding his finger between her folds, rubbing her petals and nub.

" Ahhh" Iris moaned breathless

" So wet" Ian hummed against her skin while kissing and nibbling the skin on her neck

He pulled his hand from between he legs and brought his hand up to his mouth, putting his his fingers in his mouth, relishing the taste of her wet folds.

" Hmmmm.....and so delicious, you taste like heaven Iris and I want to have more" he said while licking his finger one by one as if he didn't want to waste any of it in a rugged voice.

Iris wrapped her arm around Ian's neck bringing his head down, she licked his lips and kissed him with hunger as to get a taste of what he was having, a moan escaped her lips , pulling back from the kiss she turned around, cupping his face she pulled him again in passionate kiss, his hands wrapping around her waist pulling her closer against him, with no more space between them

Lost in their kiss, with their hands roaming all over their bodies as if trying to memorise every inch of it.

Making their way towards the bed without breaking the kiss, crashing onto the bed, still lost in their kiss as if they couldn't get enough of each others lips and touch.