Elated 2

Pulling back from the kiss Ian sat on his knees, he took off his tunic, all the while Iris's eyes raked all over his upper body, admirring his well toned chest, arms and abdomen,his amber eyes sparklings against the dimming light of the dusk ,bitting her lips she took in a sharp breath, he looked like a panther with fluid motions prowling in the dark.

" Take me Ian....please! she finally spoke in a pleading voice. That was all she could muster in the heat of the moment.

Ian's lips curled up , pleased that he got her to beg a lot sooner that he expected, she was the one that pushed him to this point. Ahhh, she looked like an angel, the shimmering white hair, her emerald green eyes were so hypnotising, her plump and red lips, her voluptuous bossom and her curves, he couldn't get enough of her, she looked breath taking. He couldn't wait to pounce on her and make her his.

Bending over, he kissed the crook of her neck .

"Not yet....." he said in a rugged voice

Trailing soft kisses on her shoulder and neck, made Iris's breath hitch.

" I haven't had enough of your heavenly taste...it's so sweet, like honey" he hummed in the shell of her ear, his hands kneading her breasts and pinching her peaks not giving her time to pull herself together.

Iris panting and shivering under his touch and at his words, she gulped, a loud moan escaped her lips.

"Ahhhh...." her body arching againt him, ready for him to take her

Ian move down to her breasts sucking and bitting her peak, while his other hand was on the other breast. Groans and moans were muffled by the breast in his mouth. He let go of her breast, he made his way down while licking, kissing and nipping her skin.

Grabbing both of her legs he spread them wide , looking at her dripping wet folds he licked his lips like a hungry beast and dug his head in. Licking and moaning like she was the most delicious thing he had ever had . Lapping and prodding with his toungue in and out of her core. Feeling the need to quench her own need, Iris grabbed Ian by the head and pulled him closer griding herself onto to him.

Lost in the heat of the moment Ian stood up, Iris opened her eyes at his sudden movement , he took off his pants, his cock standing to attention slapping against his lower abdomen .

Iris gasped at the sight of his ragging cock, her eyes widened in shock at the sheer size of it. She licked her parched lips.

" I...Ian.....I ....I don't think it will fit!" she stuttered in a shaky voice

" It will.....we just have to try hard enough" he hummed in a raspy voice , his amber eyes sparkling with mischief.

Iris opened her mouth to retort but before she had a chance to speak Ian kissed her lips and rubbed his cock against her wet folds, grunts and moans were being muflled by the passionate kiss.

He pulled back a little breaking the kiss, both panting and breathless, he placed the tip of his cock at the entrance ,in a swift motion he pushed his throbbing member to the hilt, her insides clenching like a vice around his cock.

Iris gasped, the last bit of air that she had in her lungs had bit knocked out all of the sudden.

"Ahhhh" she screamed in pain, trying to catch her breath, he lips trembling from the pain that she was feeling, tears pooled in her eyes, running down from the corner of her eyes on her cheeks.

" No....You..." Ian muttered against her lips in disbelief, realising he was the first man that had ever touched her.He stood there, his thoughts running wild trying understand how he missed such a detail and now he understood why she was unable to answer his question, she didn't know! Such a fool, he said to himself!

He cupper her face with his hands, wipping her tears with thumbs, gently kissing her tears away, he was ridden with guilt at the stupid thing he'd just done. She was so darring and challenging him, he got lost in his own desire that haunted him since that moment he found her in the forest .

" I'm sorry" he whispered in soft voice

" No....don't say that, I'm not." she spoke in a pained voice with a small smile, she grabbed his face with both of her hands she made him look at her, her emerald eyes gleaming with unshed tears .

" I want you to make me yours, Ian" her voice calm and soft, the pain she had felt earlier fading away.

Lost in each others eyes and words, they failed to notice that the marks on their shoulders started glowing with a faint golden hue and changing to mach each others. The circle sitting on top of star with a pentagram in the middle slowly shifted to a circle sitting on a star with two lines intertwined in a helix shape running on infinite loop inside the circle, the glow slowly fading. Iris wounds slowly healed completely without even them noticing that it was happening, leaving no trace behind.

" I'll be gentle.....at first" he chided with mischief, making Iris smile at his words

Ian gave her ravenous kiss and gently pulled himself back, making Iris hiss in pain.

Ian carried on gently pushing an pulling making him groan and gritt his teeth at the amount of restraint he had to exert to control himself and not break loose, like wanted to. He wanted more, he wanted to hear her moan a squirm with pleasure, making her suffer was not his plan. He wanted her to feel as he felt, good, so good.....they way she wrapped around his cock, thight , warm and wet, she was so wet, she tasted so sweet.

Soon pain was replaced by pleasure and their moans started filling up the hut. He slowly picked up the pace ,he kept his on Iris to make sure she wasn't in pain.

The sounds of their slapping bodies against each other and moans was all it could be heard in silence of the forest.

" Ahhhh....Iris being inside you feel so good, I want to stay like this forever " he spoke in raspy woice between moans, almost breathless

" Mmmmnn.....aaahhh" a loud moan escaped her lips, pleasure taking over her senses and all she could feel was him ramming his throbbing cock making her insides clench around him. Her body was tingling from her head to her toes, she had lost count how many times had reached her peak , she could bearly stay concious because of the intese waves that kept coming ane after another. In her daze she heard him groan, she felt the warmth of his seed spilling and his cock pulsating, her inside clenching around his cock and she wanted more, more of him.

" Hmmm.....yes take it all Iris, suck me dry! he hummed in the crook of her neck while pushing his cock deeper inside her, a soft moan escaping her trembling lips. His seed overflowing out of her.

Reeling and slowly snapping out of her daze she grabbed the back of his head and gently pulled him up to look at her , she gave him passionate kiss.