
A sudden silence filled the hut, they both looked at each other, waiting for the other one to speak. Iris opened her mouth but that was all she did, no words came.

"I guess you're mine, now !" Ian finally broke the silence a glint of mischief in his eyes , his lips curling up in a playful smile.

Iris frowned at what Ian said, what he said was true, she could feel it , she could something was different with her. Were they now connected ? How could that be?

" Don't look so upset about it, I'll keep my promise to you! " he hummed trying to break Iris's thoughts and lighten her mood.

" It's not that....I....I'm not upset! I'm a bit worried about all of this. I have so many questions but no answers." she explained in a soft of voice that faded into a mumble.

Ian grabbed her chin pulling her to look at him, leaning to give her kiss, pulling back.

" We will find all the answers that we need but for now be patient my little angel". he whispered again her lips.

" Now...I want to got to heaven again " he spoke again in a needy voice smiling against her lips.

Iris snapped out of her daze at what Ian said, her senses bringing her back to the earthly realm, she felt his cock poking at her bottom and his hand kneading her breast, twisting and pinching her peaks.

" We haven't had dinner yet and I'm starving, you must hungry too,my little angel! " Ian chided, his lips curling in a mischievous smile.

Iris turned around straddling him,looking at him amused.

" Mmmmmn, I don't mind having some more dessert first!" she hummed while grinding herself on him.

" I agree, I'll have you since you're the most luscious dessert that ever touched my lips! I don't want to taste anything else, I'm addicted to you and I want more. You're so wet already, my little angel! I'm starting to think that you have a little bit of devil in you, you keep tempting me." he spoke in a low seductive voice bitting his lower lip, lost in her emerald green eyes, his hands gripping her hips and gently guiding her back and forth.

Biting her lip, to keep a straight face.

" Mmmm, I think you are more of a de-.. Ahhh....! she mewled loudly at the sudden feel of his throbbing member stretching her. Waves of overwhelming pleasure washing over, as her insides wrapped around his cock.

" So tight.....mmmnn!" he graoned from the insane feeling that he was having from being inside her.

She pushed him flat and slowly lowered herself all down to the hilt, she threw her head back, her voluptuous bossom pushing forward, he pulled himself up in one swift motion, wrapping one hand around her waist gripping her tight to him,taking one breast in his mouth and with other kneeding and pinching her hard peaks.

She ran her fingers through his golden hair, pulling him closer into her bossom, she gently started swaying back and forth, slowly giving herself time to adjust to his cock.

He let go of one her breasts, lifting his head he pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss filled with hunger and lust for each other.

Pulling back from the kiss, he grabbed her hips with both hands,pushing his hips up and guiding her picking up the pace.

He lowered himself back on the bed, while Iris leaned futher back and grabbed his knees and picked up her pace, swaying faster, his hand gripping her hips and guiding her.

In the silence of the night their moans and heavy breathing was all it could be heard.

"Ahhh...Ian" she mewled breathless as Ian was burying himself deeper into her core, she was on the verge of climaxing again, she could feel the jolts of electricity running through her thrust, every time he slid in and out and she was euphoric, she felt him with every fibre of her being, the bond that they shared was more than just physical.

" Oh, yes Iris just like that.....take it all! Let me fill you up." he hummed between moans as they both reached their peak.

Breatheless and panting she plopped herself onto his chest . He kissed the crown of her head and held her in his warm embrace.

" That was amazing my little angel, your were amazing!" he hummed while running his fingers through her hair .

" Mmmm....." she purred like a happy kitty into his chest, still coming down from the high of her own release.

" You're weren't too bad yourself " she jabbed him giggling like a silly girl.

He chuckled " Is that a challange my little angel". he chided in an amused voice

" Mmmm.....maybe? she said with a smirk.

" Naughty girl.....you're an insatiable little devil aren't you? Someone after my own taste! I will happily take your challenge my little devil! " he chided in a playful voice ,happy that he wouldn't have to chase her around the hut for another round as he was already feeling ready to again or so he thought.

" I think for now, we should eat some food! We still need to finish cooking "Dinner"! I'm hungry!"she giggled at the word that she used for the rabbit in the pot that was sitting on top of the spent fire.

" Hmm....that's one way of getting out of the trouble that you got yourself into! I'll let it go for now but... it will come to haunt you later!" he said playful voice.

" Huh?" she was wondering what was the meaning behind his words.Did he felt offended by what she said. Oh,no she thought to herself, she was just joking, she wasn't serious. He was gentle and pantient to her , even though she was the one that seduced him. He was amazing .

"I.....I was just making a joke Ian. I didn't mean to offend you!" she quickly apologised trying fix her mistake, pushing her self to sit up so she could look at him.

He burst into a fit of laughter , sighing" You didn't offended, my little angel! I was just playing with you, like a cat plays with the mouse! I wouldn't mind going for another round, though!" he tried his luck while fiddling with her hair, pouting like a child

Tapping the her index finger on her chin with thoughtful look on her face " "Hmmm .....maybe if you behave!" she chided with a smirk raising one eyebrow.

" You're so adorable! My little friend agrees with me, he is ready for you all you have to do is say yes, my little angel!"he hummed in low seductive voice. "Dinner " could wait, he couldn't!