
They carried on splashing and playing in the water, laughing at their own silliness for a good while, eventually settling down on a flat rock in the shallow waters of the river.

Ian was holding Iris in his arms, gently carresing each other in complete silence.

" We should get washed up, I'll wash you first than you can do the same to me!" Ian suggested in a soothing voice, interrupting the peaceful moment.

Iris nodded and sat in Ian's lap with her back facing him, the water reaching up to their waist, slowly lapping against their bodies.

Ian placed a soft kiss on Iris's shoulder and started scooping water with his hands and gently started washing Iris's arms and back, slowly making his way to her breasts, the gentle massage soon turned into kneading, his fingers twisting and pinching her hard peaks.

The acking and longing that she felt this morning for him quickly reared his head out even more ravenous than it was in the morning.

"haaa.....!" she moaned softly under Ian's touch, slowly grinding herself onto his hard member.

His other hand slowly carresed her curves and made it's way between he legs and settled on her folds, his fingers penetrating at a torturously slow pace.

She threw her head back, resting it on Ian's shoulder, pushing her enticing voluptuous chest forward, all the while he was kissing and nibbling at the skin on her neck, her hand circled around Ian's head gripping his hair for support and her other hand joined his between her legs.

Lost in the heat of the moment without holding back, she let herself get carried away grinding and moaning under Ian's touch that left her burning up with desire.

She was acking for release but he was not giving her what she wanted.

" Ian.....plea-....ahhhh! her plea was interupted, moaning at the sudden wave of pleasure that she felt when he slid himself in, him moaning and groaning along with her

Iris''re so divine,my little angel!" he spoke in the crook of her neck breathless while slowly guiding her hips, his hands gripping her tight, slowly increasing the pace.

He could feel her clenching around him, her moans, her body swaying so gracefully, her curves drove him mad with desire, he loved everything about her.

Tightning his grip on her, he gave one last deep thrust, reaching his own realease, her insides gripping tight around his cock, making him groan in pleasure.

" Ahhhh.....Iris...mmmm.....I'm yours,my little angel!" he spoke in the crook of her neck still panting, his hands wrapping around her waist hugging her from behind.

Iris was panting, breathless still in a daze from their love making, she could feel him pulsating, spreading his seed in her woomb and it made her crave for more.

This man had so many sides, he was tender and loving at times and ruthless other times. She found herself wanting to know more about him, this wasn't just physical anymore. He wasn't weak like she thought at first, he was so many things and she couldn't wait to find out what that was.

"And I'm yours!" her soft voice broke the silence gaining Ian's attention with what she said.

With a wide grin plastered on his face he started trailing kisses everywhere he could reach. Pinching her chin he gave her a soft kiss on the lips, slowly pulling back, looking into her emerald eyes.

" You don't know how happy you just made me?!" he spoke in serious voice holding her gaze, to make sure that she meant what she said and they weren't just words.

With a sweet smile on her face, she cupped his face with her hand and gave him a tender kiss on the lips.

"I'm yours Ian and I meant what I said! You made me a promise, now I want to make you a promise! I'll be by your side as long as you want me too, be there for you when you need me and when you don't!" Iris spoke softly looking into his eyes.

Overwhelmed by the emotions that where swirling in his heart, he closed his eyes trying to calm the storm that was brewing within him at her words. She didn't spoke much but when she did, she made sure that her words had value.

Clearing his throat, swallowing the lump in his throat, trying to keep his composure, he slowly opened his eyes that where glimmering with emotions and he said,

" I know that we have only met not long ago and I know that you think that I only want your body but truth be told it's more than that,much more!" he took took a deep breath, slowly letting it out a bit shaky " I....feel drawn to you in many different ways, I like it when you smile, when laugh or frown or cry. I can't explain it, not yet but .....I want to be with you and be there for you no matter what the future holds for us!" he finished his declaration looking intently in her eyes that were glistening with unshed tears.

" Don't be sad! That wasn't that bad, was it?!" he questioned in a amused voice with a boysh smile plastered on his face trying to make her smile.

She slapped his arm and giggled, leaning in she softly kissed his lips,

" I'm not sad, I'm happy Ian, those are happy tears, I thought that I was the only one feeling this way!" she mumured sniffling

Whipping the tear from the corner of her eyes away with his thumb he turned her around to straddle him and pulled her in a tight hug.

" I need you to speak your mind Iris, share your thoughts with me, my little angel and I will do the samel!" he encouraged her while resting his chin on her shoulder while she did the same.

" Even the silly things?" she queried in a choked up voice struggling to control her emotions.

'Even the silly things!" he confirmed to her that he didn't want be left out.

Pulling away from the hug, he bumped his forehead on hers, grabbing both of her hands he kissed them both and gave her a gentle peck on her lips.

"Now enough with the sad talk! What would you like to do now?" he queried trying to change the atmosphere to something more cheerful.

" Well.....since asked and you wanted to know my thoughts....." she drawled her words, raising an eyebrow in question not finishing her thought, leaning in she gave him a ravenous kiss and she wrapped her legs arounds his waist, pulling back from the kiss just enough to speak

"I don't know about you but i would like some more dessert!" she wickedly suggested with a naughty smile plastered on her face, bitting her lower lip.