Just us

Days passed one after another, with Ian and Iris enjoying their little moments of peace and happiness, undisturbed by the outside world, as if they were the only people in the world.

Their feelings for each other grew with each passing day, getting to know each other and learning about their past and what they wanted from the future.

Happiness and love filled the little hut in the forest, Ian and Iris were revelling in pure bliss.

Wrapped in each others arms, basking in the after glow of a another rigorous session of love making, Ian broke the silence.

" How did you ended up in this forest?" he asked the question, that has been bothering him for days and couldn't shake off the feeling that, her being in this forest wasn't just a coincidence.

" The day before you found me, I arrived in the village that lies over the cliff and decided to stay for a few days. I usually just stop for supplies and leave, I never stay in one place for too long. That day that you found me I was just roaming in the forest picking fruits and other things that I needed to make dinner." she explained in serious voice, thinking back at number of years she had been running and hiding.

" Why did you not stay longer?" Ian asked again, at the reason as to why she keeps going from one place to another without settling down.

Iris fell silent at Ian's question, frowning she looked at Ian, she saw Ian frown waiting for her to answer his question.

Ian patiently waited for her answer but it didn't seem to come. She was wearing a worried look on her face, she seemed to be weighing wether to tell him the truth or not

" Iris?" he spoke again touching Iris's shoulders to gain her attention.

Sighing heavily, he shoulder dropped in resignation and she began telling him, her story " When I was young, my parents were killed ruthlessly by a man in front of me, I was hiding at the time and he didn't saw me, otherwise I think he would have killed me, too. With her last breath, my mother told me to run and hide. I have been running and hiding ever since, never stopped." tears flowing down her cheeks like rivers and sobbing while she spoke, letting out all the pain that she had held in for years on end, not having a single soul to share it, with until now.

Ian pulled her in his arms, hugging her tight, gently rubbing her back, trying to soothe her and somewhat feeling angry at himself for even asking the question in the first place, he should have let it go but he couldn't this whole thing irked him to no end and he wanted answers and she was the one able to give him some. He had no choice he would take what he could get.

Sobbing in his arms Iris relived the pain of losing her parents and the time she had been on the run and the things she had to do, to stay alive.

They stayed like that for a while until she finally settled down and the sobbing slowly succumbed.

Tilting her head to look at Ian, wiping the traces of her tears with the back of her hand, she looked up at Ian, her eyes red from all the crying.

" Thank you!" she grumbled with a hoarse voice.

" I'm here for you, so lean on me, my little angel!" he encouraged her in a soft voice while kissing the crown of her head.

" Who attacked you in the forest?" he asked again, wanting to know the whole story, he had already opened the pandora box, might as well look in it to see what it held.

" It was the same man that killed my parents but I don't think his intention was to kill me though, I think he just wanted to capture me!" she explained further bringing Ian into the loop of events, thinking that he deserved to know the truth.

" Hmmm.....why would he want to just capture you? When I found you, you were on the deaths door! I'm pretty sure that he wanted you dead!" he questioned and offered his opinion, remembering the state she was in when he had found her made his blood boil.

Getting up on to sit on the bed, she gave Ian a weary smile, feeling a little guilty for having so many secrets from him.

She cleared her throat, trying to work up the courage to drop more news on him.

" I.....I would've survived but not for long though, he would've found me again and made sure that he would finish the job this time around!" she told him the truth and what she thought it would have happened if he hadn't found her that day.

"What do you mean you would've have survived? How is that even possible?" he shot the next questions feeling a little vexed that things made even less sense than it did before.

" Ummm....well....you know....the wolf?" she stumbled on her own words trying her best to explain the situation without marking things more difficult than, they already were.

" What about it?" he asked a little surprised, his eyebrows raised at her mention of the wolf.

Taking a deep breath as if preparing herself to reveal more about her, she thought to herself, might as well get it done now while they were at it and tell what she knew so far. Although her memories were still, somewhat hazy and couldn't remember everything.