And the Wolf

" The wolf is mine, well.....not exactly but he is a part of me, more like a part of my soul energy!" she tried her best to explain the existence of the wolf and her connection to it.

" How is that even possible Iris? I have never met a human that posses that kind of ability!" he asked, now even more confused at the whole situation.

" Well....I'm not exactly human and I'm pretty sure that neither are you!" she tried her best to explain but based on the confused look on his face she didn't succeed.

"Huh?"that was all he was able to muster at that moment, feeling taken aback at he mention that he wasn't human.

" We are damned souls, cursed to roam the earth, never die, never fall in love, never be loved or experience joy or happiness or any of the good things that this world has to offer, when we die we just return here start over again, we never get to have eternal peace!" she told him in one breath, Ian was still dumbfounded at the new information and now he looked like he is going to explode in anger and frustration.

Falling silent for a moment, trying to take everything in, he looked at her intently making sure that she was being serious, he finally spoke again

" Alright! So, the wolf is a part of you and keeps you alive if even badly injured?" he queried about the thing that it was most important to him and that was Iris.

" Yes, I can only be killed if Bastos and I become one but even if we merge, it would be great feat to achieve!" she answered as detailed as possible seeing that he was worried about her.

" Bastos is the name of the wolf ?" he asked trying to confirm that he got it , right.

" Yes, he is a bit different from other Kethars he is very protective of me even when he doesn't need to be!" she added another piece of information, thinking that it would be easier this way for Ian to process rather flooding him with whole story in one go.

" Kethar?" he asked in confusion, thinking that this wasn't a box, this was more like an endless pit of new information in he was deep in it, with no way out.

" That's how they are called!" she plainly explained stopping herself from giving anymore extra information to avoid confusing Ian eve more than he already was.

" You said that we are not meant to experience good things, like fall in love or be loved, right?! he asked curiously starting with the things that worried him the most, he was in love with Iris and the thought of losing her, made his heart stop beating.

" Yes" she replied with a shy smile realising where his questions were leading

" How did we happened then?" he asked with grave voice also trying to confirm that she felt the same about him

" I don't know Ian something happened or something interrupted the natural course of things!" I never heard of anything similar happening before! Two people like us to fall in love!" she answered with a confused look on her face, herself not understanding how this was possible.

She suddenly felt herself being yanked and pinned on the bed with Ian looming over her, with a wide grin on his face. Now she was even more confused at his action, a minute ago he was sulking like a child, what happened?

He started raining kisses all over her face and wherever his lips landed, he didn't care at that moment, he just wanted to shower her with love and he didn't want to hold back anymore.

" Marry me Iris?" he blurted out in the spur of the moment.

Surprised by Ians question, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, he seemed to have a habit rendering her speechless at the worst times.

" Ian.....I...I'm-" she closed her mouth and stopped speaking when she saw Ian frown, his smile dropped and the room suddenly turned colder than a winters night. She quickly realised that her mumbling was taken by him as her saying no to him

" love!" she called out to him in a sweet and gentle voice.

Ian's ears perked up, hearing her calling him his love and he felt the life that suddenly drained out of him, slowly coming back.

" Of course I want to marry you and spend the rest my life with you, my love!" she gave her answer in an emotional voice, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears.

Breathing out in relief, he let go of her hands and pined her with his body against the bed and embraced her tight as if he had not seen her in a long time.

" My heart stopped when I thought you were going to say no!" he confessed in a shaky voice, with his head buried in the crook of her neck.

" How could I say no to the man I love!" she confessed her feelings for him for the first time loud and clear, not leaving room for doubt.