Kulka Witch

Far away from quietness of the cave and the peaceful forest, across the border within the Hessian Kingdom, laid a castle made out of dark grey stone, with high walls surrounding it protecting the imposing build.

Sorounded by a deep river that flowed fast, with a bridge over it as the only passage to enter the dreary castle.

Rom and his men slowly aproaching the citadel on their horses.

Rom looked at the castle that came into view a soon as they went over the hill, sighing heavily at the thought of what it will happen next.

His master will be dissaponted, he thought to himself preparing for the worst. The man that once saved his and his sister's life, to which he had swore to serve in return, to spend his life in his service to repay his debt. He was like a father to him and he would be eternally grateful that thanks to him he still had a sister.

He had tried to find the girl and the wolf but both of them seem to have vanished all of the sudden. The necklace that his master has given him to use, to find the girl led them nowhere, had stopped working after they lost the wolf in the forest and without it, they searched aimlessly everywhere but no luck.

Sylus was watching his commander from the corner of his eye, seeing that he was deep in his thoughts, his forehead creased with deep lines. He knew that he was worried about what the punishment he will receive because of their failure to find the girl and bring her to the castle.

" Commander, we tried our best!" Sylus broke the silence with an apologetic tone in his voice.

" Thank you for stating the obvious Sylus!" Rom deadpanned looking ahead at the castle that was getting closer.

Sylus cleared his throat " Commander, I'm sure master will understand once we will explain to him what happened!" continued speaking unbothered by Roms retort.

"Hmmm.....if that's what you think than you should speak to him then!" Rom reasoned not bothering to look at Sylus that was disturbing his thoughts.

Sylus froze, gripping tight the reigns " You know he doesn't speak to us only you!" Sylus dropped the formalities as he continued looking at Rom trying to read his expression but it hadn't changed, he was wearing the same one as before.

Rom turned to look at Sylus, raising an eyebrow " Sylus stop saying useless things and be quiet, I need to think!" Rom deadpanned again and turned to look ahead.

Sylus looked at Nex with his eyebrows raised and Nex shook his head in disapproval and shrugged continuing to look ahead just like Rom did.

Everyone went silent and carried on riding on their horses in complete silence until they finally reached the gates of the castle.

Halting in front of the castle gates Rom took a deep breath in"Open the gates!" he ordered in a commanding tone to the men behind the gates

A small window opened, big enough just to see one's eyes, the eyes scoured left and right and a voice spoke

" Papers!" demanded the voice behind the wall

Rom rolled his eyes at the man's request and slid his hand in his armour and pulled out a folded piece of paper, looking a bit annoyed. Unfolding it, he shoved the paper close enough to the small window for the man to see what was written on it.

A few moments of silence past and the man behind the gate shouted " Open the gates!" while closing the small window.

" What a waste of space you are!" Rom whispered while the gates were creaking open.

Walking through the gates, the people within the castel walls stared at them, whispering among them, few of those wispers reaching the men's ears.

" He has failed again, Master will be displeased!" one women commented to another while stealing glances at them.

" I wonder what the punishment will be this time?" the other one snickered while covered her mouth with her hand.

Rom halted his horse " Why don't you join me and be the first one to find out?! he deadpanned looking at the the women with a deadly stare.

The women fell quiet and bowed their heads, seeing that they have been caught in the act.

"No ! You were dying to find out a while ago, what happened?!" he said in a mocking voice his eyes never leaving the two women.

Rom looked around at his men, who were staring at him with blank expressions seeing that he was in a foul mood they didn't want to add to that fire.

He gave one last look at the women, thinking what punishment should give them for being so shameless.

" Have them scrub the stables!" he ordered to his men while pointing at the women to his right.

Two of the men quickly jumped of their horses and made their way to the two women grabbing them and dragging them away from his sight to where the stables were.

" Commander we have servants for that!" Sylus commented feeling bad for the two women.

" Would you like to join them Sylus?" Rom deadpanned while looking ahead his mood getting worse the closer he got to the castle.

" No Commander" Sylus quickly replied, instantly regretting that he opened his mouth to defend the two women.

" Let's move!" he ordered, while he nudged his own horse with his heels and his men followed.

Reaching the castle entrance they were greeted by the servants who were waiting for their arrival being already informed that the Commander has returned.

" Good to see that you are safe and sound Commander" the seneschal of the castle greeted Rom with a warm smile and bow.

"Good to be back Reed!" Rom replied with smile while looking at Reed, patting his shoulder.

Reed lifted his head to look at Rom smiling back at him.

" Master is waiting for you!" Reed added his expression quickly changing from welcoming to dreary.

" I know Reed! Don't worry!" he said to the seneschal seeing the look on his face changed in an instant.

Rom looked over his shoulder at his men" Go get cleaned and have some rest!" he ordered them, while he started walking away

Making his way through the corridors of the castle not bothering to look around, the place was just as desolate as always.

Reaching the door to throne Hall, the guard bowed and opened the door for Rom to enter.

Seeing Rom enter the court the attendant quickly rushed ahead and announced his presence.

" Commander Rom has returned,my king!" while bowing his head.

The man sitting in his golden thone, padded with luxurious red fabric, his short ebony hair resting on his forehead, his blue eyes staring with annoyance.

Sighing, he muttered under his breath " What a of waste space " while lifting his head to look at Rom.

" I have eyes too, I can see him!" the king deadpanned with a chuckle at his own joke.

" Apologies my King!" the court attendant quickly scoured out of sight.

Rom made his way to the throne, bowing in front of it " Greetings Master! I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news!" Rom spoke with his head bowed with humble tone in his voice.

The king turned to the ministers in the room, looking around the room with a displeased look on his face" Leave us!" he thundered and the ministers all sat up from their seats making their way out of the throne Hall, without as much as a word to the two men.