Kulka Witch(2)

Finally alone, the king looked at Rom intently and let out a heavy sigh" I'm happy that you're are safe and sound,my son"! the king spoke in a calm and loving tone as he was getting up from his throne making his way to where Rom was.

Facing each other, both smiling they hugged patting each other on the back.

" Happy that you too are well Father!" Rom greeted back the king with the same warmth.

Breaking the hug the king looked at Rom, without wasting more time, he began to speak " We need to talk, plans have changed and we don't have much time!" worry marred the kings face.

Seeing the look on his father's face " What is it father?" Rom questioned with his eyebrows furrowed

" We have been chasing the Mytrhrian Queen for a very long time and it's time to stop. I want peace but I'm afraid that Mother doesn't feel the same. I have had enough of her pettiness and hatred! I want peace, my son! I want my people to be safe and free! We don't have long, she will awake soon from her visit with the Hollow guardian. As you know very well she is a kulka witch and she will stop at nothing to reach her goals! She has already began sacrificing our own people for her rituals and I can't do anything to stop her, she's too powerful!I think it's time to make an alliance with the Mytrhrian Queen! the king finished his speech as fast as he could looking around scared that someone might come.

Rom looked around the room, seeing that no one was around, taking a deep breath in " Are you sure father!" Rom asked with a frown, grabbing his shoulder looking into his sad blue eyes.

The king rubbed his forehead, his shoulders dropped in resignation " Ye-.."

" Rom, you have finally returned! With good news I hope!" a haughty voice interupted the two men that turned around to look in the direction of it.

" Amon you should have told me that Rom has returned!" the women continued in the same tone of voice while making her way to where they were

" Forgive me mother, I did not want to disturb your time with the guardian!" Amon replied to the with in an apologetic tone.

" Grandmo-..." Rom began greeting the witch with a warm smile, which was quickly interupted

" Don't call me that, I'm not your grandmother you lowly human! Just because he calls you his son we don't share the same blood, you're nothing but a tool"! the witch raged showing her disdain for Rom and humans alike.

"Mother, there no need fo- " Amon began pacifying his mother with a pleading voice which was quickly cut off

" Silence, you buffoon!" the witch raged again not sparing her son either.

Both men fell silent, looking at the ground, seeing that the witch was relentlessly cutting them off not allowing them to speak.

" Now, tell me where is that filthy scum that calls herself Queen?" the witch questioned looking at them enraged

Rom took a silent breath in and finally looked at the witch, feeling a little dizzy from the intense stare that she was giving him" My apologies but we were unable to find her, she has vanished!" Rom gave her the short version of the events hoping to be able to make himself scarce sooner rather than later.

All of the sudden the witch let out a piercing shriek, grabbing a chair she threw it at the two men.

Rom and Amon they both took a step back to doge the chair coming at them, looking at the witch that was pulling her hair and continued screaming like she was in tremendous pain.

After a while the screaming slowly stopped and the witch turned around to look at them, she made her way to them in quick strides, stopping right before them.

" Banish him, this instant!" she barked at Amon, raged filled her eyes.

" Yes, mother!" Amon quickly agreed while turning around to look at Rom with a sad smile that quickly disappeared and his expression hardened.

"Gather your things and do not return to these lands!" Amon gave his decree while turning around to leave the throne hall, disenheartened because what he had to do , to please his mother.

Rom quickly followed Amon without looking back, both of them made their way out of the throne hall, closing the door behind them.

Looking in each others eyes filled with sadness and regret for a few moments, they both nodded at each other in agreement and started walking in opposite directions.

Rom made his way through the castle corridors heading to his quarters to do as he was commanded by his father.

He quickly unpacked the things from his bag and replaced them with clean ones, throwing the bag on his shoulder he took one last look around the room, letting out heavy sigh he made his way to the door.

Opening the door, he was greeted by Sylus who's hand was in the air looking ready to knock on the door.

His eyes widened, he clicked his toungue " So, it's true then!" he stated with a surprised look on his face.

Rom sighed in relief " Sylus, she is your problem now!" he deadpanned, smirking at Sylus.

Sylus frowned " I want come with you Commander!" he made his intentions clear.

" I'm not your Commander anymore, Sylus!" he plainly explained

" My loyalty lies with you!" he retorted looking at Rom, hoping that he will allow him to come as well.