Break or Make

Whilst Maya, Sylus and Rom were trying their best to make their way out of the borders of the Hessian kingdom.

Somewhere in the cave within the Fiahthyr Forest, the other three people were continuing to unwind the story that has happened thousands of years in the past and trying to understand what had happened.

The sun shining his rays over the quiet forest brightening the landscape breathing life into the forest.

Looking at his wrists, the more they talked the more he felt his chance of freedom slipping away as Ian kept pushing the conversation in a different direction. Iris couldn't remember how to break the bind that she had put on him and there were no other options right now that he could think of.

Letting out a shaky sigh, feeling utterly helpless and hopless he lifted his head to look at Ian " She is a Kulka witch, the same one that placed the curse on our people!" he began his story while he stared at Ian and Iris's that were even more confused than before.

" What does she want?" Ian repeat the question that he had posed earlier scowling feeling his anger bubbling.

Taking a sharp breath in " She wants power, the power our Queen holds and guards!" he plainly explained throwing the two even deeper into the unknown.

Iris fisted her cloak tightly in frustration that she couldn't remember any of this and stood up from Ian's lap and made her way to the cave entrance running outside.

" Ahhhhh" she screamed letting out her anger and frustration panting and feeling overwhelmed by her lack of knowledge and inability to help the one person that needed her.

Ian and Athan stared at each slightly shocked at her sudden outburst, while Ian let out a heavy sigh slowly getting up from his spot on the ground and made his way outside to comfort Iris.

Halting his steps behind her, he wrapped his arms around her while resting his chin on the crown of her head keeping quiet, knowing that no matter what he said, it wouldn't help she will have to work through it and the only thing he could do is be there for her when she needed him.

" I don't know what to do Ian!" she spoke in a pained voice while sobbing.

" All of this, we will figure it out one way or another, my sweet wife!" he encouraged her trying to ease her frustration as much as he could.

" This will either break you or make you the greatest Queen that ever existed, it's up to you which path you choose!" he continued speaking in a calm soothing voice while tightning his grip on her.

" One step at a time, my sweet little angel!" he encouraged further seeing that she was quiet and listened to what he had to say.

Iris frowned and let out a shaky sigh, feeling her dreams of a happy quiet life slipping away if she choose to take this path and accept to be a Queen of people she didn't know or remembered of.

" I don't know if I want any of this Ian?! All I want right now is to go back to our home and have a peaceful life with you and have little Ian's running around." she revealed her hopes and dreams while turning around to look at Ian.

Ian clicked his toungue " I know my sweet little angel, I want the same as you do! This is driving me mad, all I want is to go back to when I had you all to myself, for me it was haven!" he voiced his own thoughts letting her know that he understood how she felt while his lips curled up in sad smile which quickly disappeared.

" If what Athan said its true she won't stop coming after you!" he reminded her of the cruel truth that now was haunting both of them, not just her.

Iris let out a nervous sigh " You are right, how could I forget about that!" she agreed while wrapping her arms around Ian's waist leaning her head on his chest.

" You kept your promise to me and replaced all the bad things with laughter and joy!" she replied while looking up at him.

" I always keep my promises!" he retorted proudly with a wide grin on his face, happy that he had made her forget about all the bad things even if it was just for a short while.

" Can you make another one then?" she requested in a hushed voice, he eyes gleaming with hope.

" Of course my sweet little angel !" he agreed in while pinching her chin placing a soft kiss on her lips.

" That we will get what we want in the end!" she revealed her wish speaking against his lips

" I promise you my sweet wife that we will get to live a peaceful life and I will give you as many Ian's as you want!" he hummed against her lips while placing another kiss on her lips.

Pulling back just enough to speak " How about we start now!" he mumured while his lips curled up in a bashful smile and his hand roamed under her cloak cupping her breast.

Iris bit her her lip at Ian's words, her lips curling up in a naughty smile that quickly disappeared, when she realised that Athan was stuck in the cave" Athan, what are going to do about him?" she asked in a worried voice while looking at the cave entrance.

Ian let out a heavy sigh and followed Iris line of sight " Athan are you hungry?" he asked the man in the cave

" I'm a little hungry but there is no need to trouble yourself, I'll be alright!" he replied from inside the cave, not bothering to come to the entrance not wanting to interrupt the intimate moment.

" We will try find something for us to eat! Are there any other clothes for us to wear?" he beseeched Athan while his eyes remained on Iris bitting his lower lip at the thought of having some time to themselves, even though it wasn't that long since he had her, he could feel his member acking and throbbing.

" Thank you! Right away!" Athan expressed his gratitude while getting up from his spot on the ground making his way to the back of the cave fumbling in the chests looking for something for them to wear.

" These two!" he mumbled to himself while chuckling in disbelief at their timing while making his way to the entrance of the cave with the clothes hanging over his arm.