No More time

The other two just stayed rooted to their spot looking at each other, causing Maya and Rom to halt their steps.

" What is it Sylus?" Rom asked in grave voice fearing his suspicions would come true.

" What about her!" he answered while pointing at Rhya who stood there, a bit taken aback at sudden turn of events.

" I need more time to think about it!" she commented while looking at Rom with a frown.

" There is no more time Rhya!" Rom deadpanned grabbing his sister by the wrist while opening the door.

Sylus finally moved from his spot in a few quick strides he was standing next to Maya, with a bright smile on his face.

" I'm ready!" he announced while following the two through the small corridor of the inn.

" Give him the necklace and anything else that the witch gave to you!" Rom barked out, on the edge of losing his temper.

" We need the horses to put some distance between us and the citadel!" he added while stepping out of the small corridor into the inn that was empty now.

" Where are the horses?" Sylus demanded the innkeeper with a serious tone of voice.

" Tied outside!" the innkeeper curtly replied while looking a bit flustered.

Sylus pulled the necklace around his neck and handed it to the innkeeper, who's eye shined with greed upon taking the jewell from Sylus's hand.

The tree turned around making their way out the door, with quick steps without wasting anymore time.

" What about the woman?" the innkeeper asked while they where opening the door to step out of the inn.

" She is your problem now!" Sylus replied in an amused voice while closing the door behind him.

Getting on the horse, Rom reached out his hand to Maya who seemed hesitant to take it as she kept glancing at Sylus who didn't seem to notice as he was busy tying their bags to the horse.

" Maya do you want to ride with me?" Sylus asked as he was finishing tying the bags.

Maya nodded in agreement and took a step closer to Sylus who was already on the horse with his hand stretch out for her to take.

Pulling her up like she was a feather he placed her in front of him with his arms stretch on either side holding the reins.His instincts quickly took over, feeling Maya shuffling to make herself comfortable in her seat, gently brushing his groin with her bottom.

Leaning closer " I've have been awaiting for a very long time to have you this close to me Maya!" he wispered in the shell of her ear his hot breath brushing the skin on her neck causing Maya to blush and hold her breath.

Rom rolled his eyes at the two and turned his head to look over the hill, his eyes widened noticing something standing on the hill shining in the moonlight.

" We need to leave!" he barked at the two who where lost in their own world causing them to follow Rom's line of sight.

Nuddgind the horses with their heels, they started to move away from the inn, trying no to rush while they where still in the village to avoid attracting unwanted attention, since was still night and by what Rom gathered earlier someone was aproaching the village and his instincts were telling him, it wasn't a curteousy visit.

Inside the room in the inn, Rhya sat on the edge of the bed still pondering on what to do, knowing full well she couldn't take too long to think about it.

A knock on the door echoed in the room, abruptly breaking Rhya's train of thoughts, lifting her head to look at the door" Who is it?" she asked in soft voice

" Karan, the innkeeper milady!" he politely replied from behind the door.

Getting up from the bed she approached the door with light footsteps to make sure that the person behind the door didn't hear her, she placed her ear on the door and listened closely to soo see if it was just the innkeeper or someone else as well.

Hearing that there were very faint wisepering coming from behind the door she gathered that it was more than one person and Rom was right to leave all of the sudden.

Turning on her heels she went back to the bed, taking a deep breath in " I'm getting dressed just give me a moment, please!" she politely request while making her way to the window and gently opening it sliding out of the room, outside at the back of the inn.

Without looking back she began to run towards the trees, thinking that it will provide her cover for the night.

She heard the door to the room behind opening with a thud and realised that she almost brushed death again.

Upon reaching the tree line Rhya finally stopped running, resting against a tree heavily gasping for air, wincing in pain. Looking around under the moonlit forest, she slowly started to make her way through the trees.

" I can't stop, I must keep moving"! she mused to herself while walking and pushing branches out of her way.


Reaching the edge of the village Rom sighed in relief, looking over his shoulder one last time to make sure that no one was following them.

" We need to move faster and make it to the next village as soon as we can!" he plainly while he nudged the horse with his heels and started galloping through the forest, Sylus and Maya following suit.