All of you!

Iris giggled hearing Ian, gently carresing his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss "My love, you made me a naughty girl!" she said softly speaking against his lips with a playful smile on her lips.

" Iris I'm crazy about you, all of you!" Ian declared while wrapping his hand at the back of her head giving her a deep passionate kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Iris looked into his eyes, grabbing his wrist, gently brushing the back of his hand with her thumb " I know that I don't speak much about it but I love and want to have all of you Ian! I want your heart to be mine just as mine is yours!" she confessed her feelings for him with an open heart, her eyes glimmering with tears.

Ian let out a sigh of relief, closing his eyes, with a warm smile on his lips " My sweet little angel, you have had my heart since the moment you looked at me with these beautiful eyes and you spoke with these delicious lips of yours..... he stopped speaking to place a kiss on her eyes and on her lips " you are mine Iris and there is no escaping me, that's a promise!" he avowed in a serious tone of voice while looking into her gleaming emerald eyes.

Iris kissed the palm of his hand, her eyes slowly closing, a lonely tear running down on her cheek .

" No more crying my sweet little angel!" he pleaded in a soft voice while wiping her lonely tear with his thumb.

Opening her eyes she nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat from the emotions that were overwhelming her, she felt so many things, the storm that was brewing within her heart didn't seem to quiet down and give her a moment to breath.

" Let's get cleaned up!" he quickly suggested in a cheerful voice trying to change the mood that seemed have gone down again.

Iris nodded in agreement, clearing her throat and trying to gather herself and put aside other things for the time being. Relieved that she had managed to clear the air between her and Ian, now feeling a little bit more confident in her own abilities to face whatever would come their way.

Getting himself up, Ian stretched out his hand for Iris to take pulling her up to face him, he quickly picked her up in his arms jumping in the pool with her in tow.

Iris squealed the moment they touched the water, slowly submerging in it.

Upon reaching the bottom of the shallow pool he stood up with Iris in his arms gently letting go of her to stand up on her own two feet.

Iris wiped the dripping water of her face so she could open her eyes and look at Ian who stood in front of her grining like Cheshire cat.

" We should wash up and check the traps!' Ian suggested while gently splashing water on her shoulders.

" We have been gone for some time now, I'm sure by now we have caught something!" she added while she did the same to him.

" Athan must've started to think that we have left him, although I'm sure we wouldn't be able to go very far, he would drag us back before we know it!" Ian commented in an amused tone of voice thinking that there is no way that they could escape that guy.

Iris giggled " I wonder what other tricks he has up his sleeve!?" she pondered with puzzled look on her face while looking up at the sky.

" It's past noon already, we should go back soon!" she added while continuing to wash Ian and in turn he did the same.

" I'll wash your hair!" he offered with a smile, while grabbing Iris by the shoulders gently turning her around.

" I'll check with Athan to see if he has back in his magic chest some essentials fit for your care!" he said while running his hands through her white hair, his eyes falling on her shoulders.

Gently brushing her hair aside to reveal the mark, his eyebrows furrowed, clicking his tongue" It's changed again, your mark!?" he said in wonderment with his fingers touching the mark.

Iris frowned " How does look like now?" she asked in a worried tone of voice while turning around to look at Ian.

" In the middle there is a new marking, it looks a lot like an loop but on the side!" he plainly explained while gesturing with his hands to show what he meant.

" Turn around " she said while nudging him to turn around.

" Uhmm.....well yours is different too but the loop shape that you mentioned has a circle around it!" she informed him while brushing the mark with her fingers.

"Hmmm...Athan might know something about it!" he commented while turning back to look at Iris who seemed preoccupied by this new development.

" We should head back now"! Ian suggested while pulling Iris by the hand out of the pool.

Drying themselves with one of the cloaks, Ian picked up her dress, turning it around to see how it goes, sliding it over Iris's head and pulling it all the way down.

Getting up to look at her, his eyes widened and cursed under his breath, when he noticed how revealing the dress was. The collar that went around her neck, with a low cut that pushed her voluptuous breasts up, revealing them in all their glory, the dress huged her waist showing her alluring curves, with slits on either side of her legs, the emerald green dress clashed with her fair skin.

" I'm going to kill him!" Ian muttered under his breath while running his hand trough his hair utterly displeased at how much skin she was showing. She looked like a goddess in his eyes and he was sure that anyone else would think exactly the same as he did.

" I only have eyes for my husband!" Iris quickly avowed seeing that Ian's mood went sour upon seeing her wearing the dress.

" other man should see these!" he huffed in annoyance while gesturing at her breasts.

Iris giggled bending down she picked up one of the cloaks on the floor, drapping it around her shoulder covering herself, making Ian sigh in relief.

Picking up his clothes, he got himself dressed as quickly as he could, thinking at the moment he would lay his eyes on Athan to give him a piece of his mind about Iris's dress.

Looking down at his overall attire, noticing that it was too small for him, his pants were too short and also the sleeves to his tunic , having a better look he quickly realised that he was wearing exactly the same attire as Athan.

" He is dead!" he huffed again in annoyance while frowning at his clothes.

Iris giggled again " Don't be silly, I'm sure that he picked up the first thing that he could find!" Iris did her best to apease him while gently rubbing his shoulders to soothe him.