Breaking the natural order

Hearing Ian's words Athan frowned while looking at the ground deep in thought trying to figure out how was it even possible for this to happen.

" What happened to her?" Iris asked in a soft voice while looking at him feeling guilty that she had been so focused on her own problems completely disregarding Ian.

"I don't really know, they just one day passed away.They were both healthy and well and one day they didn't wake up!" he answered gritting his teeth while looking outside trying to keep his composure.

" They?" Athan asked curiously with his eyebrows raised a little surprised that he included his father as well when he answered the question.

" Your father, what was his name?" Athan shot the next question while narrowing his eyes at Ian.

Ian sighed, dropping his head " Medrik!" he plainly answered while lifting his head to look at Athan who had a shocked look on his face.

" You are the one who is breaking the natural order!" Athan exclaimed in excitement that he had finally figured it out why everything was so jumbled up.

" Huh!" the coupled mumbled at the same time while looking at Athan who was beaming with happiness.

" Your parents must've found a way to break the seal, that's how you were born!" he exclaimed again while running in circles in the cave.

Ian walked outside upon seeing Athan behave like a crazy person, thinking that he needs a little time to calm down and he needs get out of that cave soon.

In the meantime he would prepare the rabbits so they could have the so much needed food.

At this rate they would perish of starvation before the witch gets to them, he thought to himself while crouching down to deal with rabbits.

Inside the cave Iris frowned at Athan's reaction, waiting for him to calm down so he can explain himself better, since what he just said made absolutely no sense to her or Ian.

Thinking that they should make more efforts in letting him out of that cave, the man was definitely on the brink of losing his sanity.

Athan himself didn't really understood how did Ian's parents managed to break the seal, but all he knew was that they were a step closer breaking the witch's curse and for him that was great news.

Exausted and panting from running in circles, Athan finally stopped and plopped himself on the ground, grining from ear to ear, letting out a loud sigh of relief.

Seeing he finally pulled himself together, Iris made her way to Athan standing in front of him.

" Would please explain what just happened?" she asked frowning at him while waiting for him to shed some light.

Athan patted the ground next to him for Iris to sit down " We should wait for Ian to come back inside!" he suggested while his eyes fell on the wolf on the ground that was lightly breathing.

Iris followed his line of sight, sitting down next to Athan" Will he be alright? she asked in soft voice while turning to look back Athan.

" He will recover as long as he is close to you, he can draw enough life force from you to heal faster." Athan explained while patting Iris on the shoulder letting her know that there is no need to worry.

" It works both ways, that's why he comes to you when you get badly injured, to help you heal faster." he carried on explaining how their connection works.

Iris suspected that the reason she healed so fast last time she got injured, was because Bastos stayed by her side while she was on death door but she couldn't help but wonder how every single mark on her body dissappear ed after she and Ian did the deed!

Clearing her throat, feeling a little embarrassed to ask Athan about it, she finally took a deep breath in " when Ian and I.....did the deed the first time" she stopped speaking, feeling flustered"I wasn't fully healed but after, there were no more marks on me, as if I was never injured!" she asked in soft voice while looking at the ground feeling her cheeks burning hot.

" Hmm....that's interesting!" he mumured while frowning rubbing his forehead.

" The only thing that I can think of right now, is that Ian's abilities awakened during-...."he gestured with his hands to avoid saying the words while looking just as embarrassed as Iris to speak about it.

" Abilities?" Iris echoed his the word that peaked her interest wanting to know more about it.

" Medrik and Sadhya were healers the most powerful ones that existed!" he stated proudly while his eyes shifted to the cave entrance were Ian was standing with the rabbits in his bloody hands.

" Fire, I told you to make the fire Athan!" Ian huffed, annoyed that he had ignored his request.

" Oh, that! Apologies, I got a bit distracted!" he stated while standing up from the ground with his right hand extended and the palm of his hand slightly opened, a small flame flickering in the palm of his hand that slowly grew larger.

Ian froze in his spot, not quite believing what he was seeing while Iris just stood up and poked the flame that instead of burning her just moved and settled on the back of her hand.Athan smiled seeing that the connection between her and the source of their powers was completely broken and sighed in relief that not all was lost.

" Why it's not burning my hand?" Iris asked curiously while staring at the flame on the back of hand that just flickered as if it was alive.

" Because you already have the ability to control fire you just need to learn again how to do it!" he stated while looking at her hand taking the flame back from her.

" What else can she do?" Ian asked while snapping out of his daze making his way to where Iris was.

Athan smiled " She can control the elements but when the guardian of the Hollow had taken her, she only had succeed to control fire!" he explained while taking the rabbits out of Ians hand making his way to another corner of the cave to cook the rabbits.

" Taken her? You mean she wasn't killed ?" Ian asked a little worried while trying to understand the events that occured in the past.

Athan nodded " He had pulled the soul out of her body and took her with him even though it wasn't her time to go!" he explained while roasting the rabbits in the corner of the cave.

" Why?" he asked frowning even more concerned now, than he was before. They had another enemy in the mixt even more powerful than the witch.

" My best guess is that he had made a deal with the witch!" he replied while making his way back to where Ian and Iris were, holding proudly in his hand two roasted rabbits.