
Snapping out of his daze, he stood up facing Athan grabbing what he had in his hand he quickly pulled the sleeves of his tunic to check and confirm his suspicions.

Looking at his wrists seeing the runes haves vanished from Athan's wrists, he looked up Athan " That was the encatation to break the bond that Iris has placed on you!" Ian stated in an amused tone of voice while Athan's face lit up, turning around he darted outside, running past Iris who was making her way back into the cave.

"Outside" they heard Athan shouting in excitement while falling on his knees kissing the ground.

Ian just stared at Athan with a satified smile, while reaching out his hand towards Iris. Taking his hand she leaned in for a kiss, pulling away from the kiss looking over her shoulder at Athan who was kissing the ground.

Ian chuckled " He had the means to break the bind at anytime!" he answered while pointing at the scribbling on the ground.

Iris frowned, taking a deep breath in, she crouched down to have a better look at what Ian was pointing " Some of these look familiar " she mumured while running her fingers over the writing.

" It's the encatation to break the bind that you have placed on him. He said that was one of the things that you said to him when you bound him to the cave. I'm surprised that he had not made the connection so far." he stated in an amused tone of voice thinking that Athan wasn't very bright but he was a kind person from what he had gathered so far, so it was good enough for him to have him around.

Standing up, she smiled at Ian feeling a little bit better that things were somehow heading in the right direction " Would you like to go for a walk with me?" she asked while grabbing Ian's hand intertwining their fingers.

Ian nodded, placing a kiss on her temple " You need to rest, so not a long walk." he added while making their way outside, stopping next to Athan who was still on his knees staring at the sky.

" We are going for a walk, would you like to join us?" Iris offered with a sweet smile, thinking that he really needed some time away from the cave.

Athan looked at Ian with a sheepish look, knowing full well how displeased he would be if he would join them without his approval.

Ian nodded, seeing that Athan was waiting for him to agree " Come, you need some time away from the cave." Ian suggested while grabbing his elbow to help him up from the ground.

Athan nodded grining from ear to ear, that now he can finally leave the cave and he had company two things that he wished for the most.

The three made their way through the moonlit forest under the clear sky enjoying the peace and quiet without saying a word, a comfortable silence settled in.

After spending some time roaming through the forest, Iris turned to Athan " Would you like to wash up Athan?" she asked with a sweet smile thinking that man might enjoy a bath even if just cold water.

Athan's face lit up again " Of course, we should head back to the cave so I can get a change of clothes and some soap." he suggested while turning around to make his way back to the cave.

" We have soap?" Ian asked in disbelief while looking at Athan a bit annoyed that he hadn't mentioned that earlier.

" Mhm" Athan hummed while walking ahead with hurried footsteps as if he couldn't wait to go back.

" And you didn't think that it would be useful for us to know!" Ian deadpanned while gritting his teeth utterly displeased at how aloof Athan was.

Iris giggled, gently squeezing his hand " It's alright, we can use it tomorrow." she added with a small smile while looking at Ian with a pleading look.

Ian let out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair trying to calm his rattled nerves, feeling like everything brushed him the wrong way lately. He didn't really understand what was happening, he was a calm and composed person, this type of behaviour was unlike him.

" Say Athan, I'm feeling a bit rattled lately and I don't know what exactly is happening to me. Do you happen to know why is that?" he asked curiously hoping that Athan might be able to help.

Halting his steps, he turned around to look at Ian " Your kethar is awakening, the more you fight him, the more he will fight you back. Kethars are usually peaceful, the more powerful ones are harder to reign in. We are born with them, they are not just part of your life force, their are souls of our ancestors who keep us connected to the Arkathira, the source of our abilities. They will take the form of a beast once we separate from them but we are still linked to them. Yours must be as powerful as Bastos!" he explained shrugging while looking at Ian who for the first he had met him did not look dumbfounded.

Iris looked at Ian who looked relieved at the news that he wasn't becoming a different person all of the sudden.

" Will it change me?" he asked with a worried look on his face while he turned to look at Iris, that was what bothered him the most, that he will not be the man that he wanted to be for her.

" Only for a brief period of time. You will be the same man as before after you kethar fully awakens and becomes more attuned to your emotions!" he explained as simply as he could to avoid confusing Ian since all of this it was new to him.

" I have a feeling that Sadhya had something to do with your kethar awakening so late. Kethars awaken at the age of five for them to have the necessary time to adjust to you and the other way around. Was there something that she gave you to take everyday? he asked while starting to walk again.

" Yes, a tea that she had made just for me!" he confirmed Athan's suspicions while nodding in acknowledgement.

" Things are starting to finally piece together, she had done that for a purpose. Your parents were amazing at what they were doing, I do not doubt that they had their reasons!" he stated while looking ahead with a pensive look on his face.

Iris let out a quiet sigh of relief, she loved all sides of Ian but his anger seemed to simmer constantly, making her feel like she was walking on hot coals. She had decided to keep her thoughts to herself for the time being not wanting to add more to what it seemed un unsormountable amount of issues that they needed to address.

Looking at Ian, letting go of his hand wrapping it around his waist to bring him closer, she felt herself being picked up in one swift move " It's time for you to rest." he commented while placing a kiss on her forehead.

Upon reaching the cave, Athan made his way to the back of the cave, Ian following him closely behind wanting to have a look in the magic chests that Athan kept pulling things out of.

Reaching the dimmly lit part of the cave, Ian looked at the large amount of chest all filled with different things for different purposes, some had blankets, clothes, cloaks, shoes, towels, toiletries.

Clearing his throat " Where is all of this from?" Ian asked while gesturing with his hand at the number of chests that laid in the corner of the cave.

" It belongs to Iris!" he simply stated while fumbling in one of the chests.

" Did she always lived in a cave? This is not something that belongs to someone living in cave!" he muttered while picking up a very luxurious necklace incrusted with precious gems.

" No, we lived in a castle." Athan replied while turning to look at Ian holding a bar of soap in his hand.