Sooo....where is it?

Ian forehead creased, one eyebrow raised in question waiting for Athan to say a bit more about it, instead Athan just stared at Ian in turn waiting for the next the question.

Ian sighed, shoving one hand in his pocket and placing the other one Athan's shoulder looking straight into his eyes " Sooo.....where is it ?" Ian asked in a playful tone of voice, thinking that Athan was indeed a lovable goof.

Athan snapped out of his daze, blinking a few times " Oh, that! When Iris sealed the gate that lies within the throne room of the castle for some reason the castle vanished as well along with the people that lived within!" he explained shrugging.

" Wasn't she in the castle when she sealed the gate?" Ian asked while intently looking at Athan having an ideea what his answer will be.

" No, we left the castle knowing the witch will follow Iris, she tried her best to keep the witch as far as possible from our people. When we found this cave, that's when she sealed the castle, she didn't know that will happen! When the castle vanished the throne appeared in the cave." he explained while looking at the thrones.

" Where did other one come from then, if she never had a husband?" he curiously continued to ask while looking over his shoulder at throne that he'd forgotten about in the mixt of everything.

" It just appeared before I summoned you here." Athan plainly explained while rubbing his chin, himself not knowing what was the reason behind the sudden appearance of the second throne, now that Iris had a husband maybe it was something that she herself without knowing would have made for him.

Ian let go of Athan's shoulder, made his way to one the chests thinking that for now it should suffice, they should get some rest.

Fumbling through the chest, he pulled out a few thick blankets for them to cover during the night.

" Could you make some light " he suddenly asked Athan wanting to have a better look through the things in the chests to see what else he would find that they could use in the future.

Athan opened his hand a small flame started to flicker in his palm lighting the corner of the cave allowing Ian to see what exactly was in those chests.

Ian lifted his eyes from the chest that he was looking at, his mouth fell open when he saw the actual number of chests filled with luxurious items.

Raking his hand through his hair thinking that it will take some time to sort through all of that but for now he will look for the things that he thought Iris will need for her care.

" Will have to have a better look tomorrow. Iris and I will get some rest, you're free to do whatever you want!" Ian added while taking the thick blankets with him making his way to where Iris was.

" Let's have some rest my sweet little angel!" he said to while wrapping the thick blanket around her shoulders placing a kiss on her forehead.

Iris nodded, closing her eyes relishing Ian's gentle touch for a few moments. Pulling away she took the other blanket out of his hand and placed on the floor for them to lie on it.

Ian layed down on the thick blanket with Iris next to him, without saying a word he pulled her on top of him, her head resting on his chest.

Gently running his fingers through her hair, playing with the strands of her hair, he closed his eyes revelling in the peaceful moment, thinking back on the the events that had occurred since Iris had entered his life, hoping that he would be there for her for a very long time.

Feeling the heat of his body slowly warming her up, his hearbeat going on steady pace sounded like a lullaby to Iris, she slowly drifted to sleep feeling somewhat thankful that the really long day finally ended.

Athan tip toed his way out of the cave, trying his best not wake up the sleeping couple.

With unhuried steps he roamed around the forest looking for a place to wash up although after spending some considerable time doing so, he plopped himself on the floor a little sullen that he hadn't found a speck of water.

Puffing his cheeks looking out into the forest, his ears perked up when he had heard the sound of water slashing, his face lit up but soon disappeared as he realised that the splash was quite big to made by any animal that lived in that forest.

Gripping tight on his bar of soap, he quietly made his way in that direction, hoping to get a glimpse of it, without being noticed.

Gently pushing the branches out of his way, he peaked through the leaves, his eyes sparkled when he saw a pool of water glimmering under the moonlight but looked away when a figure emerged from the water.

Peaking through his lashes, he saw long black ravens hair, her wet white milky skin shining under the bright full moon, plump rosy lips, he had gathered that it was a woman.

Not knowing what to do, he just sat there hidden sulking, he really wanted to take a bath but he didn't know who the woman was, he feared that might be a spy that the witch had sent to gather information on Iris.

Sighing silently with his head down, not wanting to look at another woman, his thoughts drifted to the woman he loved dearly, she had the same hair colour, the colour of her skin, the lips, the last word kept ringing in his head.