No touching

Iris smiled, thinking that this was where she wanted him and she will finally put an end to this madness one way or another.

Slowly pulling herself up, she peeled him off her and pushed him back to stand on his feet, herself standing in front of him.

She looked down and finally raised her head to look at him, her eyes were fierce and determined "Now, if you think that you can have me whenever you want, you're wrong." she deadpanned with a defying voice and her head held up high.

Ian scratched his head, a little miffed at this new attitude that Iris was displaying " You're my wife!" that's all he could muster up in that moment, knowing what she meant and why she was doing this.

Iris clicked her toungue, tilting her head " I am yor wife and you are my husband. Shouldn't that be enough for you? It is for me!" she plainly explained while poking him with her finger, feeling her frustration simmer again.

Ian took a step closer, lifting his hand to touch Iris but it was quickly rejected by her, pushing his hand away " No touching. " she firmly stated while frowning.

Ian pulled his hand back, a little uncertain of what to do now, he was in unknown waters and now that he thought back on his action he felt that he had pushed things a little too far.

" For how long?" he cautiously questioned while frowning at the thought he wouldn't be able to have way with Iris, whenever he wanted.

Iris gave him a small smile, feeling a little frustrated, thinking that if she goes down this path, herself will have endure as well. Although she yearned and longed for his touch, to have him close just as much as he did.

She could already feel her body acke and long for his touch, whenever she thought back on those moments that she had given herself to him but this had to be done.

" Until you stop with this nonsense!" she deadpanned again in the same firm tone of voice.

" Hmm...but I really do not want anyone to see them. If I could and you would let me, I would hapily spend my days sucking on them buried inside you, my sweet little angel." he confessed in a pleading voice while moving one step closer to Iris, trying to sway her.

Iris took a step back, feeling that he was dangerously close, she knew if she would allow him to touch her again, she was done for.

Clearing her throat, she felt her reason slowly slip away at his words " If you would just stop this nonsense, I wouldn't have to do all this." she complained pouting with her eyebrows knitted together.

Ian chuckled seeing her pout " Alright! I'll let it go." he conceded with a sigh.

" Promise?" she quickly asked remembering that he always kept his promises.

Ian froze for a moment frowning, he knew he would have to keep it, if he would promise her " I promise!" he reluctantly agreed to her, knowing he would have to stop complaining about her revealing dresses.

Iris relaxed, jumping into his arms hugging him tight burying her face in his chest, Ian returned her hug wrapping his arms around the small of her back, sighing in frustration when he felt her bare skin, peaking he saw that her dress only covered from her bottom down, bitting his lips to keep his thoughts to him.

Since he had made her a promise, he intended to keep it and he decided to keep his mouth shut for the time being and he will find a better solution to his problem. Staying in the cave forever did cross his mind and he was seriously considering it.

Pulling back from the hug, Iris pushed herself up on her toes and gave Ian a peck on the lips.

Ian scooped Iris up in one swift move, holding her bottom, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, giving him another peck on the lips.

Ian started to make his way outside with Iris in his arms " Where are we going?" she curiously asked, seeing him making his way outside.

Ian gave her a seductive smile " I'm hungry and I need to eat." he stated while stepping out into the forest.

" Athan and Rhya will be back soon!" Iris added confidently while looking over his shoulder.

" I want something else." he calmly added while making his way through the thicket of the trees.

Iris's curiosity peaked " What is it ?" she softly asked while looking at Ian who seemed calm.

Seeing that Iris was either clueless or pretending, he decided to play along for the time being.

" It's best that I show you." he deadpanned while he kept moving with Iris in his arms.

Soon a small clearing came into view with two trees in the middle, their branches intertwining forming an arch and through the arch a bright light was shining, stepping through the arch another clearing came into view, bigger than previous one.

Ian put Iris down, Iris looked around the clearing bewildered, it looked so different from the rest of the forest, the singing of the birds filled her ears with their songs, the water murmuring nearby, the trees that were in there seemed to all bare fruit, even the sun rays seemed to be warmer in this clearing.

" How did you find this place?" Iris softly asked while making her way to beautiful pink bed of flowers.

Ian watched Iris walk to the bed of flowers, she looked like an angel in the white dress that she was wearing, he could see her curves despite the fact the dress wasn't tight on her, the shine of the dress, the light hit on her every curve, making her look like the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, in that moment all he could of was how beautiful and innocent she looked and how he would want to keep her that way.

"I woke up this morning with this place in my head. I have never been here, so it must be the kethar's memory." he let her know now, since they hadn't had a chance to speak properly in the morning.

Iris turned to look at Ian and she silently wished that she could also enjoy the perks of her kethar but for now she should focus on other things, like her training that now it would have to wait another day, since today's events have disturbed their plans.

Smiling at Ian " It's a beautiful place!" she softly added while looking around the clearing again, taking in all the details.

" We should keep this for ourselves. Now there will be more of us and it will be difficult for us to have some time to ourselves alone." he suggested in a calm voice while stressing the word alone.

Iris frowned wanting to retort but she quickly changed her mind when she realised that he was right " Alright!" she conceded giving him a sweet smile at the thought that they will have a place just for themselves.