Secret place

Hearing the sound of water softly trickle, Iris made her way to the small river that was in the clearing, bending down she ran her fingers through the running water that sparkled in the sunshine.

Ian followed her, sitting down on the soft grass and looking at his wife, basking in the warm rays of the sun.

Pride and joy were emanating from every single por in his body. He loved everything about her and his feelings for her grew stronger each day, that he suprised even himself at how much he wanted the woman in front of him.

Just looking at her made him want to attach himself to her and never let her go. Every fibre of his being was drawn to her and he wouldn't have it any other way.i

Letting out silent sigh, he couldn't help but enjoy the peaceful moment that they were sharing just the two of them away from the world and the bad things in it.

Iris finally got up from where she was and sat next to Ian, hugging her knees looking at the small river, lost in her own thoughts.

Feeling the weight of the responsibility burden her to the point that she couldn't find a way out of this situation, no matter how much she had thought about it, she knew that they would have to deal with the witch and the guardian, to be able to get what they wanted.

Staying the small clearing was something that had crossed her mind, the moment they entered.

" What are you thinking?" he softly mumured seeing her in dazed state of mind.

Iris looked at him, clicking her toungue " That I want to stay here forever. It's so peaceful!" she confessed while her eyes were gleaming with tears.

Ian already knew that look and he knew from there a downpour of tears will soon follow if he doesn't change things quickly.

Ian gave her a small smile, gently carresing her cheek with the back of his hand " I already promised that we will get the life that we want and crave for, so for now let's focus on the present!" he encouraged her while glancing to one of the trees spotting a fruit that he had never seen before.

"Come I'll show you the fruit that I wanted to eat." he lied to distract her while pulling her up and making their way to the tree.

Stopping under the tree, he reached for the small red fruit, taking a bite out of it, the juice trickled from the corner of his mouth, reaching with her hand Iris wiped it with her thumb, putting it in her mouth, closing her eyes, humming in approval at the sweet taste of the juice.

Ian froze in his spot, he could feel all his blood drain from his body travelling to his groin, in a matter of seconds his member was standing to attention at the small gesture, he found that little gesture so seductive that he couldn't help himself.

" Hmm....are you trying to seduce me?" he murmured in a low voice with and eyebrow raised.

Iris giggled, her giggle echoed in the small clearing like bells .

" Hmm ..maybe?" she challenged him in a playful voice licking her lips, her eyes settled on the fruit in his hand.

Ian took a step closer shoving the fruit in front Iris's mouth, she took a small bite humming in approval at the taste of the fruit.

" Delicious!" she beamed while opening her mouth for more.

Ian smiled, pinching her chin for her to look at him " You taste sweeter than any fruit I have ever tasted. I would rather eat you instead!" he seductively said while tracing her nose with his finger.

Iris smiled, raising an eyebrow she took another small bite out of the fruit, taking a step closer to Ian, cupping his cock " I still don't know how you taste!" she seductively voceid out her thoughts, her lips pulling up in a mischievous smile, while slowly rubbing his cock over his pants.

Ian took sharp breath in, closing his eyes, the thought of her lips on his already throbbing member, made him even harder, on the brink of losing control of himself.

Opening his eyes, he let out a shaky breath " Is this how intend on punishing me?" he asked in a raspy up voice while pulling her closer to him.

" Hmm....maybe?" she mumured with a glint of mischief in her eyes, fully taking advantage of her power over him, she wanted more than that but she thought that little pleasurable torture hasn't killed anyone, yet.

Bitting his lip, he decided to let her do as she sees fit to punish him, he just wanted to go back in her good graces again.

" How do you intend to punish me?" he asked in a shaky voice while he felt his member acking almost to the point he couldn't bear it anymore.

" No touching, no kissing ." she firmly stated while sliding her hand in his pants, continuing to rub his member torturously slow.

Ian took a deep breath in, this will be very hard he thought to himself.

He loved to feel her smooth silky skin and her plump rosy lips would drive anyone mad with lust and her breasts, all he wanted is to suck on her voluptuous bossom and knead on them, he could never get enough of them.

Letting out the breath that he was holding, he realised that he was torturing himself more than Iris did.

With a satified smile, Iris leaned in closer, trailing sensual kisses on his jaw and his neck, nibbling on his earlobe she wrapped her hand around his raging cock and started gliding her hand up and down slowly.

Ian groaned at every single stroke, all he could do was endure stoically and refrain himself from touching her, even though his hands itched so bad to reach and roam all over body, he raked his hands through his hair instead to control himself.

Iris felt her own arousal building up, her own body burning up with want for him, the warmth and the wetness in between her legs was electrifying, her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt breathless.

Pulling down his trousers, his cock stood to attention in all his mighty glory, the heat pooling in her nether regions was blazing, acking and throbbing with want for him.

She could see every detail, feel his cock throbbing in her hand, her breath hitched a little when she felt his member twich.

Lowering herself down on her knees, being able to see it up close, she stopped breathing for a moment, wondering if it would fit in her mouth, his tip was covered with thin sheen of his juices, giving it a lick to see how it tasted, she found that she liked it and wanted more, she took the tip in her mouth, sucking on it, licking around the rim of his tip, while Ian moaned and felt his knees go weak.

Encouraged by his moans, slowly gliding on his length, taking him deeper into her mouth, herself moaning and feelt her own juices trickle down her thigh at the sheer pleasure of tasting him, feeling her core clench violently and the heat in her belly building up.

Her instincts took over, losing herself in the heat of the moment, licking his length and sucking him, Ian was panting heavily, covered in sweat, on the verge of exploding, he couldn't hold it any longer.

Her incessant sucking and licking was driving him mad with desire and he couldn't believe how good it felt to be pleasured like that by her.

One long moan came out his mouth releasing his seed into her mouth, he felt her sucking him even harder than before taking all his seed swallowing it all, making him go hard again.