Make love to me!

Licking his seed of her lips, looking up into his dazed eyes, Ian was heavily panting and completely lost in the high of the moment.

Pushing herself up to stand in front of him and have closer look at what she had reduced him to.

Iris had a satisfied look on her face thinking that she had done a pretty good job, judging by the way he looked right now. This will be something that will be useful in the future, in those moments where she needs a little bit of leverage when he is misbehaving.

Coming back from the high that he was in, Ian let satified sigh, swallowing the lump in his throat, he couldn't believe how good that felt.

Smiling " If that's how you intend to punish me, I might cause trouble more often". he cheeckly said while fiddling with Iris's dress strap.

Iris chuckled "You can try but if you do, that won't happen ever again for as long we are husband and wife." she quickly retorted using her leverage the first chance she got without too much thought.

Ian's smile quickly fell " Oh, you're evil." he mumured in disbelief.

" Mhm. If you think that won't do it, you are welcome to try." she challenged in hopes that she won't have to speak of this ever again.

Ian sighed heavily, clicking his toungue " I promised that I will speak no more of it." he conceded with a resigned look on his face.

Iris nodded in understanding, letting out a shaky sigh that this matter has been finally put to rest and hopefully will stay that way.

" I'm sorry!I got blinded by my own emotions. There are other things to worry about!" he truthfully apologised while placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I understand!" she softly added while carresing his cheek with her thumb.

Pinching her chin, gently pushing her face up he place a soft kiss on her lips, while his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to him. She placed her hands on either side of his neck pulling him in closer, into a dee passionate kiss, soft muffled moans coming from both of them.

Nibbling on each others lips, panting and breathless Ian picked her up holding her bottom wrapping her legs around his waist, gently putting her down on the soft grass with him looming over.

His hand gently carresing her leg, stopping at her knee, slowly pulling himself away from the kiss, he stood up on his knees, lifting her leg up gently kissing every bit of it, from her calf slowly making his up to her thigh.

Iris felt a little taken aback at the sudden tenderness, letting her herself loved by him the way he wanted to.

Bitting her lip, she felt him bunch up her dress that settled on her waist, his lips kissed her wet folds feeling the tip of his toungue run from the entrance to her nub, Ian hummed in pleasure at her taste.

Lifting his head to look at her " Sweet and delicious ." he murmured while licking his lips, diving back in between her legs again, placing her legs on his shoulders running his toungue in-between her folds again, sucking on her hard nub, a loud moan escaped Iris's lips while she clenched her thighs around his head, gripping on his hair grinding herself against his face.

Her insides acked for release, she wanted him inside her so badly, she could feel her walls throb and clench while Ian pushed his tongue in and out of her and licked and ate at her folds with hunger, arching her back she finally reached her peak, a sigh of relief escaped her lips feeling her body slowly coming back from the short lived high a sign that it wasn't enough to satisfy her hunger.

Ian continued on lapping at her folds eating her juices that trickled from there to the last drop, while humming in pleasure with every lick that he gave.

Pulling himself up, running his toungue over lips, his eyes slowly closed revelling in her sweet flavour , bending he stopped a breath away from her lips " You taste maddeningly good." he softly spoke against her lips, pushing the strap of the dress of her shoulder revealing her breast.

Nibbling on her lips, he felt her legs wrap around his waist pulling him closer griding herself against his cock.

" Please...Ian give it to me." she pleaded while grinding herself against him while she squirmed and writhed under him.

Ian smiled satified and rolled over on his back with Iris riding him.

" Take it, it's yours!"he encouraged her while kneading her breast and pinching her hard peak, on verge of losing control of himself and pounce on her.

Iris grabbed his length and slowly lowered herself taking it all the way to the hilt, her breath hitched when she felt her insides stretch and wrap around his length, filling her to the brim.

" Don't hold back, let yourself go!"he encouraged further in raspy voice while pulling himself up to suck on her breast wanting to see, how wild his little angel could be.

Iris wrapped her around his neck for support, pulling him closer into her bossom,slowly started swaying back and forth gliding easily as the their juices mixed together.

Looking into each others eyes, both filled with lust for each other, taking in every single detail of her in, her pleasured expressions was something he couldn't get enough of.

Feeling his tip poke at her woomb with every thrust, she slowly started to pick up her pace going faster, taking him all in, she mewled loudly and breathless while Ian gripped on her waist with one hand and kneading and sucking on her breast, groaning and gasping feeling over the clouds with every thrust going deeper into her tight core.

Iris reached peak after peak, her juices overflowing on his cock, the sloshing sound filled her ears making her move faster feeling her insides clench around him, her body was covered in sweat, in a trance at how good it felt, she was burning up, she was on fire as she swayed on top of him, feeling her body tingling, every fibre of her being completely electrified, throwing her head back she let out one final loud moan along with Ian who grunted and growled squeezing her thigh at the moment of their release.

Collapsing on top of him breathless and exausted, she slowly slipped into darkness falling asleep along with Ian.

Hours passed, the sun's glow dimmed, so was its warmth that kept the sleeping couple cozy and warm in the clearing.

Feeling the fresh breeze brush against her skin, Iris slowly opened her eyes heavy with sleep, blinking a few times she looked up and saw that Ian was awake just staring at her.

" How are you feeling?" he asked in soothing voice while carresing her head placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

" I'm alright." she replied with a small smile while placing her head back on his chest.

" Hmm... are you sure?" he asked again not wanting to miss anything if she was unwell.

Iris nodded humming, closing her eyes again taking in a deep breath, not wanting to go anywhere just stay there in his warm embrace.

Ian did the same as she did, closing his eyes again and drifted back to sleep with his arms around Iris holding her tight as if she would run away from him.