Reality is a bitch

The sun dipped behind the hill, shining his last few rays over Fiahthyr Forest, dusk slowly creeping in letting everyone know in the forest that a another day's has come to an end.

While Rhya and Athan were dealing with wolf the and Tyla back in the cave, waiting for them to come back to their senses.

Not far away the couple was finally preparing themselves to return to the cave and once again face the cruel reality that awaited for them.

Leaning closer placing of soft kiss on her lips " I will gather some fruits for us to take back to the cave." he softly mumured while pulling back from the kiss to look at Iris.

Iris nodded with a small smile, while her eyes wondered around the small clearing, letting out a heavy sigh, not wanting to leave this place.

Intertwining his fingers with hers, understanding how she felt " We can come back anytime." he added in a soothing voice while looking at Iris with soft eyes.

Iris's mood brightened up hearing Ian " We should get going now!" she softly added while carresing his cheek.

Roaming through the clearing picking up as many fruits they could carry they finally made their way out, passing through the two trees that marked the entrance to the clearing, stepping back into the forest making their way back to the cave.

Iris glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widened in surprise when the entrance to the clearing vanished before her eyes, feeling sad that the little place was now gone and they were back to nothing.

" Ian, it's gone!" she quickly let him know in sullen tone of voice while turning around to look at the place were the entrance was that now it was just an empty space.

Ian turned around as well to look at where the entrance was, making his way back aproaching in quick strides, the entrance suddenly started to appear slowly glimmering in the dimming light of the evening.

Satisfied that this place was indeed just for them, he turned around making his way back to where she was, grining from ear to ear.

" It looks like we have a secret place!' he beamed while continuing to walk past Iris who moved to follow him.

Iris smiled relieved that they will be able to return, whenever they need to have a break from all turmoil.

The cave quickly came into their, halting their steps at the entrance they looked at each other, taking deep breaths before stepping inside the cave to find Rhya and Athan staring at them with their eyebrows furrowed.

" Welcome back!" Athan greeted them in a serious tone of voice while the wolf got up from his spot letting out a soft growl making his way to where the couple was standing.

" Bastos." Iris beamed bending down hugging the wolf, lightly ruffling his fur.

Ian smiled satified that the wolf has finally recovered and looked in a better shape than before, despite that he was quite badly injured.

Bending down, patting the wolf's head gently " Good to see that you're doing better." Ian commented while giving the wolf a scratch behind his ears making the wolf whine displeased when he stopped.

Looking over to Athan and Rhya, his eyes fell on Tyla who now was leaning against the throne, glaring at Ian making him raise his eyebrows a bit taken back that she was angry.

Clicking his toungue " We seem displeased!" he commented while a wicked smile curled on his lips.

Iris stood up, taking Ian's hand into hers, taking a step closer " If my husband hurt you, it was only because he wanted to protect me!" she plainly stated in a soft voice while giving Tyla a small smile, she didn't feel the need to apologise for Ian's actions since he didn't know who she was.

Tyla pushed herself off the ground, bowing " Apologies my Queen, I wasn't aware at the time of the current situation." she explained while looking at the ground while Athan and Rhya held their breath, getting ready for another burst of anger from Ian which didn't come, causing them to sigh in relief.

Ian smiled " You are hiding something, what is it?" he deadpanned in a serious tone of voice, after he had come back from his trance, he had tried to figure out what caused his kethar to hurt her, he had gathered it must be because she possed a threat somehow.

Tyla fisted her dress, lifting her head to look at them " Uhm, on my way here I met three people and they have an offer to make." she shyly muttered, feeling Ian's gaze boring into her ready to burn her.

Ian narrowed his eyes " Who are they and what kind of offer?" he questioned in serious tone of voice, sensing that something this sudden must come from someone who knew about Iris.

Tyla frowned, swallowing the lump in her throat, not knowing much about who they where she could only assume that they belonged to the neighbouring kingdom, since that's where the witch and her coven used to live.

" They are citizens of Hessia and they are proposing an alliance against the witch." she firmly added while her eyes settled on Iris who was frowning not knowing what to think about all of this.

Rhya frowned, she quickly stood up from her spot having an ideea of who the three people were " How do they look like?" she asked curiously while intently looking at Tyla who remembered about what Maya said that they helped Rhya.

" There is a girl with red hair and two men with her, one is her brother and the other one is his second in command." she explained while looking at Rhya who looked surprised.

Iris frowned, her lips set in a thin line " The brother, does he have red hair?" she asked while staring at Tyla and Rhya, clenching her jaw waiting for one of them to speak.

Rhya nodded, while Iris looked at Ian with a worried expression on her face " That man was the one who attacked me in the forest." she firmly stated, squeezing Ian's hand trying to control her emotions.

Ian scowled " He has got some nerve!" he muttered in displeasure while pulling Iris closer to him wrapping his arm around her waist placing a kiss on her temple.

" I'm here Iris, remember !" he softly spoke against her temple to ease her worries low enough just for her to hear.

Iris relaxed, letting out the breath that she was holding " Where are they now?" Ian questioned in a demanding tone of voice, while glaring at Rhya and Tyla.

Tyla cleared her throat, gathering courage to speak " They are at the edge of the forest. I made sure that the forest won't let them leave before I came here." she answered truthfully while Iris frowned looking at Ian with a questioning gaze.

" What is your ability?" she curiously asked

" I can control the magic in this forest." she answered while pointing towards the forest.

" Just this forest?" Iris echoed while looking where Tyla was pointing.

Tyla nodded feeling relieved that she was on safe ground since Ian hasn't pulled his dagger at her and finish the job for bringing trouble with her.

" I told them that I will go back in two days time with an answer to their proposal ." she let them know the final part of the story wanting go back and put an end to this.

Iris looked at Ian, closing her eyes " I can not let them stay in the forest, knowing that the man has tried to hurt me before but I want to listen to what he has to say." she added in a calm voice unsure if she wants to join hands with someone that has tried to hurt her.

" We will go along with Tyla and Bastos tomorrow morning at the break of dawn." Iris firmly added while Ian and Tyla nodded in agreement while the wolf just yawned lazily getting from his spot making his way out of the cave, howling at the moon, ploping himself on the ground, softly growling.

" It looks like we will be leaving earlier than planned." Ian commented while turning to look at Athan.