Take them all

Ian made his way to where the spent fire was that once kept him and Iris warm, he lit it up and put the pot on the hook to start making the potion.

While Iris was still deep in her thoughts reminiscing about the time she and Ian had spent in the little hut, as her eyes travelled to every single spot that she had given a piece of her heart to him.

" I'll go get some clean water from the river to make the potion." Ian finally broke the silence bringing Iris attention back to the present.

" The parchments, where are they?" she quickly asked Ian right when he was about to go out of the hut.

Ian halted his steps " Under the herb table." he briefly answered, pointing while stepping out of the hut and Iris's view.

Iris nodded and made her way to the table in a few quick strides, sitting down on the floor, she started looking through them but soon realised that they all were in ancient language and she had no idea what she was looking at. She should start learning the language again otherwise they won't get anywhere at this rate, she thought to herself.

Hearing footsteps Iris turned to look at the door, not knowing if it was Ian or someone else, after speaking with his kethar she felt a little on the edge, even though she didn't know what to believe.

Getting up from the floor she grabbed the hilt of the sword that was strapped to her back and slowly made her way to the door, leaning against the wall and waited for the door to open.

As soon as the door opened she pulled the sword only to sigh in relief when it was Ian that walked in with the pitcher of water in his hand,looking around the hut a little confused as to why she drew her sword.

" Did something happened?" he asked with his eyebrows knitted while sizing up Iris to see if there any marks on her.

" No, since your kethar mentioned that my own people betrayed me, I'm a little worried." she replied in a shy voice with a weary smile on her face that made Ian's frown deepen, seriously considering to stay in the hut for the rest of their lives, be it short or long.

Instead " I'm here and I won't leave you alone anymore. Wherever we need to go, we go together." he firmly stated in a serious tone of voice leaving no room for but.

Iris gave him a sweet smile " You don't need to worry about me, I was just trying to be prepared!" she mumured while making her way to Ian pulling him along with her to where the parchments where sprawled on the floor.

" The parchments are in ancient language. I don't speak ancient language but your kethar does, maybe he can tell which ones we need!" Iris suggested with a sheepish smile, knowing that he wasn't exactly comfortable with his kethar yet.

Ian's lips twitched a little " Take them all." he huffed in annoyance while turning around making his way to the pot and pouring the water in it, ploping himself on the floor and glaring at the fire.

Iris sighed softly, taking the bag that was next to the chest she began packing the parchments, keeping quiet seeing even with the kethar awakened Ian was still having trouble controlling his temper and rightfully so.

She couldn't imagine what he was going through and with so many things happening one after another, they had very little time to speak about the matter.

Tying the bag with parchments tight so it won't come undone if they would have to run or get attacked, Iris got up from floor and placed the bag next to the door so they won't forget about it and made her way to where Ian was, sitting next him leaning her head on his shoulder.

" How does it feel to share your body with a kethar?" she softly asked trying to get him to open up about his experience, even though she wouldn't fully understand what he was going through, he would be able to get it off his chest.

" He has strong emotions and can't control them!I know that now, they are very different from mine. He is very strong, I can feel him in my head poking all the time, restless!" he finally opened up to Iris while staring at the fire.

" He did say that he is trying to learn how this works. We just need to be a little patient and wait for him to adjust to you and the other way around. I'm sure you will come through in the end." she tried her best to comfort him while hugging his arm.

Ian sighed " I know, my little angel! I guess you will have to put up with fiery temper a little longer." he added in a amused tone of voice feeling a little better to have spoken about it.

Peeling Iris off him, he picked her up and placed her in his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist, placing a soft kiss on her neck, making Iris sigh in regret.

" How long it will take for the potion to be ready?" she asked while looking at the pot that simmered over the fire.

" It's almost ready!I just need to let it cool for a little while and then place it in the bottles." Ian answered in a calm tone of voice with his chin resting on Iris's shoulder.