Dirty Play

" I will help them break the bond but they must leave the forest once they are awake!" Ian commanded his eyes still blazing at Tyla for her mistake while Tyla nodded.

' As you wish!" she obediently agreed bowing in front of Iris and Ian.

Without wasting any more time Ian, went to each of the three laying on the floor, with his sword he cut the palm of his hand drawing blood, doing the same with their hands.

Each time held their blood mixed, marks on their head burned with bright red light, that faded as soon as the mark had disappeared.

Making his way to where Iris was he looked at her, he fumbled in the bag pulling a piece of cloth wrapping it around the cut.

" We must return to the cave and start your training." he uttered skipping any pleasantries while trying to tie the cloth around his hand.

Iris finally snapped from her own musings, feeling utterly helpless and frustrated, that couldn't even defend herself let alone others or protect anything for that matter.

" I still want hear what they have to say, they might have useful information about the witch." she finally uttered while reaching out to help Ian tie the cloth around his hand.

Ian frowned " We won't know if it they will be truthful?" he retorted while looking at Iris his expression softened, knowing how she felt about everything that was happening.

They both got dragged into mess, a fight that had to take against two ruthless creatures that won't stop at nothing to get what they want.

" How long it will take for them to come to their senses?" Iris asked Tyla who was staring at the ground lost in her own thoughts. thinking back at what Ian did, now feeling truly fearful of him and his ability to bring out her kethar, when even she couldn't do that.

" Not long my Queen!" Tyle replied lifting her head to look at Iris and Ian, who was scowling displeased.

Tyla turned small seeing the look on his face and suddenly wondered what she had done this time to bring on his ire.

" While we wait, you can tell me what happened earlier?" she uttered in hopeful tone of voice looking at Tyla and Ian.

" My King has asked my kethar, if I mean you any harm and if I work for the witch, my Queen!" Tyla truthfully replied with a sheepish look on her face seeing that Ian still looked displeased.

" What was your answer?" Iris asked again with her eyes on Tyla that looked fearful.

" No, my Queen." Tyla replied while lowering her head to stop looking at Ian as she couldn't bear anymore the look he was giving her.

" Are you afraid Tyla?" she curiously asked while lowering herself at her level to look at her face.

" The king looks displeased about something, my Queen!" she truthfully replied while still looking at the ground.

" Oh, it might be because you keep calling me, your Queen. Just call us by our names!" Iris softly explained while pinching Tyla's chin so she could look her in the eyes, she couldn't believe that the fearless woman she had met earlier was reduced to this by Seth.

Iris gave her warm smile " We all have to adjust to a lot things. There are too many things happening all of the sudden, it might take a while for things to fall into place, so please be patient." she continued trying to comfort her and explaining Ian's biting attitude that seemed to make them cower in front of him.

Tyla nodded with small smile, standing up she went to check on Maya, she couldn't believe that the girl had fallen victim to the witch and couldn't help but wonder what would happen to them if they returned back to their home or even if they still had one.

A low growl broke her musings, turning her head to look in that direction she saw the wolf nuddgind Sylus with his snout, trying to wake him up for some reason.

Iris and Ian turned to look at Bastos and Sylus and quickly approached them, trying to understand what was Bastos trying to tell them.

Ian lowered himself on his heels and patted the spot that the wolf nudged, lifting the pant leg, Ian looked intently but couldn't see anything, determined to find what Bastos could sense that it was there, he took off his boots and shook them, a red gem fell out from the boot, big enough to catch their attention.

Tyla quickly picked it up from the ground, the stone glimmering in a red hue, making Tyla drop it again and gasp.

Grabbing the the sword, crushing the red stone on a rock that she had found, the small stone turned into dust leaving a black smoke behind.

" That what she used to put them to sleep. I must've have been part of something bigger. I wonder where that is?" she questioned to herself mostly not necessarily waiting for an answer from the other two.

" We won't know until they wake up!" Ian stated while looking at three people on the ground still out of it.

" I will go and find us somet-." Tyla was interupted by suddenly someone gasping for air.

Her eyes went to Maya first, then to Rom and settled on Sylus who was staring at the sky.

Bending down to go into his view " Sylus how are you feeling?" she asked in worried tone of voice while looking at him to see a reaction.

"Maya, where is Maya?" he suddenly asked while still staring at the sky making Tyla frown not understanding why isn't he trying to get up.

" She is not awake yet. Can you try and get up?" she asked in a soft tone of voice with a small smile.

" I can't feel my body!" he mumured while his lips twitched, his eyes moving to the corner to look at Maya.

Tyla frowned not knowing what was going on, she turned to look at Ian who had an innocent look on his face, that made her believe that he had added something else to the potion.

" You put something else in, when you made the potion, didn't you?! she accused while turning to look at Iris who opened her mouth to speak but failed to do so.

" Ian, did you added something more when you made the potion?" Iris possed the same question a little in disbelief while narrowing her eyes at him.

Ian shrugged "Just a little something that will keep them in this spot until we get our answers. It's a little trick that my mother taught me, it's not harmful and the effects will only last for a short time." he explained in a calm voice with a care free attitude.

Iris sighed in frustration, she couldn't believe that he had done something like that and didn't even bother to tell her. Ian was more cunning that she had thought and liked to play dirty when needed by the looks of it.