Help from the dead!

Ian clicked his tongue " We've had enough surprises so far and I won't allow anyone to come near you, while you are not ready to defend yourself against them. I did what I had to do and I won't apologise for it!" he firmly stated while his eyes were on Sylus waiting for him to get his bearings.

Iris and Tyla frowned, Iris understood what he intended but Tyla not being aware of the hardships Iris had been through, she felt that was a bit unnecessary.

" I think the witch had done enough, there was need to go this far!" Tyla countered glaring at Ian, who glared back ready to snap her neck for even thinking something like that.

" Don't even dare to think for a moment, if something happens to Iris I won't finish what I started back the cave!" Ian thundered without holding back his anger, displeased with Tyla's comments.

Seeing Ian losing his temper, Iris stood up to face him, cupping his face with both her hand, closing her eyes to gather her thoughts " Ian, my love" she stopped speaking letting out a sigh " please can we just focus on this for now and worry about the rest later!" she softly pleaded slowly opening her emerald green eyes to look at him.

Ian sighed in frustration " We can't make any mistakes Iris, one mistep and it could cost all of us, our lives.I won't allow that to happen, I won't lose you!" he uttered in a pained voice while raking his hand through his hair, lightly tugging on it.

Iris sighed, dropping her shoulder knowing well that he was right and whatever he did, it was to protect her from the witch that somehow had found her.

" Seal the forest, no one enters and no one is to leave this forest without our knowledge!" Iris commanded while looking over her shoulder to Tyla, who nodded in agreement.

Sitting on the ground next to Sylus who began panting frantically when he heard Iris's command, Tyla gave him an apologetic smile and began the ritual to seal the entire Fiahthyr forest.

She brought the flat of her palm together, closing her eyes she began slowly to spread them apart, a small ball of green light appearing in between them, that ball grew larger the more she spread her hands apart. Spreading its green light all around them, while Iris's eyes widened in amazement and her mouth fell open, gaping at sight in front of her.

Pulsating and lightly humming spread its light around it, putting everyone that was looking at it under it's spell, holding the ball in the palm of her hands, Tyla pushed up the ball that now was hovering over them as if waiting for something.

Opening her eyes to look at it, Tyla smiled in satisfaction " Panthar Fiahthyr, thos mag len nodam!" she commanded the ball while standing up to push the ball further up, that bursted and spread over the entire forest leaving behind a glimmering thin veil of light that spread as far as their eyes could see over the forest.

Tyla nodded " It is done! No one will be able to enter or leave the forest without us knowing about it!" she informed while turning her attention back to Sylus.

Maya groaned, slowly blinking to adjust her sight to the bright light of the sun, trying to push herself off the ground, she realised that she couldn't feel her body " Rom! Sylus! " she called in a desperate voice, only to sigh in relief when Tyla face apeared in front of her eyes.

"Tyla! You're back!" she beamed in a spent excitement feeling a little dizzy.

Tyla gave her a warm smile " How are you feeling?" Tyla asked in a worried tone of voice while her eyes softened when Maya gave a pained smile.

" I can't feel my body! Sylus and Rom are they alright?" she softly mumured while her eyes moved left and right searching for them.

" Rom is not awake yet but Sylus is and he is alright. It will pass soon!" she softly reassured Maya while turning to look at Sylus.

" Maya, I'm here! It will be alright!" he apeased in a hoarse voice while looking at her from the corner of his eye, being able to see the crown of her head.

Maya had a pained smile on her face, feeling tears pool in her eyes but nothing came since they had nothing to drink in a few days and her throat and lips were parched.

"Water!" she finally uttered feeling her throat tighten more as she was trying to speak.

Iris fumbled in the bag pulling out a pouch with water, she handed it to Tyla who fed it to Maya and then Sylus, saving some for when Rom would wake up.

Ian moved closer to Sylus, lowering himself so Sylus could see him " Why are you here?" he curtly asked while glaring at him.

Sylus sighed " Rom, brought us here ! We came looking for the Mytrhrian Queen, we have been banished by the witch to ever set foot on Hessian land. He never said but I think he is here on the Kings orders!' he confessed in a hushed voice, while frowning feeling his throat acke and tighten.

Ian frowned " How does the King tangled himself with the witch?" Ian questioned curiously wanting to get out of Sylus as much as he could before the other one would wake up.

" She lives in the Castle with him, Rom said that he is her puppet!" he truthfully replied while trying to move his body but to no avail he still couldn't feel it.

" So we can't rely on him, if he is under her control and this was a waste of time!" he concluded while turning his gaze to Tyla glaring at her for yet another mishap on her part.

Iris took a step forward, finally coming into his view " You will have to leave this forest once you are well enough to travel. Unless you are able to provide with helpful information on the witch!" she bargained trying to see if he knows more and wants some sort of payment for it.

" Rom, you will have to ask him! I've been his second in command for only 12 moons but he has been living in the castle since he was a child and he will know more!" he replied in spent voice while staring at the woman with snow white hair and emerald eyes, the memory of her lying on the forest ground flashed in front of his eyes.

" I thought you were dead!" he uttered in disbelief while swallowing the lump in his throat.

Ian chuckled " Who would've thought that you would be crawling back asking for help, from a dead person!" he smirked with a dangerous glint in his eyes, ready to gauge his eyes out.

Judging by what Sus said and the shock on his face when he layed eyes on her, he knew that he was part of the group of men, that attacked Iris that day in the forest.