No choice!

Sylus gave them an apologetic smile, now realising who the woman in the forest truly was, they were one and same person the Mytrhrian Queen.

Considering past events, getting her to agree to an alliance into would be next to impossible. He couldn't understand why Rom had dragged them all the way here, knowing that they had tried to kill the Queen and this could cost them their heads.

Eventually Rom came to his senses, grumbling and cursing under his breath while everyone's attention focused on him.

Opening his eyes, the girl with white hair and emerald eyes came quietly into his hazy view, wearing a rather displeased expression on her face, glaring at Rom as if her eyes could burn him out of existence, she would have done so.

Rom cursed under his breath again, thinking that he was dreaming he closed his eyes again, upon opening them again the same face looking at him, still as displeased as before. Now he knew, he wasn't dreaming and all he could is curse his luck and brace for whatever is to come. This is a good time as any to pay for his past mistakes!

Ian quickly moved from Sylus into Rom's view, making Rom frown at the unfamiliar face

" Welcome to Fiahthyr Forest!" Ian sarcastically greeted Rom, wearing a wicked smile on his lips while his eyes were blazing with unleashed fury.

Rom smirked " You don't sound very welcoming! he commented in a raspy voice while Tyla moved to give him some water.

Ian clicked his tongue " What can I say, I a man of many misteries!" he continued in the same sarcastic attitude while Iris narrowed her eyes at him, trying to see where he was going with this.

" Get on with it already!" Rom smirked thanking that he will either die today or get to live another day to get killed by the witch.

Ian took a deep breath, clicking his tongue " The witch? Everything you know or I'll let Bastos have his way with you, since I have a feeling that you were the one that injured him!" Ian went straight to the point without wasting anymore time while Bastos bared his teeth and let out an angry growl at Rom.

Rom sighed " True, it was me and my men that injured the wolf and if he decides to eat me, I know that I deserve what's coming my way!" Rom commented while he looked at the wolf from the corner of his eye " The Kulka witch, I will tell you everything I know but I need to know that my sister and Sylus can stay within the forest, they knew nothing about what was happening!" he explained with a heavy sigh while grimacing in an effort to pull himself up.

Iris frowned and looked at Ian, who was looking at her over his shoulder " I will let Iris decide since she is the one suffered most because of your actions!" he mumured while turning his attention back to Rom who was wearing a pleading look on his face.

" Tyla how about find some food and more water!" Iris beseeched Tyla who was wearing a worried look on her face, not wanting to leave Ian alone with the three people, since she knew he wouldn't hesitate to run his sword through their hearts.

Iris gave Tyla a small smile, seeing her worried look " It will be alright, now go!" she softly appeased Tyla who nodded and made her way into the forest to look for food and water.

Iris's expression hardened, looking at Rom " If the information you have is of use, they will be allowed to stay within the forest safely!" she gave him her decision while Ian sighed heavily and nodded in agreement.

Relieved that his sister and Sylus will be safe, he knew well that for him this might be his last journey, if things don't go well, he will not be able to survive. No matter how much he would bargain, his life was not worth anything to anyone.

" Many people don't know but she pretending to be the Queen Mother and she has been living in the Castle for as long as I can remember. She has her altars and has made a portal for the guardian of the Hollow to enter this realm as he pleases. The king is under her foot, she has linked her life force to his daughters and the Queen and if she dies they will too along with many people in the kingdom!" he stopped speaking to take a breath and gather his courage to continue " When she sent me to come after you, she had made a promise to release everyone from the life bond, if I bring you to her. I agreed since the king is like a father to me and he wants his people free and his wife and daughters safe.I didn't know you were the Queen until I went back to the Castle and she asked about you that's when I realised that you were one and the same. Father has asked me to come here and propose an alliance that would benefit us all and rid us of the witch, without her the guardian won't be able to pass through the gate. Until now we had no choice, other to bow our heads and do as she pleased, since we are powerless against her!" he finished his story while feeling a little dizzy and weak because of the lack food and water in his body.

While Rom was telling his story, Sylus's senses slowly returned and he finally pulled himself up and went to Maya, pulling her in his embrace who was on the verge of passing out, just like Rom and Sylus from hunger and thirst.