Tender moments

Athan opened his palm and a small wavering flame appeared in his hand, making Athan frown " Oh, no! " he mumbled under his breath worried that what happened to Rhya, it is happening to him as well.

Ian lifted his head " What is it?" he curiously asked while looking at the flame that now was flickering, slowly fading.

Athan sighed " Now I'm just like Rhya, my power it's almost gone! We are just like humans now, until Iris will open the gate to Ellora!" he mumbled under his breath while looking extremely worried at his predicament.

Ian sighed, patting Athan's shoulder " You'll survive!" he smirked while he blew the flame in Athan's hand.

Taking off his bloodied clothes, throwing them on the ground, he dressed himself in what looked like a priestesses robe, chuckling at himself that he had forgot to take some clothes from the hut.

Leaving Athan staring into empty space, he made his way to where Iris was, looking down at her sleeping face, he couldn't believe how she has turned his life upside-down in such a short time and he couldn't be happier with how things turned out so far.

Still riding the high because of the news, he couldn't help himself but grin pridefully and puff up his chest.

In his eyes, she looked like a goddess and couldn't help himself but fall deeper in love with her each day they spent together, he could see the glow emanating from her and he knew she was just as happy as he was with the news.

Iris shuffled in her sleep and softly moaning, snapping Ian out of his musings, narrowing his eyes were deceiving him.

He could swear that when he covered Iris she was dressed, and now he could see her breasts, peaking from under the blanket.

Cursing under his breath, he knew that now sleeping will be almost impossible for him. Especially with her naked, he could already feel his hands itch, and his member slowly harden at the sight in front of him.

Iris slowly opened her eyes, feeling someone's presence next to her, blinking a few times to chase away the hazzy vision, she could clearly see Ian standing there staring at her.

" You should have some rest as well!" she softly beseeched him while pulling herself up to herself in a sitting position, while the blanket slipped off her leaving her breasts uncovered.

Ian closed his eyes and cursed under his breath again, thinking that he will try and have some rest and ignore his every instincts that told him to ravish her then and there.

Laying next to Iris he pulled her down along with him, laying onto his side with Iris's back against his chest, wrapping his arm around her waist, gently placing his palm on her flat belly.

The thought of the little life growing inside made him burn for her even more.

Bitting his lips to control his urge to let his hands wander in-between her legs, he closed his eyes, letting out a silent shaky breath.

Iris could feel his member poking at her bottom and for some reason the sleep, seemed to have left her.

Now she was just staring at the cave wall biting her lip, wondering if she should say something to Ian.

Puffing her cheeks, she could feel her own body burning, even though she was naked, her yearning and want for him to touch her and drown in pleasure, was increasing with every single passing moment, and the heat pooling in her belly and in between her legs, made her unconsciously shuffle and grind herself onto Ian's member.

Ian grunted " Iris, I'm trying to behave!" he wispered while tightning his grip on her pulling her closer to him, placing a soft kiss on her neck making Iris moans softly.

Ian grunted again, hearing her moan " I'm holding on to the last thread, not to have you right here, right now!" he wispered while licking and nibbling on her ear lobe while his hand slipped in-between her legs gently gliding between her folds, making Iris moan a little louder, but quickly got caught by her covering her mouth with her hand.

" So wet and I haven't done anything yet!" he whispered again in the crook of her neck, bringing his hand up to his mouth licking his finger, humming in pleasure at her taste.

Iris took a deep breath, clearing her throat" We should rest!" she wispered in a shaky voice while grabbing Ian's hand and placing it on her belly.

Not wanting to let Ian go any further, knowing it be would impossible to stop once he had set his mind on something.

Ian sighed heavily " We need a place of our own! I hope we will find that castle soon!" he stated in a raspy voice snuggling closer to Iris, burying his face in the crook of her neck breathing her scent in.

" You scent has changed! It's sweet, like a flower!" he mumured while leaning again to take another wiff at her scent to make sure that he got it right.

" How did I smell before?! she curiously asked again while looking at Ian waiting for his answer.

Ian clicked his toungue, falling silent trying to find the words to describe it" Uhmm...like rain after a hot summer day!" he finally gave his answer while he leaned in closer and took another wiff at her scent.

Iris giggled hearing Ian " That's beautiful!" she softly wispered while placing a kiss on his cheek.

Ian gave her a sweet smile, enjoying the moment that they were having, just the two of talking, since they haven't had a chance to do that in a while.

He picked up one strand of white long hair, running his finger through it mindlessly " Iris, I love you and whatever comes our way, I want you to know that I will do everything to protect you and our child!" he confessed while taking his eyes of her hair to look into her emerald eyes that sparkled like the night sky.

Iris cupped his face, giving a peck on the tip of his nose " I love you Ian and I will do the same!" she wispered with a sweet smile while brushing his cheeck with her thumb.

" I know, my sweet little angel! I couldn't have found a better woman to spend the rest of my life with!" he confessed while closing his eyes placing a soft kiss on her forehead.


Hello lovely people

So, I burned through the first 80 chapters to get to the part where things start to get a bit more intense and interesting!

A big thanks to all of that have been reading and voted so far! It is greatly appreciated and I would love to hear your thoughts on it!

Thank you

Happy Holidays