Peaceful time

After walking through the forest for some time, Tyla gave one last try to connect with magic in the forest, since she had placed the veil over the forest she didn't seem to be able control it anymore.

No matter how many times she had tried, nothing worked, not even the simplest things.

Placing her hand on the ground she closed her eyes focusing all of her energy and will power that she had left in her, taking a deep breath and waited for something to happen but when nothing did " Ahhhhhh" she screamed at the forest letting out her frustration and anger at her failure to complete her task.

Getting up from the ground, staring at her trembling hands " I need to get back to the cave, something is happening!" she mumbled to herself while she moved from her spot making her way back to the cave, irked at how things are turning out.

The day was coming to an end, with sun following it's daily path rising at one end of the forest and setting at the other end, undisturbed by the events occurring under its rays.

Tyla looked at the sky and estimated that she should arrive at the cave by nightfall.

She carried on walking through the forest as fast she could, thinking that she should let Iris know about what she had found, and the fact that something is happening with her magic.

Dusk came and not long after, the moon rose on the sky shining its gentle rays over the forest, just enough for Tyla to see where she was going.

Halting her footsteps to have a look around, she finally realised that she couldn't see the path like she did before and her connection to the magic in the forest has been broken.

She could feel that something is wrong but she hoped that her instincts were betraying her.

Tylan let out a heavy sigh, looking at the sky and the stars.

Trying to use them as a guide, just like she did when she was out in the world wandering, looking for answers.

She knew that the moon set behind the hill where the cave layed and a cluster of bright stars layed on above the cave.

Making her calculations she realised that she was going in the opposite direction.

Turning on her heels and started walking back retracing her footsteps as much as she could.

Glancing at the sky once in a while to make sure that she was heading in the direction. She picked up the pace, trekking through the forest like a soldier and it seemed that nothing could stand in her way.

She walked all night and soon the moon set behind the hill were the cave layed, Tyla followed the moon and soon the cave came into her view.

Tyla sighed in relief that she had finally reached her destination.

Without wasting anymore time, walking with hurried steps up the hill, only to be greeted by Athan and Rhya that were sitting in front of the cave talking.

Tyla stopped in front of them panting " Where is Iris?" she asked breathless while gulping because her throat was dry without wasting any time with pleasantries.

" They are resting! You will have to wait! She needs to rest!" Athan greeted while frowning at Tyla ready to stop her, if she decides to not listen to him.

Tyla nodded and plopped herself on the ground next to Rhya, wiping the sweat of her face " How come you're not sleeping?" she curiously asked while looking at them finding a bit strange to be up at this hour.

Rhya gave Tyla an awkward smile " I was not tired enough and Athan kept me company!" Rhya answered in a hushed voice while glancing at the cave entrance.

Tyla sat down and leaned against the cave wall, feeling tired and worn out after spendind almost two days walking through the forest.

As soon as she closed her eyes to rest them for a moment but she quickly fell asleep on the same spot.

Athan got up from the ground and placed the blanket that he was using on her, thinking that she had been up all night walking through the forest, she must be tired and there was no point in waking her up now that she had fallen asleep.

Ŕhya and Athan kept quiet while stealing looks at each other once in a while, now that Tyla had joined them continuing their conversation would be difficult, without disturbing her.

Athan finally moved from his spot and sat next to Rhya, leaning himself against the cave wall, closing his eyes to sleep since almost everyone was doing the same.

Rhya opened her mouth to speak but decided to keep quite and instead grabbed Athan's hand in hers and resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes to sleep.

Feeling Rhya's head on his shoulder, Athan opened his eyes to look at Rhya from the corner of his eye.

Finally, he thought to himself while a satified smile crept on his face, pleased that now Rhya was the one aproaching him this time.

The sky slowly changed its colour as the sun rose in the sky warming up the forest and everything in it.

Ian slowly opened his eyes, still heavy with sleep. Blinking slowly, his gaze settled on the woman that now was everything to him and couldn't help himself but smile when the thought of him becoming a father appeared in his head.

Looking at her sleeping face, he couldn't believe how peaceful his little angel looked, feeling his fingers itch to touch her lips but when he was about to do so, Iris softly moaned in her sleep and snuggled closer to him.

Wrapping his arms around her, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Feeling his warm lips on her skin, Iris opened her eyes slowly blinking to chase away the sleepiness that still lingered in her body.

" How are you feeling?" she heard his soothing voice echoing in the crook of her neck while he took a deep breath.

" Better!" she curtly replied in a sleepy voice while yawning " How are you feeling?" she asked while lifting her head to look at him.

Ian clicked his tongue " Hungry!" he replied while pinching her cheek, placing a soft kiss on her lips.