Good, Bad and Something more

Sun rose again over the forest, waking up the life in with its gentle rays and the three people sleeping outside the cave.

Tyla finally opened her eyes when she felt her body slip down almost touch the ground but she caught herself with her elbow before she touched the ground.

Pulling herself up and arranging her clothes that have gone in all directions, she stood up and took a deep breath preparing herself to give Iris the news that she had been waiting for

Clearing her throat she walked past Rhya and Athan that now were in each others arms, hugging closely, gone unnoticed by Tyla who had a plan in her mind and nothing else mattered in that moment.

Walking inside the cave, clearing her throat again to make her presence known " I think I have found the castle!" she announced loud enough for everyone to hear, garnering her a heavy sigh and a curse from Ian.

Iris pulled herself up when she heard Tyla speak, her attention turned to Ian who looked annoyed at her interruption " We will leave once everyone is ready! Find Athan and Rhya !" she informed Tyla while lying back down next to Ian, who looked displeased.

Tyla nodded and turned around making her way back outside the cave to wake up the other two and inform them about her findings.

" What's wrong?" she curiously asked while laying her head on his chest wrapping her arm around his waist.

Ian clicked his tongue " I was hoping to visit our secret place today!" he mumured regretfully while smacking his lips.

Iris lifted her head up to look at him " We won't need it, if everything goes well!" she stated with a sweet smile, nibbling at her cheeks, knowing well what going to the secret place meant.

" Hmm...but I'm really hungry Iris!" he whined while pulling himself up to suck on her breast making Iris softly moan and run her finger through his golden hair, lightly tugging at it.

" I really want to eat you and feel your warmth around me!" he mumured while his lips trailed kisses on her breast moving up to her neck, stooping on her trembling lips.

" Ian...haaaa!" she moaned louder when his fingers slipped between her folds rubbing and sliding into her core.

Gulping and panting " I want you to....not here!" she finally uttered in raspy voice trying control her urge to let him do as he pleases with her.

Ian cursed and grunted, bringing his hand to his mouth he licked his fingers, smacking his lips, humming in pleasure.

"Looks like, I'm only getting a snack!" he muttered under his breath placing a kiss on Iris lips.

" We need to find and find a way to get into the castle. I don't want to stay in the cave anymore!" she reasoned while looking at him with pleading eye and gently carresing his cheek.

Ian took a sharp breath in " I know, my sweet little angel!" he breathed out while his lips curled in a naughty smile.

"We will finally have a bed and the things I will do to you in it!" he promised while his eyes glimered with mischief, bitting on his lips to contain his simmering excitement.

She smiled " Let's hope that everything goes well!" she brought him down from the clouds with one single phrase, seeing that his smile quickly fell

" Oh, it better go well! I'm not coming back here!" he firmly stated while looking intently at Iris who had a sheepish look on her face since she wasn't sure if she was right about the castle being there but couldn't be seen.

" Let's get dressed, have something to eat while we talk with the others about the plan!" he encouraged while getting up from the ground arranging his robe, making Iris giggle at what he was wearing.

" I was too tired to look for something else and this is comfortable!" he explained shrugging while pulling Iris up that stood in front him in all her naked glory making Ian grunt and growl displeased that he will have to wait a bit longer to get his hands on her.

" See, how do you expect me to behave when you look like a goddess!" he complained while bitting his lips, while his eyes roamed everywhere on her body making Ian take a sharp breath in.

Iris giggled " You are welcome to join me, once we are in the castle!" she offered amused at Ian's reaction, making Ian hum in approval and help her dress faster.

Finally looking decent enough to join the others, they made their way outside the cave where the others were waiting for them to get ready!

" Good morning! Hope you had a good sleep!" Athan politely greeted them while reluctantly standing up from his spot next to Rhya.

Iris smiled " We did! Thank you Athan!" she replied while her eyes shifted to Tyla who was fidgeting in her spot wanting to say something.

" What is it Tyla?" Iris curtly asked while studying Tyla, she had a feeling that she a different kind of news, not just her finding the castle.

Tyla frowned " Uhm....the magic is gone! I can't seem to control the magic in the forest anymore!" she informed Iris in worried tone of voice.

Iris gave her warm smile " It will come, no need to worry! The gate has been sealed for a very long time, whatever magic was in this realm has been slowly depleted! Soon the forest itself will lose it's power as well and we will lose our last line of defense against the witch! That is why I asked you to find the castle!" she informed in comforting tone of voice, while Tyla sighed in relief that this was just temporary and not permanent.

Athan chuckled " Rhya is the same and now so am I!" he added while looking at Rhya who had a warm smile on her lips

" You will survive!" Athan continued while Ian chuckled at his words because he had used the same words that he had used on him.

"We should have something to eat and go find the castle!" Ian quickly suggested while rubbing his hands together.

Athan quickly disappeared in the cave and returned with fruit that he and Rhya had picked in the forest in their absence.

" We will eat while we walk!" Ian suggested again while picking up a fruit from the basket, handing it to Iris.

They all started they journey to the castle, that none had set eyes on for thousands of years, hoping that finally they will have a proper roof over their heads.

While telling Athan and Rhyan about what had happened with the three people in the clearing, and how the events had unfolded while they listened intently to the story.

Athan being himself, asked question after question wanting to know everything in detail while Rhya kept scolded him for being overbearing.

Time passed and the sun was high in the sky when they finally halted their steps, blocked by something strong and sturdy in their way.

Iris touched the walls of the castle moving along the wall until her hand touched something that clattered, her face lit up and turned to the othes that just looked at her not knowing why was she happy all of the sudden.

" Are going to stay here or do you want to join me !" she asked in an amused tone of voice while she pushed the gate to the castle walls open.

While the others just stared at her in amazement not knowing what to make of it.

Seeing her dissappear into a wall and couldn't help themselves but wonder how did they missed it, if it had been there all along.

Iris walked in, leaving them there, not waiting for them to come to their senses since she was looking forward to be in the place that she once called home and couldn't wait for the others to come to terms.

Walking through the gate looking around she noticed that the castle grounds were empty with no one in sight, although there where people living there when the castle vanished, after such a long time with the gate being sealed, none could pass through to go to the other realm and they either died or left the forest since the witch was determined to hunt them down at all costs.