I can do that!

Grabbing Iris's bottom, pulling her closer to him, burying his face in the crook of her neck, placing a kiss there " I can have you instead! Why bother Athan!" he mumured seductively against her skin while Iris's breath hitched at the promise in his voice that brought back memories of the times they spent together.

Ian lifted himself up, wrapping Iris's legs around his waist and stepped out of the pool, grabbing a towel on the way out and padded across the room, to the large bed.

Ian placed Iris on the bed, wrapping the towel around her shoulders and gently patted her dry, when that was done he dried her hair making sure to get all the water out of it.

Nodding to himself at a job well done, he moved on drying himself and threw the towel on the floor along with the rest of the things that were already on it.

Taking her hand in his and pulling her up off the bed to stand în front of him, looking into her eyes that sparkled more brightly than the jewels dotted around the lavish castle.

Tracing her plump lips with his thumb, feeling her light breath " I want to love you the way you deserve, my Queen!" he seductively mumured while the corner of his lips pulled up in a dashing smile, making Iris's heart skip a beat.

Iris's heart pounded so loud in chest, that she could hear the frantic drumming in her ears " W- What do y-you m-mean?" she asked in a shaky voice feeling her erratic heart galloping in her chest, her skin ready to burst into flames as his fingers traced slowly on her body.

Ian bit his lip, burying his face in the crook of her nibbling at her skin and licking the spot " I want to do things with you, that we will both like!" he wispered against her skin in mischievous tone of voice while his lips curled up in a wicked smile, his eyes held a dangerous shine in them, making Iris breath hitch and her lips tremble.

She was already burning up with want for him, she could feel her peaks tingle, her walls clenched and her core was already soaking wet.

She felt drawn to him before but every time he showed her this wild side of him, something powerful awakened inside her that she couldn't control and she couldn't help herself but lose all sense of reason and logic in those moments.

She felt him grab her waist, lifting her up and throwing her on the bed, her back hit the bed, bouncing on it. Soon Ian's face came into her view, his eyes shined with hunger and desire for her and Iris couldn't help but feel a little afraid at what he was going to do.

His soft lips left a burning trail wherever they touched her skin while his hands where kneading and pinching at her hard and sensitive peaks, evoking soft moans from her.

His mouth and tongue nibbled, kissed and licked her skin leaving little marks, trailing down to her breasts.

Stopping at her peak running his toungue over it and hungrily sucking on her peak, humming in pleasure while his other hand pinched and twisted her other peak making Iris moan even louder.

" Ian.....hmmm!" she moaned while she arched her back pushing her breasts up while she ran her fingers through his hair lightly tugging at it, pulling him closer to her, wrapping her legs around his waist grinding herself against his throbbing cock making Ian grunt and growl.

" Not yet....hmmmm.....my wife...ahhh!" his raspy voice cut through her moans that filled the room while holding back the urge to end the torture and revell in the bliss.

" Ian...ahhh...mphmmm!" she moaned even louder when his fingers slipped between her thighs and rubbed her soaking folds, his fingers slowly slipped in and out of her entrance at torturously slow pace.

" P-please....ahhh..Ian!" she pleaded in a shaky voice while she squirmed under him, heavily panting tugging at his hair, feeling her walls clench violently with every single stroke, her body screaming at her for realease.

" Soon...hmmm!" she heard his seductive voice in her daze while he sprinkled kisses on her flat tummy, stopping between her legs, feeling his tongue run from her entrance and between her folds, humming in pleasure.

" Hmmm.....maddeningly delicious!" he hummed while he licked and devoured her folds, his tongue slipping inside her core, making Iris tighten her grip on his hair and grind herself on his face while she wimpered loudly in pleasure.

Ian grunted, grabbing a hold of her hands and pushing them away, gripping tight around her waist, he carried on eating at her folds while Iris squirmed and moaned loudly with every single lick, feeling her release aproaching.

Arching her back while her hands went to grab Ian's hair again but she felt him lift his head and grab her hands.

" Bad girl.....!" he mumured while he flipped her on the bed with her face buried in the soft bed pulling her to stand on the floor with her hands resting on the bed.

Iris felt her knees go weak, feeling her body would collaps any moment, she gripped tight on the pristine bed sheets, when she felt his weight press down on her, feeling his hot breath on her skin, while his hand slipped at the back of her head, fisting her hair.

" What would you like me, to do to you, Iris?" she heard his low seductive voice echoe in her ear, making Iris stop breathing for moment a little taken aback at his sudden change of tone.

Getting a hold of herself for a second she glanced from the corner of her eyes to see if his kethar has forcefully taken over Ian again but his eyes held their usual amber colour, making Iris let out a silent sight of relief.

" I-I don't k-know....haaa!" she shyly muttered while she felt him entering her, feeling her walls clench tightly around him and stretch her to the point that it was painful.

" Then I will do, as I please!" he stated in raspy voice, tugging on her hair capturing her lips in a passionate kiss while slapping her plump bottom, leaving a burning mark making Iris whine in the ravenous kiss.

Pulling away from the kiss " Your are so tight and so wet that I'm losing my mind just being inside you!" he wispered against her lips before capturing her lips in another passionate kiss, leaving Iris breathless and panting heavily when he pulled away.

Another slap on her bottom followed making Iris whine and moan at the same time while pulling himself up, gently rubbing the spot that he had slapped to soothe her while he slowly slid himself in and out of her core.

" Ahhhh....hmm!" she moaned while gripping at the sheets on the bed feeling his member stretching her walls, she could swear that he was bigger then before.

" Hmm...Iris!" he moaned while picked his pace and rammed into her core like he had lost control of himself, every muscle in his body focused solely on pleasuring her.

Iris moaned and mewled loudly while her body bounced back and forth with every thrust.

Her knees were weak but she gripped on the bed sheet, holding onto them for dear life. Every fiber of her being came to life as Ian drilled her with his cock hitting in all the right spots, she couldn't help herself but mewl and moan under his strong body.

Ian's animalistic instincts took over and lost all his reason, his eyes were on Iris that squirmed and writhed while he pounded into her mercilessly and couldn't help but enjoy the sight in front of him, he could feel the immense heat rising in his own body threatening to burn him into ashes but he wasn't done with her just yet, he wanted more of her.

Pulling himself out, making Iris whine in displeasure, he flipped her on back while his mouth latched to one of her breasts sucking thrusting himself into her and continued pounding even deeper and faster while Iris mewled and gripped on his hair tightly, arching her back.

Letting go of her breast " Touch your breasts!" he commanded in a raspy voice while gripping on her hips, their bodies loudly slapping against each other, while Iris obeyed and kneadead on her own breasts, pinching her peaks writhing in pleasure while he pounded faster and deeper.

She could feel the waves of pleasure wash over her one after another, her core dripping with her juices, while her walls clenched around his cock with every thrust, her body tingling to the point that now was going numb and another release was quickly aproaching, ready to take her to the realm of pleasure.

Ian was lost in his trance, bitting his lips while his eyes was on Iris that arched her back and mewled relentlessly, kneading at her breasts.

Feeling more aroused than ever before, he could feel his member swell even more and throb, as he was aproaching his own peak while his body was blazing, sweat dripping of his toned body, he pounded faster and deeper ready to spread his seed in her woomb.

He grunted loudly slowing down his pace, his pulsating cock spreading his seed in her woomb that trickled on the bed, falling on top of her while they both panted breathless.

Iris closed her eyes feeling the pleasure wash over in waves, her senses were numb and everything around her was just background noise. Still heaving, revelling in the pleasure of their love making and how good if felt.

Iris sat on the bed with her eyes closed, still riding the high from their love making in a complete daze that she didn't even notice Ian leaving and returning until she felt something wet and cold between her legs, her eyes fluttered open only to see Ian cleaning her, Iris's cheeks to burned and turned red in an instant.

" I-I can d-do that!" she shyly stated while pulling herself up to rest on her elbows to look at Ian, who looked at her with a sweet smile on his face.