Wind of change

Throwing the towel on the floor and ploping himself on the bed next to her, his fingers brushed the stray hairs of her face, so he could have a better look at his beautiful wife.

Ian smiled " I know you can but I want to do it for you, you are my wife!" he stated in serious tone of voice while he leaned flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Iris smiled pulling herself up, resting on her elbows to look at him " Hmm..what else you want to do for me?" she curiously asked, her lips pulling up in a naughty smile.

Ian clicked his tongue " Anything you want!" he quickly replied hoping that she had the same thoughts as he did.

Iris giggled " I'm hungry!" she complained while she plopped herself back on the bed letting out sigh.

" We should go find something to eat, then!" he suggested while he pushed himself off the bed and padded across the room to find something to wear.

Iris's eyes followed Ian and now that she had a better look a him, something was different no matter how much she had tried to convince herself that she was imagining things, his body was sturdier, his muscles visibly bigger and his skin had a golden glow, she could clearly see it now that he was naked and there was nothing around to divert her attention.

This was unsual, something that her kind had never encoutered. Maybe, Seth was right when he said that he was the first of his kind and she was the first of her kind.

Was he not refering to himself and he was refering to Ian? Ian parents were both the same as her but then again, her parents were as well and then she was born different. Iris thought to herself falling in a complete daze while contemplating on the matter and trying to understand how this was even happening.

Ians footsteps broke Iris's train of thoughts, bringing her back to the present " I found you something to wear!" his low voice echoed in the room, making Iris blink at his hand that was stretched in front of her.

" Thank you!" she replied while taking the clothes out of his hand, making her way to the mirror across the room.

Ian dressed himself with a long tunic that had found in the other room, that he assumed to be one of Iris's night gowns.

Walking across the room to look in the mirror, he stopped behind Iris and frowned when he saw his reflection in it.

Looking down at his arms, he finally reached the same conclusion as Iris did earlier that something was indeed different about him.

Ian Clicked his tongue " Something is different!" he muttered under his breath, while Iris froze and quickly looked down, pursuing her lips not knowing what to say.

Iris looked up at his reflection and saw that he was a bit taken aback at the change and thought that it would be best to wait for him to pull his thoughts together before saying anything about it.

Taking a deep breath in " What is happening to me?" he breathed out the words in disbelief, looking at his legs and the rest of his body.

He could swear that, this body looked nothing like he remembered it to be. Looking at his face, tracing his changing features with his finger tips, completely shocked at the visible change.

Wondering if Iris had noticed, his eyes moved from his reflection to hers " Did you noticed that something is different about me?" he curiously asked her while he focused on her facial expressions to see her reaction.

Iris nodded and took a sharp breath in, opening her mouth to speak but quickly closed it and bit her lip to keep her thoughts on the matter to herself for now.

No matter what she would have said, it wasn't what he was looking for.He wanted answers and she knew that, but she didn't have any to give to him. Guessing it would only confuse things, make him unnecessarily panic and that wasn't what he needed.

" Iris?" Ian voice echoed in her ears, bringing her attention back to Ian who was staring at her through the reflection in the mirror.

" I-I..." she stopped speaking, unconsciously licking her lips, she turned around to face him and tell him the truth " I have, noticed!" she admitted in a soft voice, looking into his amber eyes that now held a grey hue to them, making Iris frown " I-I don't know what is happening to you but I promise that we will find out!" she confidently tried to appease him, while Ian could help himself but feel frustrated about his changing features.

" What's next? Claws? Or Maybe a tail? That would help!" he huffed in annoyance while turning around to look around the room, trying to look for something to punch to relieve his anger.

He felt Iris hand grab his, he could feel his anger simmering " Whatever it is, I'm here !" he heard her soft voice breaking trough the thick fog in his brain, the sound of her voice always made him feel better somehow.

Iris could see that it wasn't just anger that he was feeling, it was fear that fueled his emotions that no matter how much they tried to make things work, there was always something unexpected around the corner waiting to burst their little bubble.

" Ian, my love! I understand how you feel but things will fall into place in due time!" she apeased him while she moved in front of him, cupping his cheeks, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Closing his eye to get his emotions under control, trying his best not to lash out at the woman he loved and treasured.

The last thing he wanted to do, was to hurt her. Despite all the challenges that kept coming at them, there was one thing that remained unchanged, their commitment to each other.