Love at first sight

While deep in the heart of Fiahthyr Forest the events unfolding kept the people involved on their toes.

Somewhere in the plains of the Hessian Kingdom, Rom was walking at a steady peace, aproaching another village that he hoped he would be able to bargain for a horse.

Halting his steps at the edge of the village, taking a deep breath in " I hope this time someone will take pity on me and lend me a damned horse!" he mumbled to himself while he began to walk again.

Looking at the village and taking note of the houses, he could only be thankful that it was still daylight and the villagers wouldn't become suspicious of his presence in the village.

His eyes roamed from house to house and finally realised that this one wasn't a very big village and his chances to find a horse here, where less than none.

Puffing his cheeks, he thought that asking wouldn't hurt and hoped that his assumption was wrong.

Making his way to one of the houses, knocking on the door " Who is it ?" a woman voice echoed from behind the door, making Rom frown and wonder what he could say to the woman and not scare her.

Rom sighed " My name is Rom! I'm a wanderer and I need a horse!" he stated with his eyes on the door hoping to see the woman whose voice belonged to.

" There are no horses in this village! You are wasting your time!" she replied from behind the door, while Rom sighed heavily faced with the cruel reality and the fact that he will have to keep on walking.

Rom clicked his tongue" Thank you for your help!" he mumbled while he turned on his heels to leave, when the door swung open making him turn around to look at the woman.

Rom opened his mouth to speak but his words failed him, when his eyes fell on the woman sitting in front of him. His mind froze while his eyes took in her ethereal beauty.

He wasn't a man to be easily swayed by someone appearance but this woman's beauty was something even himself found it hard to describe it.

Her thick long golden braid that rested on her shoulder, with stray strands that framed her face, her rosy lip and her big steel eyes that resembled a winter sky shadowed by thick long lashes. Rom for the very first time, felt something that he had only heard others speak of so highly, in that moment he felt that everything around him froze and the only thing that mattered was her.

" If you really need a horse, there are untamed ones no far out from the vilage!" he heard her angelic voice cut through his muddled thoughts

"Huh?" he asked mindlessly since he hadn't heard a word that she had said, while staring at her

She took a step back in pushing the door to close it " Outside the village, you will find untamed horses!" she repeat herself again, pointing to the fields while she closed the door with a thud in Rom's face.

Rom puffed his cheeks, a little frustrated at himself and the woman. Now, that for the first time he had met a woman that caught his eye, he had no intention of leaving without at least finding out her name.

" What's your name? he firmly asked in a serious tone of voice glaring at the door for standing between him and the woman he desired.

⁹ Leave!" she huffed from behind the door, making Rom frown at her words.

Well, what now? He questioned to himself, not having anyone else to ask.

" What's the name of this village?" he asked again in a mellowed voice, thinking that maybe the way he asked the question, had put her in a bad mood.

" Leave!" she huffed again, letting out an exasperated cry making Rom shrug, while his mind drifted to his sister, wishing that she would be with him. She would have known what to do!

" Tell me your name and I'll leave!" he declared, determined to find out her name at all costs!

The door swung open all of the sudden making Rom flinch " Edýia! Now, leave before my brothers come back and you lose your head!" she quickly spoke while craning her neck to look over his shoulder, making Rom to to do the same but he couldn't see anything unusual. Women he thought to himself, shrugging at his own thoughts.

" Oh, no!" she worriedly exclaimed while she grabbed gim by the shoulders turning him around "Leave!" she demanded while giving him a gentle push away from the house.

Rom turned around to have one last look at beautiful woman, he still couldn't believe how taken he was by her. All he wanted now was to find a way to come back to her and find her once the madness ended, if he would still be breathing then.

Hearing heavy footsteps behind him, brought Rom attention to his surroundings and made him look over his shoulder but his view was blocked by someone's presence, his eyes moved up to settle on a man's face that was scowling at him and looked rather displeased.

In one flash the man grabbed Rom by his shoulder pushing him to the side to stand in front of Edýia " What is the meaning of this Edýia?" the man asked in a grave voice with his eyes on Rom, glowering at him.

Edýia warily smiled " He is looking for a horse!" she awkwardly explained with a pleading look.

" I told you to stay inside! We don't know if these lands are safe, yet!" he thundered in anger while he looked at his sister displeased with her disobedience.

" I'm sorry, big brother!" she shyly apologised while she bowed her head making Rom raise an eyebrow in question.

This is not how brothers and sisters behaved with each other, his sister never bowed her head in front of him or he never raised his voice at Maya.

" You should be nice to your sister!" Rom unknowingly breathed, frozing in his spot that he thought out loud and one should never meddle in others family matters.

" Silence!" he thundered while he pushed his sister inside the house, closing the door with a thud and turning his attention to Rom.