Easy for you to say!

" What do we do about her?" Dak questioned, grimacing in pain that jolted through his body.

" Right now, she is the only one I know that could help us! We need to put her to sleep!" Rom stated while looking around the room.

" What? This sack of meat was your only plan to deal with me?" the witch mocked while pulling at her hands to free herself.

" We need to move closer to that table!" Rom suggested, blatantly ignoring the witch who growled at him and kept snapping her teeth at him, trying to bite him.

Dak nodded and followed Rom's lead, who dragged the witch to the table while glancing at Dahlia's potions, hoping to find what she used last time on Rhya or anything that could knock her out.

His eyes widened when they settled on one of the bottles that read "Líadan", making a mental note to take that before they left. He looked further, trying not to linger too much on that bottle, and finally found what he was looking or at least he hoped that the content of the bottle was the same as the one she used on Rhya.

He placed the sword onto the table and reached for the bottle, only to feel a sudden sharp pain in his groin, making him crouch on the floor, and a knee under his chin that knocked him on his back, letting go of Dahlia's hand.

The moment he let go of her hand, she reached for his sword, swinging it at Dak, which caught her arm " Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!" he smirked while bashing his head against her face, causing Dahlia to lose consciousness.

" This how we do it in the North!" Dak pridefully stated while letting go of Dahlia, that fell on the floor with a thud.

Rom grunted and groaned, slowly getting up from the floor and wincing in pain " Told you, she is the worst!" Rom muttered under his breath, feeling his groin throbbing in pain.

" We need to tend to your wounds!" said Rom in a pained voice while looking at the table to find what he needed to tend to Dak's wound.

" You should do that!" Dak mumbled while sitting on the floor, holding his side soaked with blood.

Rom pushed himself up off the floor, hissing in pain and cursing the witch under his breath, and stumbled his way to the table, holding his throbbing groin.

He picked up a needle, thread, bandages and the ointment that he saw that she used on Rhya. Rom sat on the floor, pulling up the tunic to see how nasty the wound was.

" I need to clean the blood!" said Rom while getting from the floor to pick a bowl and clean water.

Dak nodded, hissing in pain while looking at his bruised hand " You know, I didn't believe you when you spoke about the witch!" he confessed while lightly fisting his hand, hissing in pain.

Rom plopped himself back on the floor and began cleaning his wound, trying to wash off the blood that was starting to thicken.

" I know! You're not the first!" he retorted while lightly pressing around the wound to clean the blood.

" Hmm...Have you told anyone else?" Dak curiously asked while grimacing in pain.

" Yes! I need you to stay still!" Rom asked while pushing the needle through his skin, making Dak grunt through gritted teeth and clench his hands so hard that his knuckles turned white, but he quickly realised when he felt the pain coming from his hand was more significant than the one caused by Rom's poking.

Dak cursed under his breath when Rom jabbed the needle and fidgeted in his spot, making Rom glare at him.

" Still, Dakran!" Rom barked, trying to move as fast as he could since they didn't have much time.

" Easy for you to say!" Dak retorted while fidgeting again when he felt the needle pierce his skin.

" Say something to take my mind off it!" Dak uttered breathlessly, feeling every single jab.

" Tell me more about Edýia?" Rom asked with his eyes on what he was doing.

" There isn't much else to tell than we already told you!" Dak answered in a pained voice, lightly panting.

" You've lived under the same roof for 18 years, and that's all you know about her!" Rom retorted while finishing sewing Dak's wound.

" We were busy defending ourselves against the creatures; we didn't have much time for anything else!" he retorted, sighing in relief when he felt Rom wrapping bandages around his torso.

"What's her favourite colour, food or flower? Things like that!" Rom explained while pulling his tunic back down.

" Yellow, soups and red ones, any would do!" he curtly replied while getting up from the floor and looking at Dahlia, that was still out of it.

" Thank you!" said Rom while getting up from the floor and picking up a few potion bottles off the table, and stuffing them in his bag

" You head over heels!" Dak exclaimed, a little shocked at how interested Rom was in his sister.

Rom puffed his cheeks " Can you blame me!" he breathed out, still baffled at how he felt for Edýia from the first moment he laid eyes on her.

Dak chuckled, throwing Dahlia over his shoulder " No, I can't blame you! She is of unmatched beauty, and I have not seen another woman as beautiful as her! You are not the first one to try and win her affection! Haren has done a good job chasing them away until now!"Dak explained, walking out of the houses with Dahlia on his shoulder, Rom closely following him.

" Hmm! Is he going to do the same to me?" Rom questioned while looking at his surroundings in search of a horse.

Dak chuckled. "You got closer to her than any other man, ever! Haren wouldn't let anyone get near her! He looks after her like she is the most precious jewel! I'm surprised you looked at her and still got to keep your head!" he retorted while walking through the village, looking just like Rom for a horse or anything that would help them leave the village faster.