One feeble lady

"Oh! If she accepts me, then I will do my best to treat her as she deserves!" Rom stated in a serious tone while his eyes fell on the inn that now looked closed since the door was bolted and the shutters were closed.

" You should consider yourself a lucky man that you even had the chance to share the same breathing space with her!" Dak commented, looking over his shoulder at Rom, who looked slightly surprised.

" Nothing happened!" Rom replied while gathering himself; his expression turned blank.

Dak chuckled " If you say so!" he retorted, taking his eyes off Rom to look ahead.

" We need to find a horse!" Rom stated while looking over his shoulder, only to see something glistening on the hill like last time.

" The forest! Quick, they are here!" said Rom panicking while pushing Dak through a gap between the houses, off the road and towards the forest.

" Who are they?" Dak curiously questioned while he looked toward the hill and saw the same thing as Rom did.

" The King's elite cavalry, the witch, is using them as her puppets!" he explained while walking deeper inside the forest, trying to stay out of sight.

" Cavalry? That means that they have horses!" Dak countered while halting his steps, turning to look at Rom.

" Yes, but we can't defeat all of them!" Rom reasoned while he walked past Dak, who lowered Dahlia to the ground and stayed glued to his spot.

" We only need two horses!" Dak pointed out while looking through the thicket of trees, following the shine from the armour.

" We had trouble with one feeble lady, and you want to take on an entire cavalry?" Rom questioned in disbelief, seeing how reckless Dakran was being.

" I wasn't ready then; I'm now!" he confidently uttered, unsheathing his sword and marching back towards the village.

" Stay here and guard the healer!" Dak commanded, looking over his shoulder.

Rom raised his hands, showing that he was done trying to convince him otherwise " I'll have a drink in your name once the calvary takes your life!" he smirked while looking at Dahlia, that lay at his feet still senseless.

He leaned against a tree, waiting for the sound of battle cries, but after waiting for quite some time, he noticed nothing had happened.

He pushed himself off the tree and walked away from Dahlia to look at the village, hoping to see what was happening.

The crunching sound coming from behind him made Rom slowly turn, catching a glimpse of the person behind him from the corner of his eye and realise that Dahlia had come to her senses.

Wondering whether it was Dahlia or the witch, " Dahlia?" he questioned, hoping it was her and not the witch.

" One can only hope!" she mocked while taking small steps towards him.

" I promise to spare you and the ones you love if you show my calvary the way into the forest!" the witch bargained, stopping a few steps in front of Rom.

Rom chuckled " Your calvary?" he echoed with one eyebrow raised, seeing how conceited the witch was and how he could use that to his advantage.

" Mine or the King's, same thing!" she replied while her eyes moved to his hand, which was on the sword's hilt.

" Where is the troll?" she asked while looking around and not seeing Dak.

" He went to relieve himself!" Rom smirked, drawing his sword a little.

" Why do you even bother? You won't kill her; we both know that!" she rhetorically asked while extending her hand for Rom to take.

Rom chuckled again" You seem so sure!" he mocked while pulling the sword, pointing it at her throat, nipping the skin just enough to draw blood.

The witch gave him a stiff smile, raising her hands in defeat " It seems that I was wrong!" she admitted while grabbing the blade of the sword and squeezing it hard enough that blood started to trickle from Dahlia's hand, dripping on the ground one drop at a time.

" Felling the noose around your neck?" he smirked while pulling the sword out of her hand, leaving a gash behind, and the witch shrieked, making Rom grimace at the piercing sound of her voice.

" You must like the sound of your voice!" Dak mocked from behind Rom, wiping his bloodied sword on the sleeve of his tunic, walking past him, and stopping in front of Dahlia.

Without giving the witch a chance to retort, Dak butted her face again, rendering Dahlia senseless again, letting her fall on the forest ground with a thump.

Rom released an exasperated cry, seeing that Dak had rendered her unconscious again. He was hoping he could talk some more with her and get out of her as many details as he could.

" What? It worked the first time! Why fix it if?!" Dak shrugged while bending down and picking up Dhalia, throwing her on his shoulders and walking past Rom.

Rom watched Dak walk past him when his eyes settled on the two horses tied to a tree.

Rom's lips curled in a satisfied smile, thinking that the muscle head wasn't as delusional as he thought and must be a well-trained warrior if he had managed to get the horses without alerting the entire cavalry while doing it.

Seeing Dak throwing Dahlia onto the horse, he made his way to where they were and finally mounted the horse that Dak was holding for him to take.

" I'm moved!" Rom excitedly said, " I wasn't expecting you to get past one Apollyon knight, but two, that's a great feat!" he further explained while nudging the horse with his heel and clicking his tongue.

Dak chuckled " You should see the creatures, then you would be even more moved!" Dak smugly retorted while nudging the horse to move.

Rom frowned, hearing Dak mention the creatures and wondered what kind of creature they were and if they only called them creatures or they had given them a name.

" How do they look like?" Rom curiously questioned, looking at Dak, who frowned that seemed to be mulling over something.