
In the meantime, Edýia was stepping out of the thick woods she had entered not long ago as the sun was finally ready to set for the day.

She looked at changing sky and sighed heavily " I have no clue where I am or if I'm going the right way!" she said to no one in particular as she climbed down a hill when her eyes fell upon the village that lay at the foot of the hill.

Halting her steps, she wondered if it would be wise to enter the village and ask for directions. She had no intention of stopping, afraid that Haren would eventually catch up to her and drag her back to Beledren.

Her lips twitched at that little thought, and she reprised her steps and continued climbing down the hill. As she approached the village, her steps faltered, as she was doubtful of her decision to go and ask for directions.

Edýia halted her steps and looked at the village before entering it, suspicious and fearful that she didn't know anyone. She was all alone, and the more she thought about it, the more reluctant she became to step inside the village.

Edýia took one final deep breath, and with that, she finally started to make her way inside the village, with shy steps while she carefully studied the houses that lay on either side of the main road. The hanging lanterns were placed outside the homes, spreading their light so one could see around them. Edýia continued walking through the quiet village. It felt so eerie to her. Even though she was pretty brave, for some reason, this place scared her even more than the monsters in the North.

" What a pretty-looking girl like you do in a place like this?" a man's voice suddenly echoed in the silence, making her jump and gasp.

Edýia slowly turned to look at the man and sighed in relief when her eyes fell on a man much shorter than she was and looking rather scrawny. She would have no problem defending herself against him. She thought to herself while she studied the thin-looking man in front of her.

" I think I'm lost!" she shyly mumbled, lowering her gaze and slowly slipping her hand into her dress pocket, careful not to alert the man of what she was doing.

The man hummed " Where are you intending to go?" he casually asked.

The thin-looking man approached her and studied her figure with hungry eyes.

" I'm looking for my brother, but I think I lost my way!" she replied without saying where she was going.

Despite the small stature, she was still weary of his presence.

" Does he live around these parts?" he asked as he started to walk in a circle around her.

" Yes, but I don't know if I'm going the right way?" she half lied.

Her eyes followed the man as he continued walking in a circle.

" Do you know the name of the village?" he continued asking questions. As if wanting to know something specific, but he wouldn't dare to ask it.

" He told me, but I had forgotten it. I know it's close to a forest!" Edýia explained, still not divulging the name of the place she was going to, as she didn't trust the man.

" Most villages are close to a forest around here. It's useful!" the thin-looking man causally commented, halting his steps in front of her. He looked left and then looked right and nodded.

" My name is Nyx, and I'm in charge of the safety of this village, and since you walked in after sundown, it is my job to make sure that you are not a threat to this village!" he explained while moving past her and walked in the village, not wanting for her to reply.

Edýia turned on her heels and followed the man called Nyx " I'm Edýia!" she introduced herself as she caught up to him and started to walk sideways as the man picked his pace as if trying to get rid of her.

" Nice to meet you, Edýia!" he said as he continued walking at the same pace.

" I was wondering if you could tell how far Fiahthyr forest is?" she asked as she resumed walking alongside him. The man is quick, she thought to herself.

Nyx suddenly halted his steps, and so did Edýia wondering if she had said something she wasn't supposed to. She hadn't been out in the world very much, and all she knew about how to behave was from her brothers.

" Why would you want to go there? The forest is cursed! Many enter, not many come out, not alive anyway!" he warned.

Curiously, looking at her as if he was intrigued by her endeavour.

Edýia frowned, unsure how to answer that, she already knew about it from Rom's story, and she was confident that she wouldn't have to enter the forest. Dak had been gone for days now, and she was sure he was on his way back.

" He just lives next to it. I won't have to enter the forest!" she lied again, while she looked around her, except for the village around it, it was pitch black. Now Edýia thinking of staying the night in the village, but she had no coins with her. She had been so desperate to escape that she hadn't thought about it all the way.

" Could you at least tell me if I'm going în the right way!" she pleaded, hoping he would pity her and give directions.

The man stared at her for a few moments and clicked his tongue " The forest is two villages over from this one. I'm guessing that's the village you are speaking of, but there are the other villages in the vicinity of those woods! Be smart and stay out of it.If you value your life, that is!?" he warned.

Nyx reprised his steps, walking inside a house and shut the door with a thud.

Although she was grateful for his help, she couldn't help but notice that the man was rather blunt in his behaviour, as if he was trying to shoo her out of the village as quickly as possible.

And that made her curious. Why the rush to get rid of her? Now she was wondering if she should stay and find out if he was hiding something or he was just plain rude.