Glimpse into Darkness

Unbeknownst to the people in Vellai Castle of the events outside the castle. Ian and Iris were walking in the corridor leading towards the kitchen, both silent as they mulled over the events that occurred that day.

Ian took a deep breath when he felt his soul being forcefully pulled out of his body. He frowned as the sensation intensified further, and he suddenly began to feel a sharp pain at the back of his head, making him groan and rub the spot as if to soothe it.

Iris turned to look at him as he had squeezed her hand a little too hard and saw him rub the back of his head.

" My love, are you alright!" she worriedly asked as she halted her steps to look at him, seeing his face contorted in discomfort.

" My head hurts, and it feels a lot like my soul is being pulled out of my body!" he grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head.

Iris frowned and unlike other times when she would have brushed things like this away. This time she was determined to stay on task and find out why he felt that way all of a sudden.

Iris did the first thing she could think of and checked his mark. She now knew that their marks served many purposes and marked any changes in their health, like when she was carrying Azra.

Iris frowned " This cannot be good!" she mumbled in disbelief, and she moved to stand in front of him, only to see that he was in even more discomfort, and his complexion was a little pale.

" I need to la-..." he drawled his words as he fell on the floor in the middle of the corridor. Iris desperately shook him, calling his name.

" Ian, wake up!" she cried as she checked to see if he was still alive.

Since they weren't very far from the kitchen, the commotion caught Rhya and Tyla's attention, and they stepped to see what was happening.

" What happened?" Rhya asked as she lowered herself next to Iris and checked if he was still breathing.

" Seth is gone! The rune that marks his presence is gone!" she informed while she shook him to wake up.

Rhya's eyebrows shot up, and she looked at Tyla, who looked concerned and a little confused since she had no idea that Seth had separated himself from Ian.

" What do we do now? Has this ever happened before? " Tyla asked, hoping that out of the two, one of them would be able to have an answer.

" Ian is bound to Mirin. That might be enough to keep him alive, but I don't know what will happen to him if the sword is the only thing that keeps him alive!" she guessed as she worriedly looked at Ian, that was quickly becoming paler, and his breathing became shallow.

The three women sat in the corridor, hoping Ian would pull through. Ian's soul had already entered the Hollow as he was drifting deeper into the Hollow. His body was slowly losing its strength and fading away.

" Welcome, child!" a man uttered in an impassive tone from behind, making Ian halt his steps and turn to the voice.

" Where am I?" he asked as he looked around, but he couldn't see anything since it was pitch black.

" You're home, child!" the man spoke again as he approached Ian. The only thing that he could see was two flames that sparkled in the pitch-black darkness.

" Show yourself!" Ian commanded, a little annoyed that he couldn't see the man he spoke to.

The black stone on the staff glowed with a purple light, and Ian finally could discern some features of the man he spoke to.

His eyes were made of blue fire, and his skin was greyish as if it was rotting, and now he knew who the man was.

" Guardian of the Hollow!" Ian remarked as he took a few steps to close the distance between him and the guardian.

" It's a bit wordy for my taste. You can call me Ettrick!" he added in the same impassive tone, looking at Ian from head to toe.

" You haven't completed the ritual, child!" Ettrick said, standing in front of Ian, unmoving like a talking statue.

" No, I haven't! I've been trying hard to stay away from the sword!" he causally commented as he shoved his hands in his pockets and tilted his head.

" The sword is bound to you. You are its master!" Ettrick informed as he took a step closer to Ian.

" So I've been told countless times!" he causally exclaimed. His eyes travelled everywhere, trying to study the place, but nothing was there. It was just darkness.

Ettrick hummed " Is interesting that you're here. You're time is not due yet!" he remarked as if he was wondering why was he there?

Ian shrugged " If I would have to guess. It is Seth's doing!" he casually commented

Ettrick chuckled " That lowlife tricked me once. This time, I made sure he has locked away deep in the Hollow!" he sneered

Ian clicked his tongue " I need to go back since it's not my time, and I haven't completed the ritual. I guess I don't belong here!" he reasoned while approaching Ettrick, walking past him.

" I shall release you from the Hollow, but I need something in return!" Ettrick bargained.

Ian grinned and halted his steps " Sure. You can have your bloody sword back!"

That was what he was waiting for; this would solve his little problem and get a chance to bargain with Ettrick for something more in exchange for it.

Ettrick fell silent " It's a good deal, but I need something more! Bring me an unsullied soul, and I will release you from the bond, return you to the realm of the living!" he stated his price as he closed the distance between him and Ian extending his shrivelled hand for him to take.

Ian grimaced in disgust at the sight of his hand and " I guess the sword isn't as valuable as I thought!" he smirked and turned on his heels to leave

" How dare you insult the Hollow!" he thundered, his echoed as if they were in an empty room, and the sound bounced off the walls.

Ian sighed " Who knew that all mighty entities would be so fucking annoying! Now, you can feel offended!" he bit back and reprised his steps. Ettrick slammed his staff against the floor, and Ian froze, unable to move.