Told You So

Iris released a sigh of relief and sat on the edge of the bed, observing Ian. A little worried about what effect it would have on him, that he had been dead and come back.

This can't be good. She thought, now that Seth was gone. Ian was more vulnerable than ever. The only thing that protected him was Mirin.

Ian watched Iris battle internally with herself " I met the guardian of the Hollow. He wants the sword back." he gave the short version of the events. He saw no point in delving into details that would worry her more.

Iris gave Ian a worried look. She feared that " We can't give it back! The bond that you have with the sword is what keeps you alive! If you get injured, with Seth gone and without the sword, you're not very far from being human!" Iris explained, gripping the edge of the bed tightly and looking at the floor.

" We have to give it back. It has caused trouble!" Tyla butted in without a shadow of doubt in her voice and stepped forward, closing the distance between her and Iris.

" It's time to set things right, Iris. This madness has been going on for far too long! Ian has changed because of it, and we think Azra is the way it is because of it!" she continued explaining as she lowered herself to look her in the eyes.

Iris lifted her head, her eyes darted between Tyla and Rhya, who nodded in agreement to Tyla's words " Explain!" she curtly said.

Tyla took a deep breath and looked at Rhya, who nodded once more and turned her attention back to her " Seth used the sword to turn Azra into a Dumach!" she replied absently, looking at Iris, who turned horrified at the news and looked at Ian, who had an 'I told you so' look on his face.

" Makes sense. I'm not even surprised anymore! After all, by the looks of the only one who cared, Seth was himself and his agenda!" Ian commented as he sat next to Iris, wrapping his arm around her shoulder while she stood there staring at the floor.

" Bastard!" Iris hissed through gritted teeth gripping the edge of the bed even tighter, and her face contorted with anger.

She couldn't believe that Seth had stooped so low and used her son to turn him into a powerful creature to wipe everything out of existence.

" We need to speak with Azra! This can't be happening! He needs to know what he is capable of before someone ends up hurt!" Iris murmured as she stood up from the bed and looked at Rhya and Tyla, hoping they would be able to tell her his whereabouts.

" He is with Athan at the moment, helping in the kitchen! Athan knows what he is, and he will be careful!" Rhya informed as she approached Iris and took her hand, and gently squeezed it.

" We were going to tell you after dinner!" she said as she let go of her hand, turning to leave.

" You don't understand. Dumachs can't control themselves. Sooner or later, he will feel the need to take a soul. He will never be satisfied and will want more!" Iris added, looking at Ian, sorrowful.

" Can we do something about it ?" Ian questioned as he pulled Iris into his embrace. He had already made his peace regarding Azra. He knew something was wrong and understood that, eventually, things would take an ugly turn.

" No! Once it's done, there is no turning back! He will leave death and destruction in his wake, and the only thing that can stop him now is the sword that has been used to create him!" Iris murmured as she pulled away from the embrace, there was nothing she could do about it.

" He still needs to know! Seth has used us all, and now he is gone and has left us to clean up the mess." Ian commented as he pulled Iris out of the room.

" You will have to open a gate to the Hollow in seven days to hear Ettricks answer! He can also tell us more about what Azra is, and maybe he can give us an answer to our problem!" he hoped, but deep down, he knew that Ettrick wouldn't lift a finger to help if it didn't benefit him in some way.

" Ettrick?" Rhya and Tyla echoed curiously, looking at Ian, that he was on a first-name basis with the guardian.

Ian hummed, " It's his name! He is a bit touchy, so speaking to him is a bit of a challenge!" as they walked into the kitchen where Athan and Azra were.

" Looking good for a dead man!" Athan commented, lifting his head to look at Ian.

" What can I say? Not even death can put a dent in my good looks!" Ian jokingly replied as he waved at himself, grinning.

Athan chuckled and shook his head in disbelief " There is no hope for you!" he mumbled as he sat up from his seat and put the food on the table.

"I'm broken-hearted that you think that. I thought we were friends!" he faked sadness as he sat at the table, still grinning.

" Stop it, you two, and eat your food!" Iris snapped, her mood soured even further when her eyes fell upon Azra, who sat quietly in his chair and looked scared.

" Azra, are you alright?" Iris asked, making Azra lift his head to look at her.

He looked fearful, and she felt that he was himself whom he feared and no one else.

Azra nodded and took a deep breath " Athan explained what I am, and I don't know what to make of it! Why has he made me this way?" he questioned in disbelief, looking at his trembling hands.

" I don't know why, and we will probably never find out since Seth is now in the Hollow!" Iris let him know of the current situation while she observed Azra.