The Lump and the Baby Spider

Bastos wearing a tattered cloak, barefoot, approached Fiahthyr with confident steps, tightly clutching his book.

Despite his thin stature and darkened expression, his lips held a satisfied smile. A smile had been plastered on his lips since he had escaped the witch and the citadel.

The loss of his companion had not made a dent in his mood. He was a cunning and deceitful man. His greed knew no bounds. He wasn't worth the dust of his shoes if he had any to wear. Bastos thought to himself as his destination spread in front of his eyes. He took a deep breath and hummed.

" I love the way you smell!" Bastos said to no one in particular. The smile on his lips stayed the same as if it was drawn.

He entered the forest unrestricted, as if the veil that had been placed on the forest had faded. The knowledge that he held was old, from a time long before the events occurred.

His thoughts drifted to Iris, hoping that he would make it in time to speak with her and tell his story before he turned into a pile of dust. He had no idea what had happened to Seth. He could only imagine what Sadhya had done to him. She was out for blood. Her thirst for retribution was unquenchable. She was a victim, just like the A' Kina and those who came to be after that. A result of his misdeeds, lack of foresight and ruthless nature. Whatever she did, he deserved and then some more. He thought to himself.

Bastos sighed heavily, opened his book, and began reading the chant in the book" Liatlian hapris nuemenis Fiahthyr." a thin wavering sheen slowly rose from the ground and encircled the forest once more.

He placed his hand on the veil once more and opened the book, chanting, and the veil changed colour several times and settled on blue.

Bastos turned to the veil once more to touch it with his index finger, a little fearful of his handy work and the moment his fingertip came to a hairs distance from the shield, he was thrown back across the forest floor, landing at the root of an old tree.

Gasping and groaning in pain," I think I overdid it this time!" he winced and sluggishly pushed himself off the tree.

Pulling on his cloak to cover himself, as the cloak had shifted when he was thrown away, he looked at the shield and nodded to himself, turning his attention to the point that shined dully in the distance.

He was sure that Sadhya would send reinforcements as soon as she found that her precious book was no more. He shrugged and concluded that the book was never hers to begin with. It belonged to A'Khina. His people were the ones that wrote the book. He was the only one that could use it to its full potential. Whatever spells she had successfully deciphered were probably used to conjure small and useless things. Creatures that obeyed no master and did as they pleased, therefore, no use. He had wondered if she had done such a thing, but if she did, they were probably hiding in caves and underground holes from people and sunlight.

He glanced at his artwork one more time and jumped into a small river, halting his steps in the middle of it and taking a few fistfuls of water. He was hungry, and he was parched. He was a day's walk from the castle, but he didn't want to stop with his precious book. He had to reach the castle. If the witch was hellbent on getting her hands on Arkathira, he was more stubborn not to let that happen.

" Mutt!' he cursed as he climbed up a hill.

The power didn't belong to one person; it belonged to his people. They were the ones that created the damn thing, and later, it was stolen. Bastos knew his time had limited the bond that he had made with the woman wasn't permanent; otherwise, she would die sooner than later. He knew he would follow the same path as Seth and wither away, leaving just a pile of dust behind him.

Forbidden magic was whimsical. Whilst it gave one what it wanted, the consequences were unknown, and therefore, there was no guarantee that once one turned to it, one would remain unscathed.

He halted his steps once more, and his eyes fell on a big lump walking up the treacherous path in front of him carrying what looked like a girl with blond hair. She looked like a baby spider clinging to the mother's back.

He chuckled at his thoughts but remained distant from the two that seemed to be heading towards the castle just like he did. Narrowing his eyes, he didn't think they were in the forest to cause harm. They looked like ordinary people to him. Their clothing looked new, not the most precious silk, but it was decent, in his opinion.

The big lump halted its steps and put the baby spider down. The baby spider looked a little worried, maybe scared. The sword hissed as he pulled it out of the sheath, echoing in the quiet forest, and the big lump turned " Who is there? Show yourself?" he shouted, gabbling, keenly looking around and taking his attack position.

The baby spider turned even more worried, and she did the same, turning full circle on herself and scouting the forest with her eyes.

The big lump pulled the baby spider behind his back and said something to her, and the baby spider glued herself to a tree.

Smiling, " Scared. " he said to no one in particular as he opened his precious book and shuffled through the pages looking for a spell.

Before he had a chance to chant the spell, the cold metal grazing his neck was enough to make him gulp" Put the book down!" a woman's voice, soft and warm. He could smell cooked meat on her hands.

The lump approached with long strides and stopped in front of him " Who are you, and why are you following us?" he asked coldly. He looked displeased, maybe uncomfortable. He couldn't tell.

The man smiled " They call me Bastos! And you are?" he threw back the question, smiling, seemingly unbothered by the blade that was kissing his neck at that moment.

" Why would I tell you my name?" the lump questioned back, he scowled, or maybe that was his everyday face. He still couldn't tell.

" Well, I told you mine. Is only fair?"Bastos causally commented, smiling.

Haren thought that something was wrong with the man. Who would wear that stupid smile on his face at a time like this? He questioned himself.

The lump hummed " Fair. It's fair!" the lump admitted and lifted his arm to punch him, but the man grabbed the baby spider's wrist and ducked, punching the baby spider straight in the face, and the baby spider flew across the forest ground and crumpled onto a tree.

The lump looked at his fist in disbelief, shocked, surprised. He still couldn't tell.

The lump jumped from his spot and carefully picked up the baby spider in his arms as she groaned and winced in pain, covering her bloodied face.

" Oww, it hurts!" the baby spider complained from under her hand.

" I'm sorry, Edýia. I wanted to punch him, not you!" the lump said woefully to the baby spider as they approached him.

" Edýia, you have a beautiful name!" Bastos complimented, still wearing that annoying smile on his face.

" There something wrong with your face!" the lump commented, grimacing in disgust, displeased. Bastos couldn't tell.

"What is it?" Bastos asked smiling.

"You're wearing an idiotic smile on your stupid face!" he explained, looking as angry as one could be. Now he could tell.