
It was evident to him how displeased she was with his decision. Iris had never used her abilities on him, but by the looks of it, she felt compelled to show him how much she disagreed with his decision.

" If I find myself in a bind, I will not hesitate to use the sword." he calmly stated as he moved past her and sat back on the bed.

" You've lost it!" she said, bewildered following and stopping in front of him " Regardless of what will happen, you will not touch the sword." she enunciated every word to make sure he gets the message " Now, stop sulking like a child. We have things to do before we leave!" she said as she sat on the bed next to him, her shoulders dropped and puffed her cheeks in frustration.

Ian fell silent and dropped his head in the palm of his hands " If that's what it takes to protect you, then -"

"You will do nothing of the sort. I can look after myself!" Iris hastily said, interrupting Ian's speech as if this was not up for discussion.

" I didn't drag you back from the Hollow, just so you willingly go back!" she scolded " Stop speaking nonsense. I've heard enough already to last me for a while." she scolded some more and shifted in her spot, placing one knee on the bed.

He fell silent again; finally, he lifted his head and let himself fall on the bed, letting out a sigh of frustration. He reached for her hand and pulled her next to him.

" You're right. Plenty of fools around us, I guess it rubbed off on me!" he jokingly said as he turned to his side.

" I would do anything to keep you safe," he said, resting his hand on her waist.

" I need you alive if you die or become something else. What good does that do to any of us?!" Iris rhetorically asked, frowning.

She pushed the stray hairs that rested on his forehead " I need you by my side. I'll fight my battles win or lose. I will be fine!" she added and took a deep breath in " Can we just be for a moment. Soon we will leave this place and who knows when will have the chance to stay like this, in each other's arms." she reasoned, with a pleading look.

Ian nodded and smiled " You're right!" he admitted with a sad smile.

He pressed his lips against her, his grip on her waist tightened, and the kiss deepened. She pulled away from the kiss and looked at him with questioning eyes. She didn't say anything or voice out her thoughts. She grabbed his tunic and pulled him in for another kiss. Deeper, passionate, burning with desire.

Ian shifted on the bed on his back and pulled her on top of him without breaking the kiss. His hands slipped under her golden dress, settling on her bottom, squeezing and kneading her plump buttocks.

As she lay on top of him, she could feel his member harden and throb. It had been a while, and they were both on edge. She broke the kiss and slowly pulled away to look at him. Ian gulped and frowned, and his grip on her bottom loosened a bit. He wondered if he had done something wrong or had pushed things a little too far, and she wasn't ready to do that yet.

She was lightly panting. Her moistened lips parted. The earlier fierceness was replaced by warmth and gentleness that Ian was all too familiar with. On her lips, a mischievous smile quickly settled, and she pushed his trousers down. His member sprung up, slapping against his abdominal muscles. Before he even had a chance to register what she was planning. Iris lowered herself the knees and leaned in for another passionate kiss. She wrapped her hand around it, and she lowered herself, sliding down its length.

They both moaned into the kiss as she began gliding back and forth on top of him, slowly breaking the kiss and pushing herself up with her hand resting on his chest and continued moving her hips,

His hands were on her hips, and his grip tightened and loosened as pleasured moans and sighs escaped their lips. It was in the spur of the moment. Although she doubted his feelings for her, he was head over heels and incurable.

The pace was slow. The pleasure was gradually building up. Ian looked at Iris dazed, mesmerised, and let her do as she pleased with him.

She looked so beautiful. As she slowly took him in, the tip of her breast hardened, and he felt the need to touch them but kept his hands on her hips and guided her. Her eyes shined with pleasure as she peered at him from above. She threw her head back as she reached her peak. Beads of sweat covered her face and chest, glistening in the light of the afternoon sun.

He pushed her onto the bed and let out a throaty moan as his seed spurted on his abdomen.

She licked her parched lips as she panted and looked up at him in her dazed state " Why did you do that?" she asked mid-pant as she pushed herself up to look at him.

He smiled " I don't want to sire any more children!" he casually replied and wiped the sweat off his upper lip and forehead.

Her brows raised " Oh! Is it just right now or never!" she curiously asked, her gaze fixed on him, waiting for his answer.

" Never!" he curtly replied and pushed himself off the bed and returned with a glass of water and a towel.

" Is it because of Azra?" she hazarded a guess, even though she already knew the answer.

" You could say that!" he calmly replied, throwing the towel on the floor and pulling his trousers up.

Iris closed her eyes, and she could understand why he was done. She wasn't sure either if she wanted more children. Azra's birth left a gaping hole in their hearts, not by his fault, but it didn't change the fact that they were greeted with nothing more than just awful news that tumbled down one after another.

Ian pecked her lips " How about we stop with the bickering and have some rest. It is long overdue, and we have a long journey ahead of us. Best we make the most of it now before someone knocks on the door", he calmly suggested, and let himself fall on the bed and closed his eyes.

Iris sighed " Maybe this time will manage to get more rest than we did last time" she chuckled and lowered herself onto the bed next to him.

