Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder

The door finally opened. The hum at the back of her head and the ringing in her ears were incessant. Everything unfolding in front of her eyes felt like a dream, a vivid one. Thrill and dread both lived, battled for dominance, while her heart drummed, ready to leap out of her chest. The wedding night, and everything that those two words ensued. Yearning, and longing for the handsome man, that now was her husband was slowly becoming a reality, right before her eyes.

Maya heard the door shut with a click, and Dakran's hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to the present, to him. She could feel his gentle touch, that alone drove her to the brink of bursting into flames. A jumble of emotions, all at once, she could barely register what was happening. His earlier words rang in her head loud and clear " gloves are off" and whatever that meant, but she was definitely not looking forward to finding out.

" Maya!....Maya! Are you alright?" She heard Dakran as if he was in a different room, and the ringing sounds in her ears for some reason wouldn't stop.

Maya startled, nodded and gulped" I'm just really nervous. This- " She stammered and with trembling hands took the linden leaf pin off her dress.

Dakran turned her to face him," I love you, Maya, I will never grow tired of telling you how much you mean to me." He professed his feelings for her once more while Maya raised her head to look at him, muddled, fearful, loving. There was so much, in those green eyes and he couldn't wait to wash away all of her fears.

Maya nodded " I know, I love you too. I'm small so, my love is not as big as yours," She tittered, and brushed the stray hair off his forehead. Somehow the sound of his voice eased her fears, and the growing angst.

Dakran brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers, brown eyes gazing into green" You have a heart of gold, and that little red, is more than enough." He lovingly said, eyebrows pulled together and tenderly kissed her lips.

Dakran hummed taking her hand, and placing it over his heart " It only beats for you, before I met you, I felt empty. I'm happy, you brought light into my life and I'm so grateful to the gods to have put you in my path." He candidly confessed, his eyes shined with gratitude, and love.

" So, if you are afraid of me, don't be. I'll be gentle, and try to make it as painless as possible," He added taking both her hands in his and kissing them. The gentleness in his touch and words soothed her, washing away her greatest fear. She was sure that no man would go to such lengths for a woman.

Maya pursed her lips, nodded, took a deep breath and shrugged off the cape she was wearing over her dress, and placed it into Dakran's stretched hand.

Dakran cleared his throat, as his gaze travelled down from her face, to her neck and settled on the breasts, peeking from her dress. Dakran sucked a breath preparing for one of the hardest and yet most gratifying nights of his life " I might have to take the last part back." Dakran tittered this time around, rubbing the back of his neck, a little flustered.

Maya's eyebrows worriedly furrowed, and took a step back at his words. Dakran peeled his eyes off her breasts to look at her and took a step forward, closing the distance between them.

His hands cupped her face, his thumbs brushed her cheeks and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Angst and excitement bloomed within him, he felt like a young boy again, under Maya's curious gaze. He'd forgotten that feeling. The rush of excitement was exhilarating.

Dakran leaned in and pressed his lips against hers while Maya clutched his jacket as the kiss deepened, conquering her mouth, pouring all his unbound desire and love into a breathtaking kiss.

As his hands patted her braided hair and began pulling the pins out of it, letting her locks unravel one by one, cascading over her shoulders very much like a burning fire.

Dakran pulled away from the kiss, looked at her starry-eyed, and heavily gulped " By all gods. I'm not worthy of you. No one is" He whispered against her lips, capturing her lips again, slipping his tongue inside her mouth and tasting every corner of it. When Dakran pulled away to give Maya a moment to breathe, breathless as she was. Swirling green eyes filled with adoration peered at him and for a moment he lost himself in them.

Dakran peeled her hands off his jacket bringing them up to his lips, placing a tender, yet provocative kiss. His lips stretched into a smile as he raised his head to look at Maya, with smouldering brown eyes from behind his thick lashes, intensely swirling with desire.

" Why did you send Sala away?" Maya asked unable to bear his gaze on her, feeling the heat in her cheeks rise at a frightening speed.

" Because I wanted to undress you myself. You are my wife now. On our first night together, as man and wife. I wanted to be the one to take your wedding dress off. Mostly because I couldn't wait any longer." He replied, fiddling with strands of her hair, biting his lip. His eyes briefly strayed from her face to her bosom but raised them to look at her when Maya blew a breath.

Maya giggled " I see. Then, why wait?" She amusedly challenged, with a puckish grin. Sala was right Dakran wouldn't touch a hair on her without her saying so.

Dakran raised his eyebrows, and bit his lip " Three of my favourite words." He desirously exclaimed, but his smile quickly fell, and took a deep breath in.

" I want this night, to be something that we will both look upon in our old age. A night that we remember with a smile upon our lips, and you would look at me with the same loving eyes as you do now." The love in his eyes matched his tone, and Dakran leaned in to kiss her forehead. When he pulled away to look into her eyes" Remember my words, little red, carry them with you as I will do the same. I want a life with you. And now, that you are my wife. I will do my best to make you happy. I have no intention of breaking my oath to you." Dakran folded Maya into his arms and kissed her hair. A reassuring gesture, and a confirmation that Dakran was a dedicated, loving man with a heart the size of Ironstone.

His incessant show of affection brought her to tears " Dakran" she whispered pulling out of his embrace, tiptoeing to kiss his lips. Dakran weaved his hands in her fiery red hair and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss as his hands slowly began to travel down, unfastening her dress one button at a time, until it slipped off her body, pooling at her feet, onto the floor.

When Dakran pulled away from the kiss, both breathless, he took a step back and heavily gulped. Maya flushed red under his burning gaze, which raked her body, studying it in every minute detail. Maya attempted to cover herself with her hands despite wearing the see-through lacy chemise, that Sala had chosen against the corset.

" No," Dakran said, peeling her hand off her breasts " I want to see you," Dakran breathlessly said, slipping his finger under the chemise strap, pushing it off her shoulder and gulping when it joined the dress on the floor. For the first, a tinge of pink coloured his cheeks, and Maya hugged herself in an attempt to cover her nakedness, once again. It was nerve-wracking. With every piece of garment that came off, exposing her flawed, scarred skin, her mind unravelled under his intense gaze. She had no clue what he truly thought now that she was bare, before him.

Maya flushed red again as the heat in her cheeks rose, and lowered her gaze, letting it drift on the scars on her hands, and legs and the biggest one was on her belly. The one that was meant to take her life. Seeing her bare before him for the first time, Dakran quickly realised, that his mind had done, no justice to Maya. Pale rosy skin, full round breasts, delicate waist, plump thighs, and a fine, fine behind. The sight of her alone was enough to make his blood boil, ready to pounce and shake that bush until there was nothing left. Be good, Dakran. He scolded himself.

" The scars" Maya's trembling voice, sobered him up " They are ugly." she absently brushed her scars with her fingers

" No, they are a part of you, and made you who you are today." Dakran closed the distance and lowered to his knees, kissing the scars on her legs, hands, arms and her stomach. He looked up at her " You're still the most beautiful woman, I have laid eyes on to this day." He pushed himself off the floor and pecked her lips. Hoping that his words would ease her fears. She was wrong in every possible way, to doubt her self-worth so much, just because of measly marks.

It was his turn, even though she had seen him naked before, Maya always either closed her eyes or averted her gaze. With that thought in mind, he began taking his sash off, and slowly unbuttoned his jacket, with his eyes on Maya who seemed, a little ashamed. He wasn't sure if it was because she was naked in front of him, but if that was what it was, maybe him taking his clothes would help.