Wedding Day 10

Both donned in their traditional northern wedding attire; sitting at the head of the table while Maya pecked on her food, a little fickle. Maya took a silent breath and placed the fork on the table while Dakran frowned, but continued to scarf down his food to the last crumble.

He looked much younger and his expression that where hidden behind his bushy beard, showed a gentle and sweet man despite his towering stature.

A few of the men brought their mandolins, and drums, and began playing what she'd assumed was traditional northern music.

The hall quickly filled with lively tunes as a hand stretched before her, and the crowd began clapping, enjoying themselves drinking and laughing.

" Dance, dance, dance" they chanted as they rose in their seats urging them to dance.

Maya's eyes drifted from the hand before her to a smiling Dakran, who impatiently waited for her to take his hand.

" Come let's dance. You look like a goddess" Dakran whispered into her ear, loud enough for her to hear him over the music.

" Thank you. You look very handsome. Now that I can finally see your face." Maya replied before Dakran would pull away, and put her hand in his.

Dakran inhaled deeply, and smiled " I can't wait for this to be over, so we can be alone" the music abruptly stopped, and everyone heard the last part. Maya blushed feeling everyone's eyes on her. Slowly the rumble of laughter resounded in the hall filling the room with joyous laughter and clapping.

Dakran rolled his eyes, and cleared his throat " Can you play another one?" Dakran said in an amused tone as his eyes fell on the minstrels, who nodded, and began playing another tune.

" How long does it last, the wedding I mean?" Maya curiously asked, as they graciously began swaying on the dance floor.

" Till morning, but we will take our leave after this dance. The guests will remain behind to drink, eat and celebrate," Dakran explained as he brought Maya closer to him, leaving no space between them.

As they swayed in the hall, guests chatted amongst them, and the clinking sound of glasses was silenced as the attention turned to the couple who danced in perfect harmony with each other lost in the music, revelling in each other's bliss, failing to notice that the music had stopped while they continued to sway.

" To Dakran and Maya," the guests shouted raising their glasses and bringing the couple back to the same plain of existence.

Dakran leaned in " You know, I never thought this day would come. It feels like yesterday, when I first laid my eyes on you, while you sat on the bank of that river with your fiery hair sprawled on your shoulder and you looked at me with your green eyes. For a moment my heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. You looked ravishing. Today, you look...." Dakran sucked a breath " Enticing" he said with a salacious smile and kissed her cheek.

Maya flushed red in an instant" Dakran, I-I-I ..." she stammered, and covered her cheeks with her hands.

" Still can't get used to it. Huh? You will, this is only the beginning. You're my wife now. The gloves are off." he to took a sharp breath and impishly smiled as Maya raised her eyes to meet his, a little baffled at his remark; unsure what hid behind those words. A quick trip down memory lane took her to the night that Haren had tried to force himself on her and quickly fear crept into her heart.

With her palms on her cheeks, she gave him a sheepish look " What do you mean? The gloves are off?" she innocently asked as she lowered her hands, while the impish grin on Dakran's lips stayed, but the question remained. Had she made a mistake?

Dakran chuckled " Here in the North, we tell our wives what we think." he cleared his throat, taking Maya's hands into his as the impish grin slid off his face" I'll tell you later when it's just the two of us." he whispered, seeing that, the guests closer to them, perked up their ears, listening into their conversation.

Maya nodded and opened her mouth to speak, but she felt someone tap on her shoulder and turned to look who it was.

" My lady, it is time for you to prepare for your wedding night," Sala said with a small smile, as she locked eyes with her.

Maya nodded, and reluctantly let go of Dakran's hand while Sala turned on her heels, followed by Maya. Sala had spoken to her about it before the wedding. She will go into their chamber to remove the wedding dress, do some cleansing rituals and change into something else, Dakran will follow after.

" No need for you to do it, Sala. You can return to do your work." Dakran's heavy footsteps and gruff tone resounded in the corridor, making Maya, and Sala halted their steps.

Sala bowed " My lord, it's our customs that ask-

" I know the customs Sala, I'm no need for a lesson from you. You can take your leave." Dakran calmly retorted while Sala raised her head, displeased.

Sala bowed and reluctantly moved from her spot " This is a bad omen. No husband should touch his wife until she has done the sacred cleansing ritual." Sala grumbled as she walked in the opposite direction. Dakran sighed and closed his eyes, a little frustrated.

Maya looked at Dakran " Is she speaking of washing?" Maya asked as she looked at Sala disappeared around the corner.

Dakran nodded, tugged on her hand and they began walking in the dimly lit corridor" Old customs. There is nothing you can do about it. Sooner or later, others will take their place. Hopefully, sooner" Dakran answered as he halted his steps in front of the inlaid double doors.

Dakran sighed, with his hand on the doorknob, and looked at her " Ready?" he cheerfully asked, with a crooked smile.

Maya flustered, turned beet red again and shyly smiled. He would never get tired of that, seeing the red tint in her cheeks whenever she was embarrassed.

Every move he made was slow, or so it appeared to her. She felt tense, the palms of her hands were sweating like crazy, and for some reason, she was hot, so hot. Her heart raced in her chest, and she knew that there was no way out of this.