Wedding Day 9

When the ruckus settled, everyone began clearing the small room. Dakran tucked Maya under his protective arm and began descending off the pedestal in front of the shrine, making their way out with their eyes on each other, revelling in bliss.

As they sauntered out of the room, heading towards the dining hall, lost in their little world. The gleeful chatter behind them didn't cease, and it seemed that it was a good decision to have a wedding despite the dark times they lived in. To mark the beginning of a new age.

When Dakran and Maya entered the hall, they were greeted with modest food and for the first time in a long time, wine had been placed on the tables.

Dakran frowned, and turned to Sala who was behind him" I thought we didn't have any." Dakran remarked a little surprised.

Sala sheepishly grinned " Well, I hid it when you returned with Maya. I thought we might need it for an occasion such as this" Sala amusedly said as Dakran nodded apriaciatevely at Sala's gesture. Even though it wasn't much, it was a welcomed surprise, more than he'd hoped for.

Dakran halted his steps at the head of the table and pulled the chair for Maya to sit first with him at her side. Even if she wasn't a noble by birth, Maya was worthy of the Duchess title more than any, of the nobles he knew.

Once everyone settled at the table, Dakran sensed Maya's eyes on him and turned to her wearing a charming smile, with unbridled glee in his eyes at the woman who sat beside him, drinking each other as if they were the only ones in the room.

Dakran leaned in, his lips brushing her cheek " You're beautiful " his breath caressed her skin making her hairs stand on end as a shiver ran down her spine at the closeness between them.

Maya blushed, hands on her cheeks to cover the rising heat that threatened to turn her into a pile of ash, while Dakran's eyes didn't stray from her, making the air around them crackle, filling it with desire for each other.

A loud sound of a chair scraping the floor gained their attention as Dakran reluctantly took his eyes off Maya to look at the person who stood up. And to his surprise it was Iris.

Iris cleared her throat and raised her glass " Dakran, Maya" Iris said a little despondent but eventually mustered a smile to hide the pain " I'm happy for you and I hope the journey before you, will be an easy one. Filled with many joyful moments, and love" Iris scarfed down the glass of wine in one go while the people at the table cheered, and followed her lead.

It was clear that Iris didn't seem to be in a good mood. Their wedding was rubbing salt on old, and still very much opened wounds.

Dakran raised his glass and nodded to Iris while Maya seemed to have caught onto how Iris was feeling, and squeezed his hand. Maya looked up at him, stood from her chair and sashayed to where Iris was, taking a seat next to her. He'd failed to find the right words to put together to describe her beauty. After pondering for a few moments, Dakran sighed. Maya was stunning, period.

" Are you alright?" Maya asked as she placed her hand on top of her hand, and gave her a compassionate squeeze.

Iris sucked a breath and grimaced " I am..." Iris drawled as her gaze shifted to the chair that once Ian had sat, at the very same table " I just wish he'd be here" Iris absently said as she deflated further.

" What happened? " Maya asked in an attempt to help Iris get things off her chest. She seemed to have a lot on her plate.

Iris set her lips in a thin line and shook her head " Not today, Maya. Today is yours" Iris's voice faltered, staring at the same chair " Some other time" Iris added, and took a deep cleansing breath, finally turning to her wearing a tactful smile.

Maya frowned " Are you sure? It would be good for you to get it off your chest" Maya reasoned, placing her hand on Iris's shoulder in a comforting touch.

Iris smiled, her eyes pricked as the memories rushed, flooding her mind and bringing all the sorrow that she'd buried as deep as she could. It wasn't a good time to crash and burn.

After a few moments of silence, Iris nodded " Enjoy your day, there is a very handsome man waiting for you. I'm the last person you should spend your wedding day with" Iris poured herself another glass of wine" True love only comes once, twice if you're lucky" Iris took a swig of her wine and chuckled as her gaze drifted to Dakran who pinned Maya with his gaze.

" Alright " Maya acquiesced " Stay, don't leave. Have a breather from all the dreadfulness." Maya said her parting words as she gently squeezed her shoulder, and stood up from the seat.

Iris nodded with a semblance of a smile but she wasn't sure whether she would take up on her offer or not.

Dakran stood when Maya returned at his side, and once again pulled the chair for her, as green eyes, met brown. Dakran impishly smiled and leaned in " Don't get too comfortable " he whispered as Maya took her seat and Dakran followed.

Maya frowned and gulped " Why?" she innocently asked as Dakran pilled up food onto her plate, grinning from ear to ear, a little too ardent.

Dakran didn't reply as the giddiness in his behaviour had seemed to have taken over his reason. He'd waited long enough and wanted nothing more than to spend his wedding day with Maya, without any other interruptions.

Maya pecked on her food while her nerves were stretched to the breaking point. What would follow after their humble celebration was anxiously awaited and equally dreaded.