Wedding Day 8

As Sala, and Maya walked along the empty corridors in complete silence Maya's gaze drifted to Edýia's and Rom's chamber wondering if, Rom would hand her off to Dakran since there was no one else. Sala grabbed the hem of her skirt before they began descending the steps, carefully not to tumble down like a barrel full of wine. Maya glanced at the bottom of the steps and saw Falkirk all spruced up, awaiting with a dazed look, but it wasn't for her, it was for Sala.

" You look so beautiful!" Falkirk's sombre tone was a little bit of a shock from his usual dapper disposition.

"Thank you" Maya squeezed the words, a little woeful as her eye roamed around, looming for Rom and Edýia. She hoped that they would come, but it seemed that Edýia was not well enough.

" Come, precious. It is a joyous day for more reasons than one" Falkirk's serene tone and calm expression was something she hadn't seen on him since she'd known him. It suited him better than she'd thought.

As they walked through the corridor the faint lamps, and the candles lit along the corridor brought some calmness to the whirlwind of thoughts.

When they finally reached the door of the oratory Falkirk halted his steps, and squeezed her hand " In time of need and despair, remember that we are a pair" Falkirk candidly smiled while Maya frowned, befuddled " In time of joy and happiness remember we got there together. "Falkirk's smile stayed while Maya's questioning eyes never strayed.

" I don't understand," Maya said as she glanced at the closed doors.

" These were our oaths to each other and now it can be yours. It was my late wife's wish for our son to make them into the one he loves. But he is useless, now you can use them if you wish." Falkirk smiled and looked ahead as the doors slowly began to open.

When the door finally opened, crammed into the small oratory were all the people that lived in Ironstone. Battered, and bruised, but smiling, bowing their heads as Maya's gaze never strayed, pinned on the man sitting at the end of the aisle dressed in a white costume smiling, his ebony hair combed, full lips, those kind brown eyes locked with hers. He was handsome, so handsome that her knees buckled, and she would have hit the floor if Falkirk wouldn't wrapped his arm around her waist.

" Nervous?" Falkirk asked amusement laced his tone but she was entranced by the handsomely towering man standing in front of the shrine. Everything faded and disappeared as she and Falkirk approached Dakran, that began fidgeting on the spot ready to leap towards Maya.

As Falkirk lead Maya towards him in the longest, and slowest walk he'd experienced in his whole life. His little red took his breath away, and it seemed that she had the same effect on others, as his people just gaped and fell silent, following her with their eyes.

And for the nth time since he'd met Maya his blood drained from his body, and pooled in his groin at the sight of the wonderful woman that he would proudly call his wife a the end of what he'd hoped would be a very short ceremony.

When Maya finally reached him, Dakran was thankful for many things, but most of all for the loosely fit jacket that, perfectly covered his standing erection - an undesired effect at that particular moment.

Falkirk leaned in, kissed her cheek and stretched their joining hands towards Dakran, handing her over to him. As Darkran helped Maya to stand before him, he'd battled with himself but finally surrendered and leaned in " You look stunning" he whispered, smiling as he pulled back, and Maya blushed, but her gaze didn't shy away.

" And you look very handsome " Maya mouthed as Pelham cleared his throat to get everyone's attention " I hope everyone is ready. Once I begin, I'm not stopping for any tomfoolery" He said with a straight face as his eyes scoured the oratory in search of anyone that would oppose but everyone stayed mum.

" Very well" Pelham concluded after a brief moment of silence and squared his shoulder preparing himself to begin.

" As you all know our Lord, Lord Vamadar has chosen Maya Mulhn to be the Lady of his heart and the Lady of Ironstone ." Pelham paused and took a deep breath turning to Dakran " Dakran " Pelham nodded, and fell silent while Dakran sucked a breath and cleared his throat, fishing out of his pocket a small box, and opening it to reveal a golden ring encrusted with ruby red gems.

" Maya" Dakran said as his voice faltered a bit and gulped to calm his jittery nerves " I pledge my undying love, and devotion to you, as long there still breath in me, my heart will always belong to you. As we become one, I vow to protect and uphold you in our darkest and most joyful moments." Dakran let out a silent sigh " I love you Maya" Dakran finished his vows, looking into Maya's twinkling eyes, nervously smiling, pulling her hand into his and slipping the sparkling ring onto her finger.

" With this ring, I promise to uphold my oath to you" Dakran raised her hand to his lips and kissed the ring on her finger to show his unbridled devotion towards Maya.

Pelham cleared his throat with a priggish expression on his face, and turned to Maya " Maya " he prompted since it was her turn to make her vows.

Doe-eyed, and flustered Maya reluctantly peeled her eyes off their joining hand, raising them to look into Dakran's kind brown eyes filled with love, and adoration " Dakran" Maya softly called as she placed her hands on his chest " I didn't think that would be possible to love someone so much in such a short time, so much. I vow to be by your side, love you and cherish you for as long I shall live, to be yours and uphold all your dreams. In times of need and despair, remember we are a pair. In time of joy and happiness remember we got there together. I love you Dakran" Maya finished her vows looking into Dakran's eyes, who struggled to control the whirlwind of emotions, but smiled and shakily breathed out the breath that he didn't even realise he was holding.

Pelham clasped his hands breaking the silence that had fallen in the small oratory and the bubble that the two newlyweds were caught in, bringing everyone back to reality.

" Beautiful!" Pelham exclaimed " Now, I pronounce you husband and wife. Everyone, The Lord and Lady of Ironstone, Dakran and Maya Vamadar. " Pelham announced in a cheerful tone while everyone cheered as Dakran folded Maya into his arms and captured her lips into a passionate kiss.

Pelham let out an exasperated sigh when the two didn't seem to want to let go of each other. Cautiously, Pelham patted Dakran on his shoulder in an attempt to break the kiss that was slowly devolving into something else, since Dakran's hand slowly caressed Maya's curves, and settled on her bottom.

" Dakran, Maya!" Pelham called a little louder as the crowd in the room had turned their full attention onto them.

Dakran reluctantly pulled away, and gave Pelham a pointed look " It can wait" Pelham said a little defensively. His little remark was met with a somewhat displeased look from Dakran while Maya blushed, and buried her face into Dakran's chest to avert her face from the prying eyes in the room.