Wedding Day 7

As her thoughts drifted further so did her fear, and unease at what the future held for her. Uncertainty weighed heavily on her heart but so did the love she carried for Dakran. As she slipped on the other shoe, Maya straightened herself up in front of Sala who was speechless. Her eyes shined with unshed tears, staring at Maya with her hand over her mouth while Maya kinda stared at the place behind Sala lost in her thoughts. The tightening angst grew further as her heart began thumping in her chest faster, and faster, rising to her throat, feeling a little breathless.

" I need to speak with Dakran" Maya blurted out and turned on her heels to walk out of the chamber leaving Sala, a little dumbstruck. When she finally snapped out of her daze, Sala grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

" No! Bad luck, great horrors will come upon both of you if he sees you in your wedding dress" Sala stammered panicking and turned ashen.

Maya closed her eyes and sighed in frustration " Fine. I just want to speak with him. I don't have to see him." Maya said in a firmer tone a little exasperated. She's been locked up in the room with Sala for what seemed an eternity.

Sala raised her hands in surrender " Alright! I'll go let him know, but he can't see you" Sala's tone matched Maya's tone while she waved her finger in front of her. Both were exasperated with each other.

Sala halted before she opened the door " You look beautiful, and you're every bit worthy of being the Lady of this house and these lands" Sala praised, and she finally stepped out of the room while Maya began pacing before the door wringing her hands.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoing in the stone corridor brought Maya to the present, and she stopped in front of the door petrified; as the overwhelming desire to open the door to see Dakran unfurled, and spread like wildfire.

" Maya " Dakran called from behind the door worry laced his tone as the door knob moved, her desire to burst through the door and into his arms, spurred her even further and rushed to the door.

" No! " she pressed her hands on the door," Sala said, it's bad luck " Maya's tone softened as she rested her forehead on the door, and sighed.

" Alright. I want to have a good day so I'll stay on this side of the door. Sala said that you wanted to speak with me. What is it?" Dakran asked from the other side of the door; the sound of the calm, even voice brought some comfort.

Maya took a deep breath " I'm.." Maya paused scrunching her eyes closed unable to voice her thoughts. What if Dakran would think she was crazy? It was unlike her to be shaken by something so stupid.

" I'm only a seamstress Dakran. I'm not like you. I'm not born a noble. What if one day'll find someone like you" Maya's voice faded as she spoke as the thought of being replaced finally began to take life in her head and catapulted her imagination into something wild. Scarred for life, unable to bear children, only a meagre seamstress, nobody would want her now, let alone in her old age. Her self-doubt was getting the best of her, lately. Everything that had come to pass, had left a mark on her. Self-doubt, the uncertainty of what would become of her if, one day all this mirage will turn out to be nothing more, than just a bitter-sweet memory. Sisters of fate were kind but also cruel, at times.

Dakran fell silent, while Maya's mind continued to unravel different tales about what her life would be like once Dakran would dispose of her. Maya felt the door slowly pushing her back, bringing her back to the same plane of existence while Dakran's foot pushed through the ajar door " My eyes are closed" Dakran said as Maya reached her hand to his, and closed her eyes before Dakran stepped into the room.

Dakran pulled her into his arms, somehow found her forehead, and placed a gentle kiss. While his hand explored the dress, the little shawl on her shoulders. Eventually, he found her face, placed his finger under her chin, and pecked her lips, smiling against her lips.

" I missed you," Dakran said, pulling away with his eyes still closed. Or at least she hoped, he wasn't peeking. She didn't believe in old wives' tales, but it was best not to grate the gods.

" I missed you too" Maya buried her face in his chest feeling all the dreary thoughts slip away as if his presence had chased all the fears.

Dakran sighed " I knew you weren't noble, that didn't matter. I didn't know you were a seamstress. Not until the other day. Anyone can be a noble, with the right amount of gold." Dakran chuckled, but quickly faded into a sigh " Well, there isn't much nobility around here if that's what you're worried about " Dakran's tone was grave " But if that doesn't help"

" No, it doesn't " Maya quickly answered.

" Then " he paused again and cleared his throat " I only have this to offer" Dakran placed her hand over his heart " This belongs to you Maya, and only you. I love you, and only you. And this is all I can offer right now " Dakran sounded resigned " You have to choose what to do with it" Dakran brought her hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on its back, and Maya frowned when the prickly hair on his face didn't tickle her hand.

Maya raised their joined hands, and brushed Dakran's cheek with the tip of her fingers " Your beard" Maya gasped as her fingers continued to explore his face Dakran's lips stretched into a wide grin.

" I shaved it " Dakran amusedly said as he pressed her hand onto his face.

Tempted to open her eyes and have a peek at the beardless man she was about to marry. Maya scrunched her eyes tighter as curiosity reared its ugly head, nagging at her to open her eyes to catch a glimpse, one small peek.

Darkran leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek " You'll see it soon enough" Dakran whispered as Sala burst through the door like a storm and gasped.

"I knew I couldn't trust you two" Sala admonished as she dropped a cloak over Maya, and pushed Dakran out the door.

" It's time," she said as she pushed the door to a close behind Dakran.

"We had our eyes closed the entire time" Maya squeaked from under the cloak, fearful of Sala's wrath.

" It's time, dear" Sala's tone softened as she pulled the silvery-looking cloak off her head and draped it over her shoulders.

Maya nodded and walked to the standing mirror, and looked at herself, stunned that her appearance had changed so much with just one dress and splash of colour.