Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder 3

Maya gathered enough strength to smile, closed her eyes and took a deep breath when the tip of his manhood poked at her entrance. Even though he'd promised to be gentle and fully aware that it was her first time. His excitement and impatience were just as tangible, as his eager throbbing cock. Alas, he had to reign in his own desires, and lust, if he wanted to make their wedding night a pleasant one - a night worth remembering.

" Little red, look at me please," Dakran pleaded, his voice was ragged, and laboured. His thumb brushed her bottom lip. Desire, and fear both unfurled inside at the promise in his voice.

Maya felt his breath on her forehead, the touch of his warm, soft lips made her open her eyes. Dakran inhaled deeply " I want you to look at me, Maya." He whispered against her forehead. He pulled away when Maya nodded, and his fingers traced her neck all the way down to the valley of her breasts in a feather-like touch, making her hairs stand on end.

She opened her eyes again, only to find Dakran wearing an apologetic smile and pressing his forehead onto hers, as a lone tear escaped, eyes locked onto each other's. Maya took a sharp breath in when Dakran moved his hips, easing his way into her, stretching her walls and Maya curled her lips behind her teeth, groaning at the stinging pain, bowing her wonderfully shaped body, and stilled. She was a vision, with round breasts that perfectly fitted into his hand, a delicate waist, shapely bottom. Dakran huffed to still his thoughts as his cock was eagerly awaiting more, wanted more of her. He knew once he'd had a taste of her, he'd become obsessed with his beautiful wife and he wouldn't have any other way.

Her dazed look quickly faded, contorting into one of pain; her gaze stayed on him as he pushed on, despite the vice-like grip on his cock.

Now, he was starting to feel the pain as well. The more he pushed on, Maya's walls clamped down on him, she was resisting him, afraid of the pain. But she didn't shy away despite, the deep red blush on her cheeks. He definitely, would never get tired of that. He needed a distraction. Maya was focusing on the pain, rather than him. It was to be expected after all that she'd been through.

Dakran eyebrows knotted " Maya, I can't move," He rasped as he pulled back a bit, and the relief on Maya's face was instantaneous. And finally released that breath that she was holding.

Maya wearily smiled, and Dakran kissed her nose " I love you, little red," Dakran huffed, a little out of breath as he pushed his hips forward easing himself into Maya again and Maya stiffened again, clamped down on him, suffocating a painful groan.

Dakran chuckled, bobs of sweat started to form on his forehead and turned red, strained, heavily panting. Keeping himself under control was getting to him. All he wanted was to plunge himself in one go, and it would be the end of it. But the pain that Maya would've suffered was not worth it.

" Focus on me. Not the pain" He rasped, breathlessly, as he pulled out again; despite the fact he'd managed to only get the tip of his cock in. There was much more of him to go. And the wait had just become longer, but he knew that the reward, would be far greater than his torment.

Maya shook her head, her grip on the bed sheets tightened and her walls clenched even more when he pushed himself again. Trying to go a little further this time. Maya bowed, groaning in pain. It was too much, he was too much. She heard stories before about other women's first night, and none of them had mentioned, anything, even remotely this size. The one-eyed monster, stretched her walls each time he pushed his length inside her. And the pain and fear of it were crippling her mind.No more pain, she'd had enough.

Dakran sighed, " Please Maya. I'm begging you, stop resisting. The only way is through it. So, please try, " He pleaded again and Maya shook her head again, looking at him fearful, defiant even. He needed to break her thoughts and bring her in there with him.

" Feisty, little red. I like it. It only makes him grow bigger," Dakran crooned impishly grinning. Despite the fear in her eyes at the pain, she would have to go through. It seemed that it finally dawned on her that there is no other way out.

Her eyes widened, her brows raised in surprise, and sorely smiled. As her grip on the bed sheets loosened, her body veered a bit. Dakran grabbed that opportunity and moved his hips again, but this time, he pushed in more than he should have. Maya pulled on the pillow and muffled a painful groan. It was loud, if she hadn't muffled it with the pillow, he was sure it have reached to the grounds.

" As long you scream my name, you can scream all you want. There's no none in the corridors tonight. It's just us," He jokingly said in an attempt to take her mind off the pain. And it seemed that it had worked. Letting the pain out seemed to have helped as his length snuggled in her tight core, the pain slowly faded into something dull, not as bad as she'd expected it to be.