Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder 4

When Maya took the pillow off her face and looked at him surprised " Alright," She whispered, letting go of the pillow and curling up her hands around his neck, running her finger through his hair. Her touch felt good, sweet as she was and he craved more of her.

" How badly does it hurt?" He asked as he pushed the hairs off her face, in an attempt to take her mind off the pain.

" It's not- Ahh...Mmm," Another loud groan echoed in the room when he pushed himself deeper before she even had a chance to answer the question. Dakran felt the bite of her nails on his skin, but all of that faded into oblivion at the warm and wet feel of her around his cock. It felt good, amazing to be with her, become one.

Maya's chest heaved, and glared at Dakran, who himself struggled to breathe, but slowly dove deeper a bit at a time as she slowly adjusted to his impressive girth.

" Wrap your legs around my waist," Dakran lowered himself on his elbows, pressing his lips against her capturing her lips as the tender kiss grew in intensity matching his thrusts. Slow at first, but she was glad that the worst part was over, or so she thought.

Moans and humms caught in the kiss as pain turned into pleasure; the promise of bliss at the end of the painful journey was inciting. Feeling full to the brim, Maya's body bowed under Dakran's touch, pushing her breasts into his chest, and meeting his thrusts. He pushed a little more at a time hoping she wouldn't notice that he was only halfway in.

Lost in the throes of passion Maya moaned a little louder when he pushed deeper, a little anxious and mindful of her reactions. He wanted her to feel pleasure not pain or tormented.

Maya moaned louder, it was almost a scream when he finally pushed himself all the way to the hilt. She shortly came back from the high but Dakran captured her lips in an attempt to take her mind off the jolt of pain that shot through her body. Even though her walls had been stretched beyond any expectation, he religiously kept his pace. Slow and tender.

Dakran didn't relent, lost in the passion, reveling in her warm embrace he continued thrusting, as the pleasure began to build quicker than he'd expected or wanted. Feeling his release approaching Dakran slowed his pace to delay the ending of what he considered the best night of his life. His imagination hadn't done Maya any justice, as she bowed, her sumptuous curves under him, lush lips brushing his cheek and pleasured sighs made good company for the fire burning under his skin. It was an overwhelming feeling, a welcomed one.

" Dakran," Maya moaned a semblance of his name, arching and pushing her fantastically round breast into his face finally letting all prudish feelings go, surrendering to pleasure.

" Oh, Maya" Dakran crooned and took her peak in his mouth as continued to conquer Maya with each thrust into her tight, soaked core.

Maya curled up her arms around his neck, pushing her breast further into his mouth ." I love you, Dakran" Maya huffed tugging on his hair demanding more and he had no choice but to comply; latched on her breast like a suckling, while he plunged deeper into her with his length, taking and giving great pleasure in satisfying her wishes.

Maya's body tightly bowed again, and one final moan escaped her lips as Dakran let go of her breast and picked up his pace finding his own release into her arms, slumping onto her; breathlessly groaning, spreading his seed.

Silence settled in as Maya rode on the highs of pleasure, tingling, feeling fully sated. She had no clue if that was what it was supposed to feel like but it felt amazing. With no trace of the pain that she'd felt earlier, only his manhood pulsing inside her, and his weight pressing down on her, breathless and blissfully happy.

" I always hated my name but coming off your lips. Is the most beautiful name I've ever heard." Dakran chuckled as he raised his head to look at her, feeling pleasurably exhausted.

" I love you little red. This night was far better than I ever imagined. " Dakran pressed his forehead onto hers and gently placed a kiss on her lips. While Maya slowly came down from the high and began sobering up.

" You're mine now," Dakran kissed her nose and chuckled, giddy.

" And you are mine, you big lump," Maya returned the smile biting on her lip, struggling to contain her giddiness, joy and love danced in her eyes as she drank him in. Smitten, obliviously happy and everything else had lost its meaning and purpose for one night. At that moment with him, only he was the only man that she truly loved. What she felt for Dakran was above all else true and pure love.

Dakran chuckled " I'm a big lump but look how well you took me in," he bit his lip, to contain his widening grin" This is the best night of my life" His lips brushed her cheek and buried his face in her fiery red hair. Grateful that he'd never given up on her. Maya wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight while a tear streaked her cheek - a tear of joy.

" This is something I'll carry with me for as long as I live Maya. I'll look back upon this night and I will definitely smile. My wife almost thwarted my plans tonight." Dakran chuckled and kissed her shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief.

Maya loosened her grip on him and cupped his face " I never thought that " She took a deep breath "A brooding, gloomy man could be so loving and caring like you are. You are a hidden treasure and I intend to keep it that way. So don't go around being nice to other women. This is mine and mine only" Maya cradled his face with her hands and captured his lips in a fiery kiss. Dakran moaned in the kiss and slowly pulled away.

" Careful, you will wake the monster," He said with an impish grin as he reluctantly pulled himself. Displeased at the loss of the snug little burrow he'd been tucked in. Maya took a sharp breath and winced at the sting.

Maya mustered a smile and turned softly groaning. Her eyes shined with happiness, and her freckled cheeks had remnants of blush in them. She was glowing, like the sun right before it set.

"Does it hurt?" Dakran curiously asked as he turned to the side to face her, resting his hand on her neck, and brushing her cheek with his thumb. While he took her other hand in his and kissed it, keenly looking at her waiting for her answer.

" A little" She shyly replied and set her lips in a thin line. Dakran shuffled closer, folding her into his arms and kissed her hair, feeling guilty and relieved that the worst part was over.

"I'm sorry, " Dakran's apologetic tone made Maya pull away from his embrace and kiss his lips.

" No. I wanted it to happen just as much as you did. I was just afraid of that," Maya pointed at his cock with a puckish grin and Dakran chuckled.

" Once you get to know him better, you'll love him," Dakran amusedly said and lovingly kissed her forehead.

" Let's get you cleaned up," He said, pushing himself off the bed with her in tow and taking her to the tub, in front of the fire. Maya wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his lips

" I can do this myself. You don't have to do it" Maya blushed as Dakran stepped into the tub, lowering himself into the warm water with her in tow. Maya hissed, frowning when the water touched her sensitive bits and Dakran hugged her to his chest in an attempt to soothe her pain but he knew that won't do much.

" I know you can," Dakran gathered her hair and placed it over her shoulder letting his hand rest on it as the lukewarm water did its magic washing away all the angst and tension in her body.