Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder 5

Leaning against his chest Maya let out a satisfied hum, as Dakran ran his fingers up and down her arm, slowly silence settled in the wake of their lovemaking. Maya glanced up at Dakran who had his head tilted back, resting against the tub edge, breathing shallowly. Maya wondered what he was thinking. Now that the gentle giant has received his most coveted prize. She wondered what will happen from there. Marriages were tricky. That was what she learned from all the stories she'd heard. A woeful sigh escaped her lips, and Dakran raised his head spurred by the very same sigh, worried. Had he done something wrong? He sure as hell, tried his best to show her how much he loved her but Haren's disgusting deed would hunt them for the rest of their lives. Haren had put doubt, and fear into Maya's mind. That filth of a man didn't deserve to walk on the ground beneath his feet.

Dakran took a silent breath in, grounding himself. He was allowing his intrusive thoughts to ruin his wedding night when he should be enjoying it and being present.

" Is there something on your mind?" Maya heard Dakran ask suddenly and Maya looked up at him with questioning eyes.

" Will things between us change now?" Maya asked in a quiet voice making Dakran frown, a little baffled at the question.

" Change? How?" Dakran's frown deepened, his lips set in a thin line with a rather grim expression.

" Well..." Maya gulped "Now that you had me. I was wondering what will happen next ?" Maya continued in the same quiet voice while Dakran's expression brightened up at the question, looking at her doe-eyed, maybe a little worried.

" If you don't mind," Dakran cleared his throat and manage his expectations " I would like some more of you," He cleared his throat again to contain his grin.

Maya's eyes widened and frowned " No. I mean outside the bed, " Maya blushed at the word bed almost instantly. Her gaze lowered ashamed even though there was no need for that between them. Not anymore but the rush of pleasure had already faded.

" Oh. Well, " Dakran took a deep breath and leaned so that they were nose to nose" I believe that you should remain in bed with me for the rest of your days, " Dakran grinned amused " I don't think I can stay away from you very long," He amusedly said, and it was met with a pointed look. She wasn't amused, not even in the slightest.

" You will take your place at my side, as my wife, and the ruler of the Dreissen territories which includes the Inari tribesmen and women. Tsavo and others on the edge of the border" Dakran gave her a quick rundown of the lands that he owned, but were now worthless.

Maya nodded, her gaze on him softened. A sign that his answer had satisfied her need for reassurance.

" I can do that," Maya confidently answered, but it was more for herself than for him.

" I know you can. Without a shadow of a doubt. We will accomplish great things together. But for now, I have other things in mind," Dakran mouth quirked up in a half smile " Less political, and more "Dakran placed his finger under her chin bringing her lips to his " Sacred " His grin widened, and dove in capturing her lips, ravishing her mouth while his length poked at her bottom. Their time in the water ended when, Dakran stood out of the bath with her in tow, padding across the floor to the bed without breaking the kiss.

Dripping with water Dakran pulled a towel hooked on the bedpost and wrapped it around Maya, putting one knee on the bed. Dakran pulled away breathlessly and looked at Maya, who was already dazed. Swollen rosy lips, flushed red, looking up at him, demure. Dakran was a handsome man. Squared jaw, straight nose, and kind brown eyes that hid a lot of pain and torment.His ruffled ebony hair, broad shoulders, sturdy build and the humongous one-eyed monster. She had every reason to be worried, and question, why had he chosen her.

He placed her on the bed making quick work with his hands and deftly dried Maya up. And hastily continued doing the same with himself. When he was done he dropped the towel on the floor and turned all his attention to Maya, but to his surprise, she was captivated by his cock. For some reason, he didn't know whether he should be upset or pleased that his manhood had become the object of her affection.

Dakran closed the distance, placing one knee on the edge, he climbed on it all fours, looming over Maya who took a deep breath and bit her lip. When Dakran continued to climb on the bed, Maya lowered herself to the bed, sprawled. Curious eyes keenly watched his every move. He finally had the patience to take all of her in. Tinged freckled cheeks, rosy skin, fantastic round full breasts, delicate waist, plump thighs, and behind to die for. She was beyond anything he'd expected. At the mere sight of her, his cock came to life like never before. He was hard, hard for her like he'd never been before.

" Nervous?" Dakran asked as he began trailing kisses on her face and Maya finally peeled her eyes off his cock to look at him.

" A little, " Maya breathlessly said as Dakran continued his downward onslaught on her body, stopping at her breasts and latching onto her hardened peak. Maya pleasurably sighed and unfurled under him. All legs, and arms, sprawled, ready to take him into her burrow. Into the realm of pleasure.

Dakran hand slipped in between her legs as his mouth suckled on her breast sending shivers down her spine, and writhed under him. When Dakran pushed one finger inside her, Maya moaned and bowed pushing her mouthwatering breast into his mouth.

" You're so beautiful, Maya" Dakran crooned as he let go of her breast, pulling his finger out and putting it in his mouth, revelling in the taste and plopping himself next to her.

" Do you trust me?" Dakran asked as he pulled her against him, spooning her.

Maya looked up at him, meandering her arm around his neck " Yes," a breathy reply as she rose her lips to meet his, both drowning in the kiss while he deftly fondled her breast.

Maya bowed pushing her curvy bottom into his lap, moulding herself onto him. She tugged on his hair, returning his feverish kiss with the same passion and fervour. Parting ways with her breast, Dakran tenderly traced her shapely curves to her knee, pulling it over his, spreading her legs open. The very same hand stroked her thigh to her already soaking folds. All the while his mouth ravaged hers, with unbridled passion, and hunger. Maya bowed and moaned in the kiss when Dakran slipped his finger in between her more than ready folds, moaning in the kiss, squeezing her breast in approval at her soaking slick core.

As Dakran's fingers deftly pleasured her, the surge of heat within her core continued to rise, demanding more, of him, to feel him and his length in her as her grip around his neck tightened and slowly broke the kiss, breathless, wanton.

" I want you," Maya whispered against his lips and Dakran bit his lips and hissed a breath.

" And you shall have me," Dakran captured her lips, pulling out his finger and replacing it with his length, easing his way into her. Maya gasped and bowed her exquisite body making Dakran let out a groan as he pushed deeper into her tight and welcoming core feeling her walls wrap around him, surrendering to the blissful feeling and the beautiful woman in his arms.

Nuzzled in the crook of her neck, with one last push to the hilt. Dakran's length filled her with pleasure and his cock. The feel of him was deliriously blissful. If moments ago, she ran away from it. Now she was more than ready, to have him inside her for as long as possible.

With each thrust, pleasured sighs and moans escaped her lush lips.

Dakran lifted his head, running his nose on Maya's cheek "You're a sultry temptress, my wife" Dakran crooned as he nibbled on her ear lobe. Maya moaned and began meeting each of his thrusts. His lips, sturdy muscular body pressed against hers, and hands that incessantly caressed her body taking her to heights she never imagined existed. The fire within her blazed for him and only him. Maya bowed and stilled in his arms as she reached her release, and he wasn't far behind. Her sensuality emanated out of each pore, driving his very being to the edge, just by looking at her. His restraint went out the window as he dove faster, and deeper into her tight slick core. Maya's breast bobbed up and down under his powerful thrust, and pleasured sighs were quickly replaced by loud moans, clinging onto him. Dakran slammed himself in one powerful thrust and buried his face in her neck, breathlessly, pleasantly moaning, folding her into his arms. A very dazed and fully sated Maya huffed in his arms out of breath, covered in sweat and a scent that would never get old, of his and hers.

Maya licked her lips, letting her arm slip off his neck as lowered his leg and kissed her neck and inhaled deeply.

" I love you, Maya, my little red, my wife, my everything," Dakran rasped as came down from his elation whilst Maya remained quiet with her eyes closed. Dakran watched her chest rise and fall, mesmerized by her the swell of her fantastic breasts. A temple, a shrine and he would gladly worship at her feet for the rest of his life.

Maya opened her eyes and gulped ' And I, you, Dakran. I never thought that one could love someone this much. You're the air that I breathe. Don't ever hurt me," Maya's smile slowly faded as she said the last words and so did his.

Dakran placed his finger under her chin ' My wife, I would never," He closed his eyes to gather his witts " Believe me, it never even crossed my mind. I want to love you and make you as happy as you make me " Dakran gently pressed his lips to hers, in a feather-like kiss, full of tenderness and love.

Maya turned in his arms as the high that she'd been riding had slowly faded, burying her face in his neck. Dakran folded his over her back, pressing her harder against him and sighed. Content, obliviously happy, fulfilled. Those were the feelings that he'd become a vessel for. All because of her, his wife. Dakran grinned and kissed her hair. Maya was his wife.