Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder 6

Revelling in blissful happiness, Dakran took every chance to hold Maya. Both naked, skin to skin, lips gently brushed here, and there, letting her hand roam freely on his body. The soft touch of her fingers caressing him was nothing more than a pyre to his already blazing fire. He was ready to go again. Be good, Dakran. He religiously told himself. It was their first time together, as husband and wife.

Man and woman. He sucked a breath when her hand, caressed his thigh. And slowly but surely, grazed up on his thigh and cupped his jewels. Dakran let out a silent breath, Maya was just exploring. He told himself, just to keep his intrusive thoughts at bay.

When Maya curled her fingers around his already hard cock, he couldn't help but think that he wasn't the only one that wanted more.

Nonetheless, a fair caution was due " Little red" Dakran crooned as her lips traced his neck " You're playing with fire," Dakran gulped when she slowly began moving her hand up, and down along his length.

Maya hummed but didn't stop. Her lips brushed his jaw, while she was toying with cock. A very dangerous move on her part. He was far from being satisfied with what he'd gotten so far. Not, when it came to his little red.

" Little red," Dakran called as the pleasure rose within his body, bursting " If you don't stop, " Dakran groaned when she nipped his skin " I will fuck the living daylight out of you," Dakran huffed, gulping, and palmed her breast.

His caution had gone in the wind despite the closeness because Maya didn't stop. She carried on rubbing him off and it felt good. The feel of her hand gliding was sending him into a frenzy of less-than-sacred thoughts. Brave enough to not heed his words, Maya didn't relent. Her mouth kissed, and licked while her hand, albeit gentle, pleasured him. It was maddening.

Dakran closed his eyes, pondering on what to do. But after a brief battle with himself, his urges had won the battle. In one swift move, he pulled his cock out of her hand, flipped Maya on the bed, grabbed her hips and slammed himself into her, with all he had.

Maya groaned, loud, followed by a mewl when he pulled back and slammed again, hard. His instincts, lustful desire and the urge to rub that bush until smoke would come out of it were in control.

With her face buried in the sheets, groaning and moaning under his powerful thrusts. Painful pleasure surged taking her to new heights, amazing heights. Everything faded, as he filled her with great pleasure. Himself enthralled in their lovemaking. Their moans groans, and the sound of him slamming himself into her with all he had, filled the room. It was unbearably hot. She was perfect. Her behind fitted perfectly in his lap, and his cock had found a new place to call home. Her snug little burrow wrapped around him with each thrust, ravaging her convulsing walls.

" Fuck" Dakran panted; picked up his pace, thrusting and pulling at her hips. His onslaught on her was savage, untamed. He'd let all of his reason slip away and allowed his desire to run free, wild.

Dakran slammed himself into her and stilled " Little red" he moaned, blissed out, but fell on deaf ears. Splayed out on the bed, Maya heaved, out of breath, unmoving. Dakran lowered himself on top of her, pressing his chest on her back and intertwined his fingers with hers.

" Maya" Dakran kissed her cheek, but Maya didn't move, or speak.

Guilt quickly unfurled in his gut at the thought that maybe he'd taken things a bit too far. Against him, Maya was quite small. He was doubtful that she could withstand what he was capable of doing to her. Dakran closed his eyes and shakily sighed.

" Maya" Dakran gulped " Are you alright? He added concerned and kissed her cheek again.

After a few moments of silence, Maya hummed, but that was all she did. But that didn't give much insight or soothe his growing worries.

" I'm good" Maya blew a breath " So, good" Maya huffed, and opened her eyes.

And with that, his short-lived moment of torment was replaced by the thought that Maya, liked it hot and heavy. Did she?

" Did I hurt you?" Dakran tried to get an inkling of how it was for her. For him, it was beyond what he'd imagined it would be. He'd never felt more alive, in his entire life. He was so drunk with pleasure that he didn't take in anything else other than that overwhelming rush, bursting through his entire being.

" No" Maya giggled and kissed his lips " It felt good, really good" Maya added with a frazzled grin.

" So you like it wild. Who would have thought?" Dakran said a little in disbelief.

" It seems that way," Maya kissed his lips, biting on his lower lips as she pulled away.

" You're greedy and untamed," Dakran pursed his lips to contain a smile.

" I can live with that," He added with a chuckle and rubbed his nose on hers.

" I'm greedy" Maya bit her lip " How can I not be?" Maya paused for a beat and shuffled under him to face him.

" That's how I feel about you little red," Dakran cocked his head " You drive me mad," He paused to ease himself into her " I'm already hard. I fucking want you. So bad, and I can't stop. You won't be able to sit down tomorrow if I have let myself go. I'm worse than a dog in heat." Dakran chuckled and nudged her with his cock. His words were enough to capture how she felt for him. It was insane how much she wanted him and it wasn't enough. The more he gave her, the more she wanted